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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

791: Play a game of volleyball in the cafe
790: Throw boomerangs around and hide them behind your back when someone's looking.
789: ( Annoying Orange reference ) Dress up in orange and walk up to one of the cashiers without anyone in line, and say " Hey cashier" Until they scream " WHAT?!?" then say
" Boss!". When they turn to look, run away as fast as possible!
788: Stand in the book section and give away all of the endings when people pass by to check them.

787: In the cards section open up all of the ones with sound. Symphony of insanity.

786: Hog all of the game demos in the gaming section.
785: Talk as loudly as possible on a cell phone or Bluetooth headset whilst waiting in line at the checkout.

784: Look around for a Wet Floor sign, then take an armload of towels from the bathroom section and throw them about, shouting "WET FLOOR" to passersby.

783: Replace bags of flour in the baking section with sand in identical bags. Seal them up as they were before for the best effect.
782: Put the books meant for adults in the section with books for little kids.
781: Fold a paper airplane and make it fly down from the highest floor.
780: Throw waterballoons.
779: Take the lobsters out of their tanks, go over to the arts and crafts area, and glue googly-eyes onto them. Then take them over to a changing room and leave them there.
778: give a box containing a hungry dog to the butcher.
777: dress up as a fantasy warrior and ambush everyone walking past YOUR cupboard.
776: Find a sign with "WET..." whatever and take it as an instruction!
775: Go into the game shop and move all the cases around so you've got PS2 games in the Xbox section, Xbox in GameCube, DVDs in PS3 and Xbox 360 in PS2, those having been replaced with DS, who have been replaced with GBA who are now in DVD... (complicated, but worth the confused and bemused looks on people's faces!!!)
774: Go to the Jewellers (H.Samuel preferrably) and look into the display cases and shout "LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT ROCK! It CAN'T be real! Is it?" and other assorted stuff!
773: turn on your radio real loud
772: get some of your friends to sing real bad with you.
771: run around screaming BLOOD! MURDER! COOKIES!
770: Get some of your friends and ambush a random person, yelling "A thousand nations of the persian empire descend upon you!"
769: Place R-rated movies in the kids' DVD section.
768: Go to the section with candy and scream "Did you say chocolate? CHOCOLATE? CHOOOOOCCCOOOOLLLATTEEE? CHHOOOOOOCCCCCCOOLLLLAAAAATTTTEEEEE!!!!!!!!"
767: Tell the pharmacist you've been poisoned by a wild ekans and you need to buy some antidote.
766: walk around with sunglasses and a stick, pretending you're blind.
765: run around, arms spread, shouting :VROOOM! I'M AN AIRPLANE!
764. Have shopping cart drag races in the aisles. Preferably ones intended for elderly people.
763.Dress up as a nun and steal candy
762. buy a superman costume, and sue the store when it doesn't make you fly
761. take your blood pressure. then get angry and desttroy the machine with a sledgehammer.
760. Remember: When in doubt, use C4.
759.go to a pet store and ask them for a Starly
(nice one!)
757: get a branch looking like a harry potter wand and pretend you try to use the avada kedavra spell on random people.
756: Get on the intercom and wait until one of the workers on another intercom says "Can I get ~~~~~ to the ~~~~~ section, please?" The reply by going. "NO!" And keep doing it repeatedly...

755: Tie a dollar to some really thin fishing line and place the dollar on the ground a distance from you, but you can still see it. Next when a person reaches for it, pull in a little bit of line to bring the dollar away. Bonus points if it's the manager trying to get it.

754: Sit there reading a book, then randomly start crying, yelling something like "CAN YOU BELIEVE ~~~~~ DIED?! WAAAAAA!"

753: Do the above, but replace crying with random screams and cheers yelling "THEY WON" or something. Bonus points if you're reading the bible.

752: Let loose any crabs, lobsters, prawns, reptiles and bugs, then watch them wreak havoc.

751: While doing the above, hold a cat and temporarily call him/her 'Mister Bigelsworth'.
750: Get afew things to buy,go in line,and when It's your turn,drop all your things and stand up on the checkout counter and start dancing. When they tell you to get off,refuse.
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