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Open [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia: Quest for the Golden Shards

Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Huh...? Oh!"

She was thrust out of her reverie of the Horrid Thing and the darkness in her heart. Queen Arylett was relieved to be brought out of her deep and immensely unpleasant reverie. It... it hurt her to merely think of the darkness.

"Aaah yes... tell me, do you know anything of the Golden Shards, Castycal? And... what course of action do you think I should take? Our visitor doesn't seem to be wanting to say what this information is needed for... and that seems a bit suspicious, don't you agree?"

Nervously, she glanced over at Kinova, as if she could help her out somehow. She didn't want to engage in this dreadful and unpleasant business... it was all so stressful... and from time to time... it had brought out the rage within her. Just as had happened merely a few moments ago. Now she just wanted to talk about fashion. Fashion! Fashion! Frivolous, unstressful, fun. But... she had to deal with this.

"We'll talk about those Fashion Reports more as soon as I finish here with Castycal!" She yelled across the room.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((Stories of some internal conflicts have made it halfway round the world. These people don't have much information.))

Timcyduch followed this King into the building and motioned his men to follow. So this is the king then.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"The Golden Shards?"

Cas thought for a moment, browsing through his library of a mind, until it clicked.

"Yes, I do know about the Golden Shards. They are the fragments of the stone in which the Golden Spirits are said to reside."

He looked at Arlyett for a moment. "If we wish to find them, we'd have to send search parties all across the world, for they were literally scattered everywhere when the stone shattered."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Search parties? Me and my ghosts can search anywhere in the world if needed! We can most certainly help," Oooohface said.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"No... no... no..." She looked contemplative once more and paused, the slow gears within her mind grinding. "First... before we take any course of action... I want all the information you can get on these shards, you understand me? I want to know... I want to know how they relate to Arylettopia."

Arylett looked away from him, her dark eyes sweeping the room.

Her expression was grave and serious. Yet again she had allowed her mind to dwell on the Horrid Thing.

It was lurking... she knew it.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'My greatest welcomes HRA' Princess Eve said. 'I can help with my purple chocobos, they can fly over land, sea. anything that can get in it's way.'

Edit: Post ninjad.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Arylett, what is bothering you? You seem to be drifting."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'I'll try to get some information on the shards but...it will be hard' Princess Eve told HRA.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"I have some information on the shards in my library back in Ionia, the data should be here post-haste."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((Okay, Arylett has given me permission to play the Horrid Thing (As she said, "You do know more about his history and all that."), and as such I have made some changes to Cas.))

Name: Thingy Horridus, AKA 'The Horrid Thing'
Age: 150
Gender: Neither, but generally referred to as male.
Nationality: Arylettopian
Job: N/A

In Cloaked Form, Thingy takes the appearance of a shapeless, creeping shadow with two evil-looking red eyes. He has lots of strange, flailing tendrils and tentacles which are surprisingly strong.

In Half-True Form, Thingy is a vaguely humanoid demon, dark red and covered with strange gold patterns. He has large black eyes, and two long, fully-flexible arms with spikes claws at the end. He has no legs and two very small feet (Even though he floats), and two tentacles which come from the same joint as his feet. At their ends, the tentacles split into three thinner, yellow ones, the centre ones of which end in small Anti-Arylett-Eyes*. His head is covered in small spikes, with two long, curved horns.

In Anti-Arylett form, also sometimes called True Form, Thingy looks vaguely like Arylett, albeit with no facial features. He wears a long, black dress, has no visible arms (His Anti-Aryletthair ends with hand shapes anyway) or legs and has a large Anti-Arylett-Eye* in the middle of his chest. He also has two weird horns coming from his forehead - dark red and curved, much broader around the middle, and spiked at the end. He can only reach this form if he steals the Crown of Arylettopia which, upon contact with his head, turns into a simple crown made of dark bronze.

*An Anti-Arylett-Eye is the symbol of the Horrid Thing. It is a large golden eyeball, with a red iris, surrounded by tangled rings of nearly every colour possible. The whole thing is encompassed by a dark grey circle. The Eye is one of the worst fears of many people in Arylettopia.

Recovery or Blockade: Neither - he caused the whole thing.

Personality: When Thingy fused with the Horrid Shell, he lost all traces of human thought, and has no feelings other than a need to destroy and cause pain.


Thingy Horridus was once a normal child. He displayed magical abilities, and so was apprenticed to Cas Tical. He was always intrigued, however, in dark magic and ancient demons, and read of the strange evil essence that resided in the heart of Arylett. He was caught one night by his teacher, sneaking into the Evil Section of the Library of Awesomeno-City, and knocked Cas out. This was the night. He sneaked into the castle and managed to get to Queen Arylett's bedroom, and as she slept he began to extract the uppermost layer of the Evil Essence - the Horrid Shell. Cas soon arrived, but it was far too late - the Horrid Shell was out, and Thingy was already being consumed by it. Before he left, Thingy placed a thousand terrible curses on Arylett, and then disappeared for many years.

After a while, however, he enticed a man into doing his bidding, and got him to gain the trust of the Golden Spirits - and kill them. When the deeds were done, Thingy ordered his servant to destroy the Golden Stone in which the Spirits were trapped, in an attempt to prevent them from ever returning...
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Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

(Yeah, I did give him permission. Oh and... it's approved. I think I can approve things, yeah. I mean, this IS legends of ARYLETTopia and Moon Land.)

"Drifting...? Oh nothing... nothing's bothering me. Thank you... thank you for the information... Princess Eve and King Phillip..."

Still she seemed rather distracted, her eyes flitting around nervously... there was a darkness... a darkness deep within her that seemed to have been stirring. And it had overtaken her in that brief instance, the instance she had yelled and stomped... she could feel it... an animal rage...

...The Horrid Thing was nearby indeed. And only she, only she could know if its presence.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

King Phillip walked back over to the Ranger. "I demand you disclose all information about these shards to me at once!" he yelled, clutching his sword in his sheath. He wanted to know what was going on, and he wanted to know now.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Malbarad could detect the threat hidden in the words and the king's hand gripping the sword.
"I am afraid I know very little, only that they are somehow connected to some 'spirits'. I come only to find out more, as there may be a chance that they are somehow linked to our own history."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'I will fly to Windia castle and get all the books in my old library that say anything about the Shards' Princess Eve told everyone. 'KWEH' Princess Eve's purple chocobo Lavender swooped in the castle, taking Princess Eve Skittia[PES] onto her back and taking off for the castle.

Soon they arrived at Windia Castle. PES and Lavender ran to the library as fast as they could and asked the royal librarian for a book about the shards.

'There are no such books about such shards' the librarian said to an unhappy Princess Eve. 'There is one book but opening it is a great deed and only in the hands of a true Windian queen will it open...'

Princess Eve didn't know what to do. Her mom had died sadly and she didn't know how to open it. She went and told her servants to make her Queen Eve as well as Princess Eve. When PES put on her mother's hat the book sprang open.

'KWEH!' PES shouted. Lavender flew over knowing what to do. Lavender picked up Princess Eve and flew her back to HRA's royal castle.

Back in the throne room...

'HRA I have the book however it may only be held by me when open' PES said. 'You can read over my shoulder however'
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

A darkness, a living shadow, hugged the wall in the darkest alcove of the castle. Suddenly, very suddenly, two bright red eyes appeared from nowhere on the shadow-creature, staring, not straight ahead, but to the throne room, full of people - including the Queen.

"Aaaaaaryyyyyyleeeeeett..." whispered the shadow, so that only Arylett herself would be able to hear.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Princess Eve Skittia noticed something very strange about the queen. She looked somewhat scared but also as if she was seeing and hearing ghosts.

'Anything wrong HRA' PES asked. 'If you aren't feeling well you can go lie down in your royal bed.'
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Raeneudd's Martlet returned to her, having failed to find anyone.
Muttering, she waved her sceptre passed her throat, inflating her voice massively.
"I, Crown Princess Raeneudd of Pheboraedd, request an audience with whoever is master of the land."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Kinova jumped slightly, startled by the Queen's sudden shout. "Oh! Okay!" she replied, watching as Arylett turned back to the group of people she was speaking to. Her Maj. was looking more flustered than usual... wonder what they're talking about? Must be something big... Curious, Kinova stood up as quietly as she could (luckily, a number of whispered conversations had started up between courtiers and she went unnoticed) and moved a little closer to where the Queen, King Phillip and the others were standing.

Trying to look as nonchalant as she could, Kinova placed herself at a seat on the long table usually used for banquets and pulled out her notebook again, pretending to doodle in it as she listened as best she could to the conversation.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Princess Eve listened and looked carefully for anything that HRA might have heard or saw that scared her. No matter how hard she tried PES didn't hear anything suspicious.
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