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Black Bolt PokeMafia [Day Two]


loves terra "brain cells? idk her" kingdomhearts
One night at the Pokemon Town square, Two pokemon were fighting, one who had Ideals, and one who had Truth. A brave Pokemon tried to stop it. However, was killed during the fight. (not one of our players, just a fake pokemon)

Therefore, the one with Ideals became evil, and the one with Truth became selfless and good. Very few went with evil, and would stop at nothing to kill the innocents.

36 Hours for night actions
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Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Night 0]

The day has just begun, and looks like the innocents are lucky this time!

No bodies were found, every one was there! However, a note was laying rihgt in town square.

it says "17, judging by the time". The townies were puzzled. Was it good or bad? They continued the day to lynch or abstain.

36 hours for day time discussion.
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Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Day 1]

No deaths eh? I wonder what happened there.
...Not much else to contribute, sorry.
Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Day 1]

I still don't get how RK-9's going to play, but, uh, have a list!

Mutsu: Male Backpacker
Mai: Pike Queen (Female)
RK-9: leader!Blue (Male)
Whirlpool: Male Preschooler
Flower Doll: Female Psychic
Glace: Male Striker
Zapi: Male Youngster
Kirby-Chan: Female Beauty Trainer
Wargle: Waitress (Female)
Legendaryseeker99: Male Ace Trainer
Sizz-Lorr: Pokémaniac (Male?)
I liek Squirtles: Infielder (Male?)
Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Day 1]

It could be a lucky healer, an inactive mafia, or we got an activated alien.
Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Day 1]

I still don't get how RK-9's going to play, but, uh, have a list!

Mutsu: Male Backpacker
Mai: Pike Queen (Female)
RK-9: leader!Blue (Male)
Whirlpool: Male Preschooler
Flower Doll: Female Psychic
Glace: Male Striker
Zapi: Male Youngster
Kirby-Chan: Female Beauty Trainer
Wargle: Waitress (Female)
Legendaryseeker99: Male Ace Trainer
Sizz-Lorr: Pokémaniac (Male)
I liek Squirtles: Infielder (Male)

Sizz-Lorr and ILS are both Male.
Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Day 1]

Oh Moo

I hate it when nothing happens, because something always happen in the game
Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Day 1]

First of all, Wargle, I like how you're pretty much obviously Miltank.

Very nice use of appropriate cussing.

Anyhow, I think Riza wants us to discuss the note. Any ideas?
Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Day 1]

You have 14 hours till the day ends. Lynch or Abstain.
Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Day 1]

Well... I don't want to randylynch because it is far more likely that an innocent will fall... so abstainm I guess.
Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Day 1]

IS this the game where we can only abstain 3 times? I'm in a couple and they're all blending together?

Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Day 1]

No, but you cannot abstain twice in a row. (you can lynch, abstain, lynch, abstain, lynch, abstain, lynch, etc)

I guess i'll take 3 votes for the day.

The townspeople decided not to lynch.

A fucking boring day and no one was lynched.

36 hours for night actions.

Edit: This is the 10,000 post in the mafia forum!!! =P
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Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Night 1]

Oh fuck, today the townies saw something unexpected.

The body's of a Charmander, Sizz-Lorr, and a Pichu, Whirlpool, were found dead upon the townies. Both were found beaten mercessly.

A note was right next to Sizz-lorr, but not the note that was alike the one found yesterday. It read;

"Hmph! I was lucky! Your leader was found dead! Reshiram, you now only have a glimmer of hope! Your followers will now go around confused as you are. However, I sense a precense! You puny sons of a bitch might have hope."

A note from the mafia! The note wasnt like the note from yesterday. The mafia were killing every one one by one.

Sizz-Lorr's body began to glow. His body went from a small Charmander, to a large white flaming Pokemon. Sizz-Lorr's spirit came from the new body.

"My fellow townies...I bid you adeu...I may have been killed...but all is not lost...defeat the Mafia....Please...we cannot end up like Cresselia's team....live...please...." He said, then he floated up to the sky.

Sizz-Lorr was killed. He was Reshiram, the Innocent Leader.
Whirlpool was killed. He was Innocent.

36 hours for lynching, and you must lynch.
Re: Black Bolt PokeMafia [Night 1]

What exactly does the all mean? We lost our leader... was he like a tankish guardian that watched over us like a vig?
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