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Open [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia: Quest for the Golden Shards

Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards


Horrid Arylett flinched at being swiped by the claws, some of the cloak of darkness protecting her being swiped away. However, she did not bleed and more darkness regenerated in its place.

The Queen kept grinning tantilizingly from beneath the darkness, despite her cheeks feeling quite sore.

"...Did that bother you? Oooh... I'm so sorry, dear." She chuckled a bit. The Queen floated towards the Horrid Thing, her cloak of darkness trailing along with her and prepared her left claw. She stopped standing a few inches away from him, then gathered up a huge ball of blackness within the claw.

"Hell Hex!" Arylett released a blizzard-like torrent of darkness at the Horrid Thing, no longer smirking underneath her cloak. That thing... something was bothering her... poking at her mind...

...What... what was this feeling that she was feeling?
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

King Phillip was feeling pain from his ring now. But he wouldn't take it off. Arylett, Stop, You're better than this. Let him live he attempted to telepath to Arylett.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

{I'm gone for a while so can someone please control my chars? Thanks.}
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

(Castform: I don't mean THE cave, just a cave that I think is THE cave)

The cave was dark and forbidding, and soon there was no light at all. It was no problem as Lavender could glow like a night light but it still felt rather scary. Flying flying, the cave seemed to last forever. Eve saw something, coming closer out of the darkness. However when she got closer she found it was nothing but a dead end. Sighing Eve flew her way out of the cae light speed with Lavender but the rules of nature made anyone traveling at light speed have a very bad hair day. When Eve was out[which took less than a second] she felt her hair, which was sticking up in all directions. Sheilding her eyes with her hands she got off Lavender ordering her to use her claws to dig, incase there was a shard buried. Eve was now in a bad mood. It seemed hopeless to save HRA or get the shards, they could be anywhere.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

King Phillip used the time it took for Eve to go into the cave and then start digging to catch up. He landed next to her. Then his ring started acting up. It was his shard. "There is definitely a shard down there" he said to PEV.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

(Psst, it's PES not PEV)

'Yes!' Eve shouted in delight, she had never thought that she could ever get near one. 'Keep digging Lavender!' Eve shouted, as nice as she could at her chocobo who right away sped up to impress Eve. Eve helped too, she decided to get her bow and a lot of her big hammer sized arrows and shot them at the ground speeding up the process of digging.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Here, it will be easier this way, since the shards are attracted to each other." KP then took out the Shard from his ring and the shard in the ground automatically came up and fused together with KP's shard. "I'll store it in my ring until we needed it."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'Good work Lavender and thanks KP[which makes me think of Kim Possible] 'Can I maybe have one of the shard pieces?' Eve asked hopefully. 'Just in case I need it. I can store it in Lavender's necklace.' Eve showed KP Lavender's necklace , it was Lavender coloured and right in the middle there was a small purse around the size of a stamp.

'It can store unlimited stuff in there[like Hermione's in the 7th Harry Potter book :P] and it is never full. I have also put a charm on it so no one apart from Lavender and I can open it. Anyone else trying to open it it hit by a powerful curse that makes you star in not an awesome RP like this one but a crappy cellphone game that is black and white and pixels and size of elephants :D' Eve explained.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((Nice fourth wall breakage XD))

"Alright" KP said, giving the most recent shard to PES. "We should go find Arylett now. I have a tracker on her, but the signal is pretty weak. And something is wrong with her. How fast can Lavender go?"
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The Thing merely laughed at the incoming torrent of darkness, but after a few moments it became too much even for him. He began to make strange, strained noises at the back of his throat, and then -

"YAAAAAGH!" he roared, forcefully breaking out of the side of the darkness. He swam throguh the air towards Arylett and slashed her again, twice.


Cas watched as the other two found a Golden Shard. That was fortunate, but they still needed to find Arylett, and he had lost his sense of direction. "Spektra, follow the smell from that cave you showed me," Cas told the giant rainbow beetle, and Spektra shot off again, wings clattering so fast they were a blur.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

KP went up into the sky and sped off following his tracker, going at the speed of sound.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'Lavender can go faster than the speed of light but going that fast can mess time but usually Dialga fixes it up again but it's still risky...' Eve told KP. 'I could give it a try' Eve raised her hands up and in much less than a second Lavender was high up in the sky with Eve on her back'
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"NO! Don't, time messing up is VERY dangerous. It could erase any of us from existence."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Back in Pheboraedd, Malbarad and Raeneudd were told the findings of the scholars. It was not good news.
"It seems these shards are the same doomstones as our own books talk of. Thus we need to keep them apart. Fortunately a ship from Altania has just come in, and they had one on board. Apparently it was found on an archaeological dig."
The speaker, a tiny wizened old man with white hair, pulled out a drawing. "The original is being held in the royal vaults, and I no longer have access to it, but this is a good likeness.
"Well, I have held you up long enough, so I suppose you need to get on, but before you go I have that you came back with, master Windstar. Whatever caused the burning has left it's energy imprint on the key, so it it is used the user should be able to go to wherever that thing is."
"Thankyou very much," said Raeneudd, taking the key. "Well, I know you need to give your report to the council, so we shall see you later."
The old man nodded, and turned and walked away.

"What are you thinking, Princess?" asked Malbarad.
"Hmm...I think that nothing has changed. I'm going to Moonland to find Tim. Don't try and persuade me otherwise."
"I won't, but since you're off I'm going too. I want to meet that thing again. This time it won't catch me off-guard."
"Then I'm coming with you. Tim will be fine, I know it, but you lost once already, and I can't let you go off alone."
"So I can change your mind, as long as I do something totally irrisponsible and stupid, and let you come with me. Your mother will kill me for this, but you can come too."
"Let's go then."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The flight was exhilarating, but it only distracted Kinova for a moment. She urged the Curly-Tailed Bird onwards, following Cas as best she could - at least that insect of his was easy to spot and follow. Below her she spotted Eve, her Chocobo and the King... digging, by the looks of it. Why would they be digging at a time like this...? It didn't seem to be bothering Cas, though; he'd barely paused to look down at them.

Deciding to leave them to whatever they were doing, Kinova encouraged her ride to fly yet faster so they could catch up with Cas.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'OK then, I'll fly at the speed of sound too, that won't harm anything' So Lavender flew off and up to the sky. Racing towards where Arylett's signal was.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The cloak of darkness danced around her anxiously.

She shut her eyes, enduring the slashes and trying to keep in the cries of pain that threatened to escape from her. Vaguely she heard a different voice... but.. it seemed too far off. However she could see The Figure again... The Figure was shaking its head in dissappointment.

Something was horridly wrong.

No! Nothing was wrong! Right...? She... she liked the power! She liked the darkness! It felt so... so amazing... so free!

And yet she could still feel it...

The beast... it was stirring... the immensely curly hairs on Arylett's head had gone even more wild, if possible, twitching about erratically. They wrapped themselves around the Horrid Thing's arms, grabbing a firm hold on them.

And at that moment, Arylett knew she was screwed.

They were out of control.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The Thing felt Arylett's strange hair tighten around his wrists, and tried to struggle his way free, but to no avail.

"I placed this curse upon you," he hissed, out of breath, "I gave this hair life. So it should obey ME!"

He flung his arms into the air, and the curls were uncoiled, some of them were torn, and his arms were free again. Yet again, he slashed multiple times at her face, her chest and her stomach.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The cloak was dissipating.

Arylett groaned in pain, feeling some of the darkness fleeing from her as a few of her curls were torn. She was... she was...


And there it was again, that feeling of doubt, that ominous feeling. She closed her eyes again, taking the hits. The slashes were finally darwing blood as the darkness became less thick. Blood was splurting from her cheeks and there was a huge gash across her chest and stomach as part of her dress was torn to pieces. "Urrrrgh!"

To stack on that pain, she could also feel her bones beginning to ache again... it seemed as if... as if... she was... returning to normal.

But her hair... not if it could help it! It absorbed the cloak of darkness surrounding Arylett, who reverted back to her original form, her black eyes returning back to their dark brownish colour. Her body hung limpy from her hair, which at this point had became a huge wild tentacled mass of darkness. She groaned, feeling the last of her consciousness flickering from her. All she wanted now... all she wanted was for all of this to end. It was all... so much... so much work... and she was so tired.

Once more she closed her eyes, as she had always done when things had gotten bad.

There was The Figure...

"You'll get through this." It said.

The wild mass of darkness on Arylett's head that could scarcely be refered to as hair now had begun to strike every inch of the Horrid Thing's lair. It was destroying anything it could get its dark tendrils upon, including the altar.

"You'll get through this." It said again.

Arylett sighed weakly before letting the exhaustion consume her.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"No..." the Thing hissed, watching the hair's destruction. He grabbed Arylett and forcefully dragged her out of the Lair, up the long, dark passages, floating up a vertical shaft towards a patch of light far above and literally flinging her our of the Lair with as much strength as he could.
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