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Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

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WELL I'M SORRY but it's not at the top of my list right now you know. I'm more concerned with I DON'T KNOW POVERTY IN AFRICA

or something I don't know maybe I'll make it happy later
CAUTION: This post may contain extremely high amounts of unattractiveness. View images at your own risk.

Me, in my car. This was taken on the day I first plated it, so that would be about a year and a half ago or something like that. Despite needing a fair bit of body work, she's still the better looking of the two of us. The blue thing to the right is my dad's car - It's newer than mine, but yes, we both have Thunderbirds. <3 Thunderbirds.
Again, about a year and a half old. Me in my good old Dungeon Siege shirt, which I won in a UT2004 tournament (Technically it was a tie, although apparently I was absolutely dominating until the guy in charge came over and started chatting with me). I proudly wear it as a trophy of sorts - A symbol of my geekiness :D
This is the only recent picture in the bunch, and it's really crappy. This was about two months ago, in a town not too far from Edmonton. There's a giant egg in the background (I had to crop it out due to the filesize limit), and my mom wanted a picture of me standing in front of it.
CAUTION: This post may contain extremely high amounts of unattractiveness. View images at your own risk.

Again, about a year and a half old. Me in my good old Dungeon Siege shirt, which I won in a UT2004 tournament (Technically it was a tie, although apparently I was absolutely dominating until the guy in charge came over and started chatting with me). I proudly wear it as a trophy of sorts - A symbol of my geekiness :D
Nice unibrow. *shot*
Yay for Dungeon Siege shirt.
Oh! Oh! Pick me, I have a comment~
You look way different than that one picture you sent me last year some time!
...uh, yeah.

I don't have a picture at the moment.
But I'll get one. (:
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