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Closed Battle Royale

Voyne watched from a distance as his two targets slept in a tree. They weren't exactly difficult to spot - he had no idea why they had chosen to sleep in a tree, anyway. He felt like walking over there, grabbing the trunk and just shaking it until they both fell down and broke their necks...


He had been very strategic about picking his first victims; he had great elemental advantages over them, particularly the Espeon, whose psychic attacks would do little harm to him, what with his inner darkness protecting him and all. Still, he had to be on his guard; he would probably have to handle them both at the same time... when the time came.

But not yet, not quite yet. Voyne was a patient one. He could wait here, in the shadows of the trees. There was a small network of roots holding him firmly in place already; now that he was done Ingraining himself into the ground, he could wait for hours on end without growing hungry or tired. The earth here was fertile and full of nutrients.

He smirked.
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((OOC: I did copy and paste them all on the first page just to make it a little easier))

Time: 1:40

Pierre awoke from his sleep. Nothing had disturbed him, he just couldn't hold his sleep for some reason. He wasn't sure if the gas was to blame, or was he scared? Metro was there. Still warm. Still breathing. "This is crazy..." he thought out loud.
Bumpy nudged Hanabi. I don't really trust him.
Hanabi said, "Well, uh..." Hanabi didn't know what to say. She assumed that either way, the Victreebel would slice her apart...
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((OOC: Gardevoir, there was never a mentioning of your characters witnessing the murder. At best you would've only heard the screams since you were in earshot range.))
Slash was in the forest. He dug underground. He'd be safe for the night sdo that he could sleep.

Or make plans... he thought.
((Oh, OK. Sorry about that, I always mess up on RPs like this. I should remember better next time. I'll edit my post.))
Carnage sighed. "Listen, you two are too young to kill. If anyone should get off the island, it should be you two. But I think right now we should be trying to figure out how to get these bracelets off. I know there's a way."
Fist stalked through the forest, looking for any signs of danger. Nothing appeared except... what was that Pokemon in the distance? No, it was an illusion. Fist continued along the dirt path.
Sleep seemed impossible. Not 30 minutes after he fell asleep, Itsuki awoke. It was still dark. He looked at the shed he laid against. There was bound to be someone inside. The best case being a single, simple to kill victim, the worst being 2 or more. It was also entirely possible that there was nobody inside, that during his rest, they had left. There was only one way to find out. He crept around the side to the door. He took a deep breath, then slashed the door with his tail using leaf blade, then rammed it in. He lept back, and fired off a magical leaf attack, to be safe.
"There isn't!" Cried Hanabi, slightly shocked at Carnage's suggestion. "We'll explode if we try to tamper with them!"
Horus checked his surroundings; still the same as last night. He leaped out of his hammock and into the jungle floor, still damp from the morning dew. "Let's see what I've caught..." He peaked over to the bush where his 'Sleep Grenade' had landed.

"Stupid weasel-thing." Horus hissed silently as he saw the Zigzagoon sleeping soundly, wasting his handcrafted grenade.

The Blaziken walked northwards, his bag in tow and a splint in his beak.
Time: 1:50

Pierre sat there for a moment, thinking to himself about wat could possibly happen when he heard a crash in the shed followed by a sudden array of bright multi-colored leaves.

"Agh! Metro! Get up!" he yelled as recovered from the sudden burst of lights . His vision had become disoriented with random colors clouding his vision.

The mightyena jumped from her rest in front of Pierre "What, what's going on?!"

"Shh! Someone is here and I can't see a thing because some flash of rainbow-ish colors has made my vision blurry for the moment."

She took one of his paws into her maw. "Shit... come on," she grunted as she led him behind one of the many gondolas (shelves that you'd see in a store) near the back of the shed.
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((meep, *facepalm* sorry about that. Too tired *yawns* x3

EDIT: OK, edited my last post))
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Scorpio was, however, poked awake very shortly after changing shifts by Scissors. "What is it?" he yawned sleepily.
"I think I see a commotion over there, by that shed."
He leapt awake instantly. "D'you think we should check it out?"
"Hell yeah. They could be after us. Just try and make yourself as small as possible."
They started crawling silently over to the shed, pressed to the ground to avoid detection.
Slowly, Xyvine awoke from his troubled slumber. He'd been having nightmares similar to that of the Espeon he was now sat next to. Lunar had rolled over onto his back, chest exposed, revealing a fluffy underside that was soft to the touch. The Sun Pokémon was breathing deeply, his eyes were sealed shut.
I guess it's only a sleepless night for those of us who aren't lazy... the lizard though to himself. It wouldn't have been harmful to have left the tree and explored the island a bit more, but with Lunar left alone in the tree in such a vulnerable state and with Voyne chasing them, he feared that it would have done more harm than good and that he would have found a deformed Espeon corpse laying motionless and cold on the soloidified, dirty ground upon his return.

The green Pokémon shuffled towards where the pair piled their bags, in a heap next to the wrinkled trunk of the fat, sturdy tree. Xyvine moved the flat, smooth green leaves off of their bags before opening his bag. The foul odor of the bag stung the Grovyle's nostrils, twisting and turning in the air before attacking. Xyvine dipped his claws into the bag, before pulling out a loaf of bread and proceeding to tear a chunk out of the bread.

The bread soon overpowered the scent of the mud, and the Grovyle carefully nibbled at the chunk he ripped of. It was fresh. Eventually, the scent of the fresh bread invaded the nostrils of the Espeon, causing him to wake up, stomach growling. Lunar approached his bag, reached in and pulled out the bread with his mouth. He didn't care about the stench as much as the lizard. Lunar tore into his bread with his mouth, gulping away with barely any time for breathing. After observing this, Xyvine decided to make start a convorsation.
"Finally decided to wake up? Did you want a midnight snack, Mr. Greedyguts?"
"Oy, shut up you." Lunar cut in.
"Sorry, did I touch a nerve?" the Grovyle said slyly, "I guess you couldn't sleep either." Xyvine tilted his head back before staring at the starry sky above them. He inhaled deeply before letting out a great, long, depressed sigh. "Why are we here..." he moaned. "What did I do wrong..." Lunar shrugged.
"We're going to have to face that Cacturne some time. Why not now?" he suggested.
"I dunno, just let your vast ammount of food diegst. You might get indigestion before you start fighting. What did you do to get put in our class anyway, Mr. Greedyguts?"
The Espeon let out a similar sigh to the Grovyle's, before beginning his tale.
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((Holy crap I haven't even left the classroom X_X))

Glion escaped the daze of confusion and grabbed the last pack with his stuff
It's almost been two hours and I've been sitting there. Better go find Voyne. He probably won't kill me for now. he thought to himself as he took to the skies and looked for the Cacturne.
Flying for a few minutes he noticed Voyne.
Swooping down he landed behind the Pokemon.
"Voyne it's me Glion. I caught up with you!" he whispered to the Cacturne.
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