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ASB Rules

Can they even phase? They do seem to be stuck to their respective objects. You know, candle, lamp, chandelier.
Guys I have a proposition for you and I just want to know your opinion, nothing serious.

I have lurked through many ASB battles and to be honest, Attract is used a lot. And I think it has too much importance on a battle considering how easy to use and accurate it is.

So what I thought is since ASB is supposed to be super-real and all, maybe Attract could only be used on foes with the same egg group, because seriously I don't see how a wailord could attract a Butterfree or something. This way, the use of attract would be more restricted and more difficult to use, as well as more realistic.

Just throwing that idea, feel free to give ideas/opinion, etc.
I like it, but this is also supposed to be like the anime. I remember specifically in the anime, when Ash battled Juan, Juan's Luvidsc used Attract on Ash's Sceptile with devastating results. You can't tell me Luvdisc is in the same Egg Group as Sceptile. Now, this might not matter, as it is pretty much an isolated incident. But I would still say take that into consideration.

EDIT: Ninja'd.
I think it would just be common sense stuff, really-- Butterfree could attract, say, a Mothim, but not a Wailmer. We could just leave that up to the ref.

Aaand Pokemon like Purugly probably wouldn't be able to Attract.
Egg Group implies ability to produce offspring; if this was the only determining factor in being attracted, there would be no homosexuals or, for the most part, zoophiles.

I don't see why exactly would it be unrealistic to have Attract work regardless of species.
That still wouldn't work very well, since most common Pokémon are in the Ground egg group. :/

Or, you know, we could just make Attract wear off faster or make it easier to get around. Or do nothing.
How about only a mammals/fish/plants/birds/reptiles-amphibians/other kind of division where only those in the same group could work? It'd be less restrictive than egg groups but still restrictive enough to nerf Attract.

Or at least it seems like it'd work to me, anyway.
I think that who can get attracted should be common sense...

Luvdisc should attract everything, though. To give it an advantage over Alomomola.
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