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Open As Darkness Falls


Back in action!
Years ago... actually, no one remembers the story of Pokémorphs. No one in Sinnoh. This is because they have been accepted as people in the regions. Actually, I have to say that "no one" is overstating. Almost no one remembers the story. There is a small band whose hatred for the Pokémorphs has been rising. Their squad is unnamed, but citizens have no idea of them anyway. They remember when Team Galactic wanted more powerful creatures than Pokémon to create a new world and do dirty work -- and so Pokémorphs were created by injecting Pokémon DNA into humans. The Pokémorphs were rescued by an elite group of Trainers, and Team Galactic was stopped... for the moment. At first, these half-Pokémon, half-humans were shunned by everyone, but over generations they started to be treated like normal humans.

Most of the band that hates these Pokémorphs are previous members or allies of Team Galactic. And they have more determination than the Team Galactic from before...

1. You may be either a Pokémorph, one of the unnamed band or a random person, but that's less fun 8D
2. Please, no Mary-Sue characters. I'm careful with them and I won't accept them.
3. Please do not post in character until you are accepted. Also be patient; I will read each sign up and carefully check for new ones, so don't worry.
4. Make an effort on your posts as well as your sign up form. I admit that I sometimes judge purely by the sign up forms but I'll try not to do that. Still, that doesn't mean that there should be one sentence on each section that should be in detail.
5. Also make an effort on grammar and spelling.
6. Your character is not immortal. No Godmoding.
7. Do not control someone else's character without their permission.
8. Very few people know of this "unnamed band." Don't act like you've encountered them a million times.
9. No legendaries please.
10: Pokémorphs know Egg Moves and Level-up moves only. EDIT: XD and Pokecenter moves are allowed too.
11. No plot controlling, please.


Name: Last name is not required, since at least for me, they are hard to think of
Team: Unnamed Band, Humans or Pokémorphs. If the latter, mention which Pokémon
Appearance: Picture or words
Other: Those who are not Pokémorphs may have a Pokémon team. List the team here.

Example/ My Form:

Name: Crystal
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Team: Pokémorphs (Sneasel)
Appearance: Image
Normally, she wears navy or black clothes. Her eyes are a dark hazel, and her hair is colored almost jet-black. And, uh, I cut off her feet by accident, but she has Sneasel feet too 8D She doesn't often wear shoes.
Personality: It seems that being part Sneasel reflects her personality. Overall, she is dark and pessimistic, often seeing the worst side of things. She isn't that short-tempered, although it's good that she isn't because she's already serious enough. Often, she taunts enemies so that they become rash, and that gives Crystal the advantage. She's not particularly friendly, especially not towards enemies. However, she is strategic and often plans things before they actually happen.
History: Crystal is more Sneasel than human. This is due to being the descendant of one of the purest Pokémorphs that the Galactics made. This also set her far from others; even though they were willing to accept her, Crystal never thought that it appeared so. She grew up mainly antisocial, although she started making more friends when she was in school. Due to her family being naturally used to the cold weather, they lived in Snowpoint for the beginning of Crystal's life, but her family moved to the more central Hearthome City for school. Crystal was successful in science and math, but even though she made quite a few friends, it didn't seem to help her attitude.
Other: N/A

Reserved Spots:


Darksong: Crystal/Sneasel/Female
Dragon: Tamra/Salamence/Female
Mercedes: Oliver/Absol/Male
Twiggy for victory: Lars/Chimchar/Male
Evoli: Rachel/Xatu/Female
Male Gardevoir: Stephen Lederberg/Parasect/Male
Cryptica: Asher/Arcanine/Male
Mewtwo: Lilac Freshwater/Vaporeon/Female
giantnoob: Leo/Linoone/Male
BlazieAura: Noelle/Noctowl-Taillow/Female

shadow_lugia: Kira/Female
Time Psyduck: Gilbert Blake/Male
Twiggy for victory: Leonard Zap/Male
Daniel Lupian/Male
Chao Spriter: Tyson/Male

Unnamed Band:
Flora and Ashes: Marcus/Male
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Name: Mitsi

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Team: Humans against the Unnamed

Appearance: Mitsi has a rather short build and stands at about 4'11" tall. She has long black hair that is straight, and she spends time keeping it from tangling. Her eyes are a light crystal blue. Mitsi wears a plain light grey long-sleeved shirt and jean shorts. Her shoes really vary, but usually they're dull green slip-ons.

Personality: Mitsi isn't too sensitive about her height. She likes to be shorter than others for some odd reason. She'd really rather not be tall, because she prefers looking up at others instead of down (the latter hurts her back, she says). Mitsi can also be a bit stubborn, and she says "I'm going to ignore you now" if she gets into an argument with someone.

History: No one can lead an average life, and Mitsi is no exception. She had a pet Growlithe when she was young, and it would sometimes bounce around in the sprinkler. Because of this, Mitsi named it Contrast. Mitsi hears from her parents that she has to visit back often because Contrast eagerly awaits her return, even if it is only temporary.


-Empoleon (M)
-Gligar (M)
-Croconaw (F)
-Hypno (F)
-Vaporeon (F)
-Lapras (F)
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Pokemorph geettt~

Name: Tamra
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Team: Pokemorphs (Salamence)

Appearance: Simply, a dark blue, bipedal Salamence. Tamra was on the low end of the biological lottery, and so, is significantly more Salamence than human. She is reptilian, and has dark blue scales except for the red ridges above her dark yellow eyes and her dark red bat-like wings, each a body-length long. She can fly, but has to jump from a high place or have a running takeoff. Where humans would have fingers, she has finger-like claws with pointed, bone hard ends. Her tail is about as long as her body, and half as thin. Tamra usually wears a blue-gray jacket over a faded top that used to be dark brown. On her tail are three thick rings that look the colour bronze.

Personality: Tamra is very friendly and open, willing to listen to others and their suggestions to get whatever she's doing done. She's never satisfied unless she has something to do, or has a goal, though earning money is usually enough. Tamra has a severe case of wanderlust, never staying in a place for too long, but works for the people (or Pokemon or Pokemorphs) and does whatever she can to help out anywhere. She doesn't care much for humans unless they employ her, and is more kind to other Pokemorphs. A racist at best, Tamra is pretty good at hiding her emotions.

History: Of course, Tamra's parents lived in Celestial Town, near Mt. Coronet and away from the people. There's another reason but they don't know that Tamra grew up there, but as soon as she evolved (?) she left to find her luck. She travels from place to place, making a living as a bodyguard or anything she can use her claws for.

Other: This be one of my other characters, so I'll probably use this character somewhere else too. >_>

Form time~ :3

Name: Oliver
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Team: Pokémorphs (Absol)

Appearance: Oliver is very slender, which makes him appear taller than he actually is. His skin is a creamy white color and he has red eyes. He has shoulder-length, spiky hair which is mostly white except for one black spike of hair on the right side of his head. He also has a round, black marking on his forehead. Oliver has two sharp fangs that, when his mouth is closed, hang down an inch and a half long. As well as his fangs, he also has very long and sharp black claws on his hands and feet, which can make wearing shoes very uncomfortable for him. Lastly, Oliver has a long mane of white fur around his neck that usually drapes over part of his shirt and a sharp, blade-like tail.

Oliver wears a white shirt with a dark grey vest over that. He also wears baggy black pants and, since he has an odd attraction to belts, has three belts wrapped around his waist. As for his shoes, he has pair custom-made shoes that are seventeen and a half inches long and are blue.

Personality: Oliver is a very big flirt. He flirts with almost every girl that he meets, and usually never calls them by their real name. Instead he calls them names like “babe” or “beautiful”, which makes him seem annoying to some. Some even say he acts like a child and has a brain the size of a bean. On the other hand, Oliver is very smart, but his attention-seeking ways make him appear very foolish. In a serious situation, he will try his best to help in any way he can.

History: Oliver was adopted at a young age to a family of four in Snowpoint City. He had two other siblings: Penelope, Oliver's older sister, and Zach, the eldest brother of all three of them. Along with Oliver's adopted father, Zach didn't seem to get along with Oliver at all; he treated him horribly, probably out of jealousy. Penelope was the only one who ever paid attention to him, as well as his mother Tori, however, she could rarely spend any time with her family. (This is probably why Oliver has attention-seeking tendencies, because he was never paid any attention to as a child.)

Oliver was then taken away by Team Galactic and transformed into a Pokemorph. When he returned home, he received the worst possible news: Penelope had died in an accident and Tori had split from the family due to her grief. Zach despised how Oliver just came back, calling him a freak and blaming him for Penelope's depression and eventual death. He screamed at him as he thought that Oliver was the cause the family had been torn, and told him he was never welcome there. Oliver ran, and was on the move. Since then, Oliver finally settled in Solaceon Town by himself.

Other: He is a pre-existing character of mine, but I made a name and history change for this. :D
Name: Kira

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Team: Human

Appearance: Kira has long brown hair and green eyes. She's a bit short, and thin. She sometimes wears her hair up in a ponytail, although usually she wears it down.

Personality: Kira is a gentle and calm person by nature. She usually doesn't fight; she lets others do that and then takes care of them. She's also witty, and very good at planning things in general.

History: Kira has no real history. She was born in Sunyshore City, grew up, started a Pokemon journey around when she turned 11 when she found a malnourished, starving orphan Seel. She mostly sided with the Pokemorphs because Muji was one of the scientists who created the original group before she got old and died, and is still affectionate towards their kind in general. She also joined because she has a strict definition of fairness and justice, and believes that you shouldn't be judged by something you can't help, of all things.

Naiad Dewgong F

Muji Mismagius F

Rifa Leafeon F

Tordeu Bastiodon M

Asnan Medicham M

Aion Gliscor M

I suck at descriptions today :P
Name: Gilbert Blake
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Team: Human
Appearance: Just over 6' tall, with a broad frame, and although not exactly large, he does have a small amount of excess fat around his stomach. He has deep blue eyes and his hair is somewhere between blond and red, mostly dependent on the lighting. He usually wears a long brown coat over a white shirt and brown cargo trousers. He also wears a brown wide-brimmed outdoor hat, and has sunglasses when needed.
Personality: Gilbert is a quiet person, who prefers to think before speaking or acting. He is intelligent, but has little grasp on emotions, or how other people think and feel. Gilbert doesn't care about anyone or anything in particular, aside from (possibly) his pokemon, but he has his own internal morals, and he will follow them almost to the death.
History: Gilbert, along with a slightly younger sister, was raised in a village between Floaroma Town and the coast. His parents were extremely kind people, and one day they adopted an orphaned pokemorph. Unfortunately the locals were not as accepting then as they are now, and they came as a mob to 'deal' with the pokemorph. Gilbert's farther tried to stop them, whilst the pokemorph fled, but they attacked him before seeing the pokemorph running, at which point they chased, caught, and killed him. His family moved to Jhoto soon after, and it wasn't long after that Gilbert became a trainer. He returned to Sinnoh a few years ago as part of his travels, and decided to stay a while.
Togetic - Avis - F
Steelix - George - M
Octillery - Octavius - M
Riolu - Aura - F
Other: He does have other pokemon, but they are being kept in Jhoto and so are unavailable. They won't be used, It's just to explain why someone who's been a trainer for something like 15 years only has 4 pokemon.
Reserved a post.

Might I make two biographis?
If not, then only the first one.


Name: Lars, some call him "LarsBoom", since he usually blows up stuff.

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Team: Pokemorphs(Chimchar)

Appearance: lars looks like a normal red haired kid, expect his hair stands up ni the form of a flame in the center, while the rest is long and reaches his shoulders. He is pale, and is 1.55 meters tall. He wieghts 90 pounds. His pokemon characters are:
One, he has a small flame on his butt, and it is pink, meaning that he has two holes in his troussers.
Second, he has long theeth and big eyes.
Third, he has fur on his back and legs.
He wears red troussers, with chimchar- belly coloured parts on the inner part, and a red, long sleeved shirt with a chimchar belly painting on the middle.
He wears thick, black boots.

Personality: Lars is very calm, depsite the fact he is a fire pokemon. He is energetic, and his chimchar side gives him the ability to do amny acrobatic tricks- which he uses. He tends to be on rooftops on nights.

History: Lars was born when a woman mixed chimchar genes with his. The chimchar was a male and therefor his father.

Other: He has a black belt in judo, karate, and whatever else, some because of his chimchar powers.


Name: Lena 'handywork'

Gender: Female, duh.

Age: 16

Team: Pokemorphs(ampibom)

Appearance: Lena wears blue shorts, and short, white clothes. She has purple hair, and one big hair in the middle, wihcih looks just like a female ampibom's
Head air. She is quite pale, and is 1.65 meters tall. She wieghts 85 pounds.
Her face looks human, although her eyes are a little...'beady'.
She has two, big and long hand like tails, just like these ambipoms have. She wears long 'socks', which are white-purple striped,(dont know how its called) and white shoes.

Personality: Childish, firendly, always looking for friends, although almost all non- pokemorphs are afraid of her.
Likes to beat up people who nerve her with her four hands.

History: Was created in the same way like Lars, by the same woman.

Other: She and Lars were created by the same human, and therefor see brother and sister in each other.
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Well, there's no rule against two forms~

Time Psyduck is Accepted.

Twiggy for victory:
Lars is Accepted.
However, Lena is not accepted. "All non-pokemorphs are afraid of her." That's kind of a stretch, since it's like typing out part of our forms for us. Fix that and you're in.
((Ok, Im happy Lars is accepted- My first pokemon RP!
Aslo- I editted it to 'almost all non-pokemorphs' in Lena's bio. Also- Can Lars have a chimchar friend?))
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