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Does your list include Pokewalker moves? Like, I know Munchlax ONLY learns Selfdestruct through Pokewalker events.
I didn't find any Pokéwalker-exclusive moves. Some may have been once, but I think they've all gone native now... selfdestruct is an egg move on munchlax in B/W.
Actually, I went through this page (which i think is a "good enough" source) and appart from the event Pikachu with Fly, Surf and Volt Tackle and the Munchlax with Metronome and Selfdestruct all the moves seem pretty much standard on all the Pokémon found in the Pokéwalker.
Would a Pokemon with Sheer Force holding a Kings Rock get a 10% flinch chance on all moves that lose their secondary effects because of the ability?
I use Bulbapedia, and I've never found any problems with that in ASB, so I'd say it is a pretty reliable source for getting lists of moves for Pokemon.
Would a Pokemon with Sheer Force holding a Kings Rock get a 10% flinch chance on all moves that lose their secondary effects because of the ability?
Items don't interact with sheer force, so king's rock would still take effect (for moves that would be ordinarily boosted by it, not those that lost their effects only through sheer force), and the attacks that can flinch with it will therefore be the ones that don't get boosted by sheer force.
If a Pokémon is knocked out while all others on the field are knocked out, does no one get experience for the knockout, or does the fainted opponent receive this experience?
If a Pokémon is knocked out while all others on the field are knocked out, does no one get experience for the knockout, or does the fainted opponent receive this experience?
I'm not quite sure I understand the scenario you're talking about here. If you mean that all pokémon get knocked out simultaneously, none of them get KO EXP. If the one pokémon used an attack that knocked out all the others, then fainted, it would get EXP for all the KO's.
I'm not quite sure I understand the scenario you're talking about here. If you mean that all pokémon get knocked out simultaneously, none of them get KO EXP. If the one pokémon used an attack that knocked out all the others, then fainted, it would get EXP for all the KO's.
I mean it was defeated due to poisoning after knocking out the opponent. Which could also have happened due to Future Sight, arena effects and the like.
Somewhat relatedly, if a Pokemon energyfaints in a doubles battle and both opponents are still alive, do both get the KO EXP, neither, or the last to attack that Pokemon?
It would, but would any opponents get exp for knocking it out belatedly?
If there were any opponents that lived through its fainting, yes. If they fainted, and it fainted afterwards, no.

Somewhat relatedly, if a Pokemon energyfaints in a doubles battle and both opponents are still alive, do both get the KO EXP, neither, or the last to attack that Pokemon?
Both get the KO EXP.
"Munna always float in the air", though, according the Black Version Pokédex. Why would they do that if it cost them that much energy?

(EDIT: Side note, I'm imagining a Munna toddling around on the ground now and it's adorable.)
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