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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

858. Point a water gun at the cashier and yell "This is a hold up!"

857. Go to the lost and found and ask if they can help you get your virginity back.

856. Eat all the free samples, then throw up and say there must be something wrong with them.

855. Yell "WOW, THAT'S A LOW PRICE!" every time you pick up an item (Bonus points if you're in Staples)

854. Ride around the store in your "invisible car"

853. Steal from the other shoppers' shopping carts, then claim all their stuff was recalled.

852. When someone walks by you, yell "Are you looking at me?!?! ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME!?!?!!!"

851. Go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist where to find PP Up. Wink at them.
850: repeat all of the above in slow-mo
849: Buy a machete
848: Ask random people if they've seen an invisible shiny bulbasaur
847: stab everyone you see with a green foam sword and shout "RANDOM DUDE used LEAF BLADE"
846: Eat all of the M&M's, save for a single green one
845: Show off your Pokewalker
844: Ask a clerk to direct you to the "TMs and HMs" section
843: after making purchases, refuse to leave until someone says "We hope to see you again"
842: ask everyone you see for the Spanish word for "Taco"
841: Colect all of the weaponry you could use for a potential zombie apocalypse. then build a fort out of flat screen Tvs (bonus if you watch a zombie movie on one of them)
840: Steal every non-nintendo product in the store and burn it, screaming NINTENDO FTW!
838. Run around in Organization XIII cosplay costumes.

837. Set pigeons loose in the store.

836. Put pickles in the cash register
834: Cosplay as Goku and use ugg boots instead to annoy other blokes!
833: Jump out randomly at someone shouting: "KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAA!!!"!
832: Find as big a sofa as possible and grab beer and watch the World Cup, cheering at whoever scores (except for Germany and Portugal, but jumping up and shouting obscenities when Christiano Ronaldo does something, anything, even if it's not with the ball)!
831: Pick up a bottle of lubricant and go to the produce section. Hold up the lube and look contemplative. Be sure to nod often.

830: Slip flavored lubricant into the cart of the oldest people you can find.

829: If there are radios on in the Electronics section, change it to the country music station and turn it up as loud as you can.

828: Get friends to dress up as Team Fortress 2 characters. Stage a game with paintball guns. Advertise it across town as cp_walmart.

827: If you are a man, grab three bras and take them to the dressing rooms. Wink at the attendant.

826: Leave ominous notes in the tabloids. (I've actually done this. >:D)

825: When the greeter says "Hello", answer by bursting out into song, Broadway musical style. Do not stop singing until you leave the store.
823: Get a few friends together and go into wherever BB Guns are sold and reenact scenes from the Halo series!
822: Or reenact scenes from any generic FPS title!
821: Cosplay Final Fantasy style and act out a random Final Fantasy boss fight/Weapon battle!
820: Gather together in a circle with said friends and start chanting stuff from the Sneewoplian hymn book! (most of which involve weed...)
819: Go into the games shop and stand and stare at whatever game they have set up for you to try!
818: Play said game for a few moments, stop, let another friend play for a few moments, then stop, let another friend play for a few moments, then stop, let another...
816: Run around trying to start a Mexican Wave!
815: Get a partner (it doesn't matter if it's someone of the opposite sex) and run into the bed store and dive under the covers! Then after several suggestive movements and sounds alike, come out and merely walk away wearing expressions that suggest nothing ever even happened...
814: go to the costumes aisle, get a pumpkin costume, go to the bike aisle, get a bike, and ride around the store.
813: Jus go and stand in the middle of the shopping centre, jus stand there, and look up for 2 minutes, then turn round, inspect the gathered crowd and slink off unseen...
812: For every bagged product you find, rip it open and let all the contents fall out. Repeat with as many as possible.
811: eat enough cookies to cause a world-wide recession
810: sneak up on two people having a converstaion. wait until you hear something of social value and then shout I'M TWEETING THIS!
809: keep asking people if they hear the voices
808: get a bunch of friends, and jump out at customers singing, high school musical style
807:bang your head into a wall. repeatedly.
806:search frantically for a non-existent item.
805:remember: Baseball bat + Produce aisle= fun!
804: follow a random person around, laughing at their every sentence.
803:read a tabloid then run around the store screamin OH MY GOD!!!!
802:bury yourself in potato chip bags, and pop out at random passerby.
801: Purchase something, and then chuck it at the head of the clerk you just bought it from.
800: ask a clerk where to leave a bomb threat
799: Hide among the clothes whispering "You want me..." whenever someone comes near!
798: Go into the toy section and stage a war between GI Joe and GI Jane using as many toys as possible using up the whole isle!
797: Still in same toy place (somehow), nick all the Transformers toys and start a miniature Autobot/Decepticon war with the dolls as prizes for whoever's left standing after so long!

At 1:00 in the morning( at Walmart)if no one is there, then take advantage of it!!!

Hide in in the clothes rack and scream to passerbys ,"INSERTCRAZYTALKHERE!"
792: Hello sir, would you like to take a short survey?

Why thank you sir! Question one: How long is your schlong?

793: Make a fortress out of macaroni and throw tuna cans at bystanders.
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