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Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

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Holy Crap! Castform, you look so young! And blonde! And glasses-wearing! You look so different than I imagined!

I'll post my picture once I take a decent one of myself. =P

Oh, yeah. Castform, your room is awfully messy, isn't it? *snicker*

Give me a moment to completely kill the image of you being a male, because this entire time, throughout my entire four/five years on TCOD, I thought you were male. Moment of silence as I say good-bye to such an image.

*Deep breath*

Okay! You're really cute. XD; You remind me of my cousin. And then it dawns on me, that in our last conversation, you were talking about babysitting, and never really questioning it as a gender role (because I've baby sat before, it's kind of fun really,) I never came upon the assumption that you were female. XD; I feel so bad. Really bad. Like, "holy crap Nate, what the heck were you on this entire time?" I'm sorry. Very. (I never even questioned your e-mail. XD)
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FMC, I don't think you look ugly at all!

Still needing picture. :D

EDIT: Not the teacher.

Also, sadly it's only my head, and I'm not very photogenic. D:

Also also, I couldn't help scrolling down the page and laughing at the outrageous picture of my crush. :D
Thankee for the comments everyone. I'll try and get a happier picture in soon. And I look better without my glasses, so I'll try one o' them, too.

And yes, Drifloon, by room is extremely messy. Half of the floor is covered in random stuff from school right now...
I just haven't got particularly far into the wonderful not-so-great part of life that is puberty yet, that's all.

sup B|
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