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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Are you in a relationship?

No. I don't really like the thought of getting that close to someone unless I feel I can trust them through and through.

There's only one person I can think of offhand that I'd consider trustworthy enough, but I don't swing that way. Though to be fair, I don't really swing any way.
Since the twelfth, yes. I'm sorta questioning whether I'm asexual or straight at the moment, but I'm happy with her and that's good enough for me.
Nope. Yay :3 Unless Glameow in EoO counts *shot* In fact I've never even succeeded in befriending a girl (outside the Internet that is). A girl pretended to like me for a while about two years back but she was blatantly kidding. Still, I got a free balloon.

And just to change things up a little I'm NOT going to add anything that could be [mis]construed as putting myself down in any way. 8D
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There's someone I like... but I doubt he has any clue that I like him, and I'm beginning to wonder if it's really worth it, trying to befriend him and show him that I care. =( I feel so much like I'm annoying him.

I get the feeling that one of my friends still likes me, and occasionally I wonder if I do still like him too, but... while I trust him and care for him a lot, I'm not sure that I want to be in a relationship with him.
Hmm, well just a few years ago (3) I gained the ability to talk to girls without saying something like,"Hey how asdfhjkl". So that's been good. I've asked out three girls within those three years. I've been accepted once then it turns out she just used me to get this other guy to stop bothering her so she broke up after the first date. :D

But now after three years I can be really good friends with girls. However, I seem to want to keep them as friends since if I happened to have went out with them and we break up it'd be hard to stay friends. >.<
However, I seem to want to keep them as friends since if I happened to have went out with them and we break up it'd be hard to stay friends. >.<

This isn't always the case, actually. If you're friends before you go out and then the relationship ends because of something like you're just not good as a couple or you don't like each other that way then it's more than likely you'll stay friends. It's when the relationship fails because one of you cheated or something that it gets messed up, and if you know you're not going to do that then you don't have a problem because who wants to be friends with someone who'd do that anyway?
what I hate is when people already in a relationship flirt with available people that I might happen to like I mean seriously what the fuck you've already got one guy don't be such a fucking whore and deprive others who have trouble being noticed as it is.
Or what if they're just actually capable of treating these things as fun and not getting all "SANCTITY AND STRICT FIDELITY"? :V I mean I can understand the whole "give your [romantic] love to only me" thing well enough but when it gets to being annoyed at "flirting around"...? Love is so much more fun when you treat it as fun. :( Serious as hell for fun, but fun!

EDIT: @topic: no :(
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flirting is all right because it's meaningless

once you actually kiss you can say bitch we got a problem
No, and I never have, which makes me very sad. I'm 15, and that's also kinda sad.

Then again, I'm fat and I've never asked anyone, because I know I'll get shot down in .00050392 seconds.
No, and never have been.

Mostly it's being aromantic, so I don't really want a relationship, although I've never been asked. (I did have a girl claiming to love me and stuff many years ago, which I have always taken as a joke, because it probably was. Actually some parts were likely closer to harassment but never mind)
Even though most people seem to like me for some reason, I must either be not attractive enough or emit a 'not interested' vibe. That or I'm so quiet people don't actually notice me, or more than one of these reasons.

I'll stop typing now
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