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Closed Battle Royale

Scissors growled threateningly, but settled down a bit. She went outside and resumed chasing the Leafeon. Scorpio stayed behind, saying, "I'll build a camp!"

((OOC:Please be more descriptive with your posts. The way it sounds is that you're chasing a Leafeon that's hasn't even left the building yet. That and that Scorpio is building a camp right outside of in front of the building!))
Itsuki took a bag, though food was thoroughly unecessary, since he functioned like a plant. He made a run for it as quick as he could, as the crazy Scizor was after him still. It was nice and damp outside. The road went three ways. Itsuki simply ran up the middle path. After running quite a ways, he encountered a moldy shed. Being wary of stepping inside he instead hid behind it. And thought. There wasn't anyway he could seriously harm the Scizor...
As the thick fog greeted him, Horus started walking outside, pulling out his earphones.
"Ah, just like old times."
He walked in random directions, with the odd stop for food or some random object that caught his eye.

The night immediately came, and Horus climbed onto a big tree and built a hammock from the supplies the Arcanine gave everyone. Lighting up another splint, he laid back onto the makeshift hammock and looked up to the stars.

Until he heard a few voices murmuring in the dark. "Hell I'm not wasting my energy on them. Not until tomorrow, anyway."
And with that, he pulled out a ball the size of an apple and threw it to where the voices were from. A small cloud of Sleep Powder enveloped the area, covering it with a thick, green smog.

(The voices could be anyone of you guys.)
It was getting foggy while Scissors was continuing. She couldn't see well in these conditions. When she came to a fork in the road she swore. There was no telling which way the Leafeon had gone. Now she would have to backtrack and start looking for the camp that Scorpio had built.
Hanabi was guarding Bumpy, who was asleep again, when she heard about the Battle Royale.
"Sorry, buddy," she said, "Only one of us will survive this."
She dragged him outside. She didn't want to battle in the last three days of her life. She just wanted to be with her friend.
Hanabi was careful to avoid most other Pokemon. She didn't think this was right, but she would do it anyway.
She wanted Bumpy to be the one to survive. She would fight her hardest for him, and kill anyone who got in her way.
Fist grabbed a bag near the door and rushed outside. "I'm a loner," he told himself. "I can win against anyone." Through the dark of night, he ran along the left path. His footsteps sounded eerie as he veered off the side of the path and headed more to the left, reaching a group of four trees. Fist picked a few leaves and made a tiny covering of dirt. He lied down on his side and fell asleep.
Scissors found the camp Scorpio had made, which was thankfully not far but hard to detect in a cluster of the biggest, leafiest bushes. They found a sleeping pair of Chatot sitting so stupidly oblivious to danger, and their heads were sliced off before they could make a single sound that would give them away. They ate, and arranged two nest from the branches and fallen leaves from the bushes and the trees above, one for sleeping, and one for keeping lookout, where there was a small hole at eye level where the lookout could see out. They had decided to rest and catch food in shifts, and the lookout nest was only a few inches away, so that the sleeping one could be awoken easily to join in the fight. They sharpened all their pinchers, claws, and blades, and Scorpio took first watch while Scissors curled up in the other nest, and although she couldn't sleep, she rested and regained as much energy as she could.
Fantasy and Raith wandered the leafy grassland aimlessly. Not sure if any other Pokemon were going to appear, they were on their highest guard.
"Where are we-" Raith began, but Fantasy cut him off.
"Shh! Someone might hear us. We're trying to stay low."
"Right. Sorry." With that, they continued to wander silently.
((Hey, I've got a suggestion: how about on the first page of the RP on your first post, Deretto, if you put rankings for which Pokemon win / lose; like placing Pokemon in 5th, 4th, 15th place, etcetera))

Sling stared mindlessly into space. He'd have to kill off Carnage; his best friend. He didn't agree to killing beings that haven't done anything to anger him. The only ones in the room that would be easy to kill were the Gliscor and Cacturne. He turned to look at Carnage. Carnage was staring at Sling. Evilly.

"What are you doing?" Sling asked nervously.

"Friendships end," Carnage said menacingly. "Quickly. Just like death." With a quick swipe of his razor-sharp leaves, he cut Sling in a clean two. Sling screamed for a millisecond, before falling on the floor, dead. Carnage let out an evil laugh.
Hanabi took two berries out of the bag she had carried. She gave Bumpy his favorite, a Bluk berry, while she ate a Rabuta. While Bumpy rested, Hanabi kept watch over him, ready to attack anyone who threatened them.
Lunar and Xyvine slowly dragged themselves towards the exit of the dark, Magmortar riddled room. Cautiously, they both grabbed a bag each. Xyvine snffed.
"Ugh," he remarked, "this smells like it hasn't been washed in years. How do you expect us to eat three days worth of food stored in this bag?"
Without warning, Lunar forced the Grovyle out of the room with a short telepatic blast, taking Xyvine by complete suprise before chasing after the dark green reptile. The Grovyle toppled out of the room and continued tumbling along the ground for a second or two before being stopped by a rock.

Leaping to his feet, arms now glowing neon-green with fully formed leaf-blades protruding from the sides of his arms, he turned and yelled at Lunar.
"What the hell was that f-" he cut off. His yellow eyes widened as he saw the blazing inferno that Lunar had just narrowly escaped from. Tears began to well in his eyes, making them appear shiny. The neon green faded from his arms, and he broke down and cried, his whole body wilting like an underfed plant. "Why is this happening to us?"

Lunar's ears flicked forewards, his body shivered. A nearby bush rustled.
"We have to move, now. Before it's too late..."
"I don't want to now. I don't care anymore."
"Let's just go..."
Pale faced, the two of them got up and ran from the Spearow foraging for berries in the bush.
Pierre and Metro got themselves relaxed inside the shed. They both pulled out their maps and flashlights from inside their bags to discuss what there plan of action might be.. It was very dark inside due to all the windows being boarded up.

"Hm, this island is almost like a perfect circle according to this map," the Zangoose announced.
Metro pulled out her compass and marker and began to mark the map. "Here, Pierre, take a look. Our starting point was marked for us directly in the center of this island at point 8H." She took a quick look at her compass then back at the map. "We're about one mile east right now. So that'd leave us somewhere around the center of point 8I as I have marked on your map."

"Ok... well I guess this is good to know..." he responded.

"Perhaps, but this next part is more important. "If for some reason we ever get separated, we are to meet either here, here, or here, or back here." She proceeded to mark his map in the extra 3 locations.

"Oh alright, that makes sense," he grinned. "I wish this map had more markings other then just our starting point. It sucks that we have to draw the rest of it out ourselves."

"Yeah, well, we're just going to have to deal. Lets get some sleep for now." She began to start putting everything back in their respective bags. She took a couple of laps at her water and forced Pierre to do the same before the two laid down on the ground to sleep. Using each others body as warmth.

((OOC: A ranking system is outside of the context of this game. You either win, or you don't. With that I'll be starting the next day soon. Meaning there might be a time lapse soon. I'm not sure on how to do this yet. ^^;;;))
"Weeell. I'm just going to do what a Cacturne does best," Voyne mused.

Taking a short moment to consider, he came to the conclusion that the Grovyle and Espeon couple were the weakest nearby, at least mentally. As Voyne watched them disappear into the forest, he peeked into the bag he had been supplied with. It contained food to last him for months. (A Cacturne does not feed much, as you might know; they are desert dwellers, capable of surviving without water and food for a very long time.)

The ragtag Pokémon followed in Lunar's and Xyvine's footsteps.

What a Cacturne 'does best', as Voyne had put it, was to follow its victims at a distance until they died from exhaustion, or were weak enough to kill easily.

And that was exactly what he did.
Carnage smiled. He would never have considered killing his friend a few minutes ago, but realization sunk in that he'd have to eventually. He left the building he was in to see that everyone else was outside. Fools, he thought to himself, they're wasting their time trying to escape. They're ignoring the fact that they're going to eventually have to kill each other. He smiled. The virus he had infected and killed the town with may very well work out well here. He'd wait for later.
Blade and Malice were the last ones to leave the room. As Blade couldn't carry his bag, Malice carried both with his Psychic. After getting to a good place to put a camping, Malice dropped the bags in the floor. "I'll go hunting", Blade affirmed. While he was gone, Malice prepared a tent and a fire. After Blade came, bringing a couple of Raticates, they ate. Malice finished and said "I'll take the first turn."
"No, let me do it. I'm tired of sleeping, and you must be tired from using your power." Besides, if some idiot come here, I get to kill him.
"Hum, Blade, I heard that." Malice said, with a smile. He went to his tent and fell asleep. Blade finished the fire and waited, in the dark, invisible. Make one come. Please, all-powerfull Arceus, make one come. My scythes feel so lonely.
Xyvine looked to where he last saw Lunar standing, only to realise that Lunar had collapsed over a rock.
"...What ARE you doing?" the Grovyle inquired.
"Sunbathing? What does it look like I'm doing? I've been wanting to get a tan for ages, and now seems like an appropriate time to do it, especially as we're all going to die anyway. Might as well go down having completeted something I wanted to do. It doesn't matter anymore, there's no point in running for our lives, as we'll just lose them if we're not careful."

The blackish-grey cat gave an irriated flick of his forked tail, and the Grovyle understood clearly.
"He misses his family already..." the Grovyle thought. "I can't blame him... He wanted to do so much. So did I..."
"You wouldn't mind climbing the tree and surveying our surroundings. I mean, you might be able to use your green camouflage and keen eyesight for SOMETHING then. I'd just stick out, like normal."
Xyvine rolled his eyes. "I know you miss home, but there's no need to be so pissy."

The Grovyle shot into the nearest tree. Seeing as they had finally entered forest, they might stand a chance at letting their attackers walk right past them. Xyvine crawled stealthily along branches, not making a noise incase one of the flying Bug-type Pokémon was nearby. He wouldn't stand a chance against them, they all looked so powerful. Cautiously, the green lizard clambered to the end of one branch and onto another branch, before observing what looked like a moving cactus. Xyvine rubbed his eyes, to check that he wasn't drunk, or just worn out from the exhausting day. "I must be seeing illusions..." he thought to himself. Scurrying along branches, he sped back to Lunar to warn him of the forcoming danger.

((Deretto, is it possible to make a copy of every character's bio and put it in the first post, so we can reffer to it? It'd just make life a lot easier for me, as I forgot who everyone was etc... Plus, I think it'd be useful having all the character info in one place. Maybe with the added status: "alive/deceased"))
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Fist blinked his eyes open and stood up, yawning. "A new day," he said quietly. "I may not survive, but trying my best is what matters."
Fist took his bag and continued down the path, unsure of whether to be cautious or lively.

Or both.
((It wasn't day before? 8D;;;

Ohlawd I am slightly confused about the timing. Deretto, please can you say what time it is when you next post? Maybe something like ((Day 1))((Day 2)) etc.. at the beginning of your next post so I'm a bit less confused...))
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Itsuki laid down behind the shed, and drank. He couldn't do much besides sit or look for others to kill. He had to sigh, for it all felt so futile. Just what would happen to the sole survivor? He thought it likely they'd die too. Only one way to find out., he supposed. And then, he noticed a tiny sliver of faint light coming from the shed, between 2 not quite together boards. He realized it meant someone was inside. He opted to check it out tomorrow morning.
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