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Backwards Mafia [D7]

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Re: Backwards Mafia [D3]

Actually I was going to inspect you after Butterfree... but I came up with a case of being dead.

surskitty it is then.

It's a half step forward... kinda... sorta.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D3]

Buh-bye to surskitty.
By the way, RK-10 (and everyone else, but I'm speaking mostly to RK since he apparently tried to exorcise me last night), I'm still alive; I just haven't been posting because...well, honestly, I don't have anything to say. Or, when I do have something to say, someone else has already said it (or I get the 'server is busy' message and by the time I can get back on the site I forget what I was going to say).
Re: Backwards Mafia [D3]

Dead people can talk; you get rid of them permanently by exorcising or lynching them.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D3]

September 15th, 2011

A pall of misfortune hangs over the investigation. The killings continue, and all we have to show for them are a mess of dead ends and empty rooms. More than once we thought we might have some clue as to where they were meeting, but our raids have discovered nothing but scorched, abandoned pentacles and walls covered with their mocking scrawls.

My own steps have been dogged by a shadow of malice, some unholy thing vomited up from the blackest depths of hell. Now and again I would give a start when I caught something out of the corner of my eye. It was a monstrous shadow, hunched and indistinct. As the hours passed, its appearances grew more frequent, and its form gradually grew more clear. Always, it simply watched, not caring whether I saw it or not, making no threatening move.

Today I could stand it no longer. When I saw it perched on a dumpster near my apartment, the hunched suggestion of wings at its back and horns sprouting from what I took to be its head. Anger caught at me when I saw it sitting there so placidly, smug in its knowledge that I would walk right past, doing my best to convince myself that I didn't see it. Against all judgement I ran at it, yelling; it did not move. And when I grabbed some piece of rubbish off the street and hurled it at the thing, it passed through and bounced harmlessly off the wall. The creature itself vanished, as I've seen so many illusions do.

It was no demon summoned up from that other place, but one of my own mind's making.

surskitty is exorcised. She was already dead.

Forty-eight hours for night actions.
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Re: Backwards Mafia [N3]

September 17th, 2011

This morning, I rose to find the organization had left me a gift. The living room window was smashed and the couch gummed with congealed blood. The corpse sprawled across it crawled with flies. How they managed to accomplish the delivery here to the sixth floor and without my notice I can only guess, but given their methods I'm sure it was little difficulty for them. Sometimes I wonder whether they leave me alive simply for the pleasure of watching my torment.

The police officer that arrived in response to my call was one I didn't recognize, but he seemed to know me. He bantered away as he examined the scene, taking notes and promising that the forensics team would arrive soon. "It's a bad business," he said with a shake of his head. "It's been hard on all of us, hasn't it? Some more than others."

I agreed, of course, but he wasn't done. After a time he went on. "It gets to you after a while, you know. All these weird deaths, all this occult mumbo-jumbo. It's not right, not for people to be dying like this, and not for us to be snapping at crumbs of evidence in this damned investigation. You have to wonder what it's doing to us. This is a case you don't just walk away from, whatever the outcome."

I shrugged, uncomfortable without really knowing why. He turned to look out for the window a moment, then turned back slowly, eyes narrowed as he said, "I know you killed her, and all the rest of them. You really thought you could keep it a secret with all of us combing through the records on the previous inspection? Inspector Bittern did a good job of cleaning them up, but nobody's perfect."

I couldn't reply. There was no way he could be telling the truth; if he was, he wouldn't have come alone this morning. They would have sent a full squad; they would have to realize I wouldn't go quietly. I tried to concentrate over the rising murmurs in my head. Any misstep here, and I would at best spend the rest of my life locked away--a prospect that I must admit seems terribly attractive some days.

The officer came around the couch, smiling broadly. "If we're looking for the murderers, why are we ignoring the one that's right under our nose? You've made your own deal with the devil, haven't you?"

I had been backing up, but was forced to stop when my back struck the counter. I reached behind myself, scrambling for something to use as a weapon but only succeeding in knocking a couple of glasses to the floor, where they smashed.

The officer shook his head, taking another step forward. "They should all burn. It's the only just end for them. And who are you? Did you really think you could outsmart them all? Someday you'll burn too. We know what you are now. It's only a matter of time" I scrambled on the floor after a piece of glass, heedless of how it cut me as I grasped it. I lashed out at the officer's midsection, but my strike cut through nothing but empty air. In a blink, the man was gone.

"Those bastards," Inspector Bittern said, after I had opened the door to the police for the second time that morning and endured their poring over the scene. "We're going to have to put you into protective custody."

The bandage on my hand had gone unremarked upon and unexplained. I wonder if she meant to protect me from the organization, or myself.

A civilian is dead.

RK-10 has been exorcised.

Forty-eight hours for discussion.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]


Ok, so either there are two exorcists or I will come back from the dead and kill RK-10 again... Sooooo confused right now. Otherwise I'm not much help, sorry.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

I'm not much help myself, and frankly I'm sort of confused by where to proceed with all this. What I can gather though is that we may have more than one exorcist so...hopefully they won't get themselves killed via Mafia or healer clash...or healers avoiding a clash at the same time and leaving them wide open...such bad luck.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D3]

Well there were 17 people signed up for this, and 7 fixed roles.

So 17 people means 16 non-aliens assuming there is only one alien. There are 5 non-civilian roles (since there are two Fishing Brothers). Now assuming that there are two Doctors (and not in a Meta-Crisis way), and only one Inspector and Exorcist, that gives us 7 more fixed roles (inclusing mafia-don) which leaves us with 9 people split between Civilians and Minions.

Now we know that the Exorcist, Alien and Inspector are dead, as well as one member of the mafia. So if my above theory is correct, then all that remains are:

2 Fishing Brothers
2 Doctors
1 Mafia Don
x Civilians
8-x Mafia Minions

Not sure is this helps at all.

However one further point I would like to raise, is that in the few Mafia games I have participated in (mainly the ASB Halloween ones) Kratos Aurion is always killed off fairly early in the game usually the first night. So maybe Kratos is mafia? It's a possibility, but maybe the Doctors targeted him, or maybe he was the Alien, got activated on the first night, and then the mafia bumbed him off the next night although surskitty has already admitted to that role, but maybe surskitty is mafia and just claimed to be the Alien to avoid us lynching her? Just thought I might raise the points.

By amending my theory to fit what we know, we end up with:

Originally: Two Fishing Brothers, Two Doctors, One Inspector, Two Exorcists, 1 Mafia Don, 1 Alien and 8 people split between cilivian or minion.

2 Fishing Brothers
2 Doctors
1 Mafia Don
7-x Civilians
x Minions
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

RK-10 was the exorcist, right? The exorcist was exorcised haha okay.

Maybe there's a vig? The mafia killed RK-10 again and the vig killed the civilian?
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

I'm not so surprised that there would be more than one exorcist, really. Exorcist still doesn't strike me as a very powerful role, and besides, the main point of this game is to test out the backwards mechanic, isn't it? It wouldn't be a very good test if there was only one exorcist and they died early on. :c

What does confuse me, though, is why exorcists are still trying to exorcise innocents! Exorcist would make a lot more sense as a kind of half-mafia role (like terrorist, drug dealer, etc.), and maybe that could explain it (though then I'd expect Phantom to also have been exorcised), except exorcist is under the innocents section of the role list, so I guess not. Maybe they could've just wanted to test out their power, but Tailsy was a better target for exorcism earlier and nobody targeted her, so. I have no clue.

Gah screw it I will take a chance. Kratos

Why? Are you voting for her just because she's (possibly) not dead yet, or have you got some other reason to be suspicious? If it's the former, well, I wouldn't really expect the mafia to spend a night going after her when people have expressed suspicion about the fact that she's still alive in the thread; that only applies for last night, though. Hmmm.

Maybe there's a vig? The mafia killed RK-10 again and the vig killed the civilian?

We don't have a vig on the role list, though. I think the fishing brothers are the only other killing roles (except doctors with healer clash, but the flavour text seems to indicate otherwise), but none of them have actually died yet.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

Gah screw it I will take a chance. Kratos

I... haven't been paying too much attention to all my forum mafias (that one #mafia game was fun, Eifie!) lately, but why? Because Kratos isn't dead yet? No doctors have died if I remember correctly, and Kratos would be a pretty obvious heal.

Also, this flavortext is amazing. All I can think of is Cities in Dust and it's so wonderful :D
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

Well, it's sort of good to know we have another exorcist around...I guess. I really can't think of a situation where the exorcist would be helpful to the town, either.

What I don't understand why the exorcist would want to exorcise RK in the first place. If they were suspicious of him, why would they bother wasting an exorcism on someone who might or might not be dead (seeing as there hasn't been a mafia death yet iirc)?
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

By amending my theory to fit what we know, we end up with:

Originally: Two Fishing Brothers, Two Doctors, One Inspector, Two Exorcists, 1 Mafia Don, 1 Alien and 8 people split between cilivian or minion.

2 Fishing Brothers
2 Doctors
1 Mafia Don
7-x Civilians
x Minions

I'm a little confused here. What exactly is this list of: remaining roles or the roles we started with? You hadn't included exorcists at all in your original even though RK had claimed (because I think that was remaining roles...?), and you seem to have left them out of the second part of the list now... was that intentional and I'm just missing something?

Gah screw it I will take a chance. Kratos

I'd also like to know why you're nominating me! I'll claim if I must, but I'd obviously rather not direct the mafia's actions toward me/away from me to someone more useful/etc. so I don't intend to do so unless there's serious conviction behind the nomination and all that.

If nothing else, I would think it's wiser to wait for a little more information before voting for someone without suspicions you can actually back up. You have all day to react to your gut feelings, and in the meantime someone might have something important to say! At the very least I'd like to know who did die, because no, it wasn't me. Not this time, anyway. >>;
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

Oh and Phantom, if you're really dead like you claim to be, then why would you bother voting for Kratos? I'm pretty sure the sign-up thread said that the votes of dead players don't count. Unless you're just trying to get a bandwagon going, which I can understand (though it'd be nice if you said why you were suspicious of Kratos in the first place).
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

I AM MAKING A STATEMENT! I can attempt to vote if a want! Not like it means anything!
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