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Open [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia: Quest for the Golden Shards

Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((I can't think of anything to do by my lonsome! i'ma wait until someone moves off of the town boards to do anything))
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

...Creeping... creeping shadows... she shivered and jumped.

The beast... the darkness... it was there. She could feel the pure darkness creeping... its essence so very close to her ear... so close to touching her... evil. It was that evil... the evil within her externally emitted.

Arylett gulped.

"I... I knew... I knew... you... were... he-here..."

Something about its shadows... about the beast's shadows... she felt herself suddenly unable to move. Frozen, frozen... it was like a magnet... the magnetic darkness kept her rooted to that spot. It... it felt so horrid... and yet...

It felt good.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

King Phillip grasped his sword tightly, ready to draw it. "My Queen? What ales you! Are you alright!" He turned to the ranger. "This is your doing! What is wrong with the queen!"
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Of course you did..." whispered the Thing, "You always know, my dear..."

There was a terrifying rushing sound that filled the entire castle, especially the throne room, and the Thing appeared in front of Arylett, visible to all.

"And who are theeeessse?" he hissed, turning his bright red eyes to the humans dotted around the room, "I recognise only thissss one..." and he lashed out with one of his tendrils, grabbing Cas around the waist.

"Thingy," Cas whispered, his voice trembling, "Why are you here?"

The Thing laughed, a harsh, cold cackle, and span across the room towards his former teacher.

"I am here to awaken my other halfff..."" the Thing replied, lashing out again and pulling Arylett towards him, too.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Once King Phillip saw the shadow appear and grab Cas he drew his sword and held it ready to battle. "Who and what are you, foul demon? How do you know Cas and Arylett?"
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

And there it was...

"Yo... you..."

At this point, no words could reach her. No words and no sound. It was silence... a silent and dark world.

The darkness... the darkness was consuming her. Evil... pure evil. Wrapping its tendrills around her body, seeping... seeping... the darkness in her heart... the rage... it was...

...It was beginning to come out. Seeping. Seeping darkness!

She felt helpless to it, her body was immobile, helpless to that Horrid Thing, allowing it to pull her further and further in.

Oh, fight it! Keep fighting it! Chimed the small light.

But she couldn't keep fighting... especially when... when the darkness was so tempting. So cool... it would free her... it would free her of it all. Ahaha! That evil! What if she just let it go...? What if she just...

The darkness was still consuming her.

"Take... take me... Ho-Horrid... Thi-Thing..."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The Thing laughed at the petty man with his little sword. "Dare you challenge me, human?" he whispered, pulling Phillip towards him as well. As an afterthought, he snaked a tentacle towards Arylett's crown, and gently poked it a few times - but no, that could wait. He would not take his True Form just yet.

"Take you..." the Thing whispered in response to Arylett. "Oh, I will one day, no doubt, but for now..." and he laughed again, but this time the laugh was somewhat younger, more lively,more human - a trace of his past, when he was ordinary, perhaps. "Let us play!" but the last word was not innocent, and was certainly not playful, for he suddenly spread out, consuming the entire room and grabbing everyone, then throwing and tossing them around, towards each other, towards the walls... a Horrid game for striking fear into human hearts.
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Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Plea... pleas-"

Suddenly the shadows tightened, they tightened around her waist. She grabbed ahold of her and appeared to have tossed her into the wall. Her body went flying. And the whole time it was flying, she could feel absolutely nothing. For a split second, she had felt nothing. Not fear, not anger, not sadness... just nothing. All emotion appeared to have left her, it was as if her feelings had simply been frozen, suspended in time...

...And she saw it... she saw a figure.

"It's not time yet... it's not time yet. No, it's not your time, Arylett."

"Rrr.. rr-"


She crashed into the wall and all feeling seemed to return. It all hit her - literally. The force in which she had crashed into the wall was rather brutal, it was the odd disgusting sound that seemed to bring her back, that made her snap to.

And her screams filled the air, a shriek. A shriek of pure pain.

Something had broken.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

King Phillip heard a large CRACK, coming from HRA's direction. "My Queen!" he yelled, not paying attention to his swinging around the room. He tried to reach her, but failed. He had dropped his sword when he was thrown up, but still had his dagger, and tried to reach the beast.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Laughing madly, the Thing snatched Arylett up again and bought her close to his piercing crimson eyes. "Had enough yet, my dear?" he asked, then noticed the silly man from earlier trying to get towards him again with a dagger. "Your attempts are futile," he spat angrily, and tossed Phillip down at the floor.

Cas, meanwhile, was close to fainting, but was furiously trying to cast a spell to make the thing release everyone. there was a sudden, bright purple flash, and he fell to the floor, and then scrambled to his feet, trying to free Princess Eve next.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

King Phillip slowly got up, thanking the gods for his armor. He dashed over to his sword, picking it up and swinging it above his head. "DIE FOUL BEAST!" he shouted, slicing it towards the monster.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The eyes...

...the eyes...

At this point, Arylett could feel and think of nothing except the searing burning pain now filling her body. She felt madness... pure madness...! Oh why wouldn't the Horrid Thing just take her now?! She shrieked more in sheer pain. It was tremendous agony. The sound of her voice... the scream... it sounded as if her very soul was being ripped apart.

Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The Thing felt a sword enter his central being. He stared furiously at the human who had attacked him, but still laughed as the blackness faded from existence, still cackled evilly as his eyes dissipated and gave the room a weird red tinge.

"I will take you, Arylett Dawnsborough..." whispered the voice from every corner of the room.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"NO! Take me instead! Arylett, don't give in!" King Phillip yelled, and swung his sword again.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Kinova let out a cry of surprise as the rushing sound blasted through the room, jumping from her chair and knocking it over. She barely had time to turn around before the monstrous shadow-creature had appeared and begun snaking its tentacles towards the people in the room. "What the - " She made to dodge an oncoming tentacle, but it only moved faster, gripping her ankle and pulling her over. She felt herself being lifted from the ground, but before she could even consider what to do about it she was dropped onto the solid floor of the hall.

Rolling over and looking across the floor she saw many of the others in the room being thrown around by the creature; she would have sworn at the sight, but her sudden re-introduction with solid ground had knocked all the breath out of her. She looked to her left and caught sight of Arylett being tossed violently towards a wall, before having her vision obstructed by another shadowy tentacle worming its way across the floor towards her. Kinova scrabbled backwards away from it, stopping only when she cracked her head against the table she'd been sitting at earlier.

Blinking and slightly dazed, Kinova got to her feet and grabbed a large silver platter off the table, usually used for displaying fruit - apples and oranges went spinning across the room as she swung the platter around in front of her and attempted to smack the tentacle with it. The platter, however, went right through the bizarre limb as if it were smoke - it dived for her waist, but she made a mad jump out of the way, still clutching the plate. She rolled across the floor and came to a stop not far from Phillip, who was barging through the shadows with his sword towards - oh, crap.

Arylett was being pinned to the wall by the creature. Out of ideas, Kinova rashly threw the platter as hard as she could towards the mass of shadows surrounding the Queen, while dancing madly on her toes and trying to stamp on any approaching tentacles. Before she had a chance to come up with any other sort of plan, the shadows faded and all that remained was a crimson tinge to the room.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((Is he disappearing?))

Damn me and my autopilot! The Horrid Thing... that is what it looks like?

Lucas had only seen the Horrid Thing in the faintest of pictures and vaguest of stories. He has a sort of... peaceful malevolence.

His thoughts snapped to the broken queen. She's being consumed...

He saw King Philly stab the demon with his sword. He then yelled to the monster to take him instead of the queen. That Philly, always so quick to react, albeit not in the smartest of ways.

Lucas tried to reach for his milkshake ingredients. As the Royal Milkshaker, he kept all kinds of milkshake additives. Healing, purifying, anti-depressing... and muscle relaxant.

He desperately reached for his biggest pocket. C'mon, reach, reach... Got it!

He grabbed the rather large packet of relaxant and poured it all over the demon's tentacle.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Phillip ran at the demon, swinging his sword to cut he tentacles that bound Arylett to the wall.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Malbarad was slammed into the wall away from the creature which had suddenly appeared in the room, cracking his head and slumping into unconscious. He saw blackness, and then a wave of redness flew over him. He saw his home, the City, in all it's glory, but when he reached the gate, dark shadows erupted from it, destroying buildings, killing, shaking the very Earth. Everything faded to black again, and he saw no more.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Why... why wouldn't they let it take her? Let its sweet essence... sweet darkness...

"Lett! I told you... it's not time." There was... that figure again...

Her body crumpled to the ground as the mass of shadows gripping her, with the combined efforts of Kinova and King Phillip, was ripped asunder... once again she had felt nothing - absolutely nothing. There was no pain, there was no fear, no sorrow, no anger, no happiness.

The body's dark eyes stared fixed, unseeingly on. Blankly... she could see... she could still see that figure.

The figure was in fog.

"Well... you're not just giving up. You jumped in the pool... I know you did. But don't let the darkness consume you. I know you're not giving up, Lett."

"Of course not." No... of course not. How... how could she think of giving up? She hadn't really given up. Not really.

"That's my Arylett. Now go back, go back..."

And it all rushed back again, the pain, the fear, the sorrow... it was agony once more.

The blank unseeing eyes were seeing once again.

An immense pain searing through her back. Something felt out of place... it was broken... she had broken her back. She tried to move, tried to get up, but winced and let out a small squeal of pain, slumping back down to the floor.

The eyes... those horrid red eyes... she could see so much in them. All the darkness... the evil... the pain...

How could that have ever tempted her?
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