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Bulbatwig and Friends' Sprite Safari!

New sprites!


Now made with 99% epicfail!
Ooooh. I like it. I've been trying to do one but couldn't get it right. Thanks alot!
*puts in sig*

EDIT: How about an Aggron Rhydon sprite now please?
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Hmm... Bakuphoon, I've finished yours, but I can;t find a background for it. Any images in particular you'd like?
Hmm... A forest background maybe? Or a cave. I prefer cave. Thanks :D And I'm finished with Omnidrag, but I can't decide on the colours for the shiny.
Okay. I can do caves.

As for Omnidrag, the same shiny colours as Muldrag should be fine, if not maybe a little darker. Thanks!

Is this alright?


If there's anything wrong, just tell me.
Species:Eevee, but if the growing part includes evolving, then I would like her to evolve into a Flareon.
Special features:Black mane and tail, but where the cream fur is on the tail, make it red. If she evolves, the tuft of fur on her head would be red, but not the tail.
Background:Something fiery. I like fire. =3

And a splice of Eevee and Flareon, please.
Okay. On that note, Chaostres, what do you want Light to evolve into?

And Requests are temporarily CLOSED while I fulfill the current ones.
Aaaah. Pressure!!!


Ahem. Anyway, here's Drifty...


Tell me if there's anything wrong. The background kind of sucks, I know.

By the way, just so you know, the format for adoptables if you ever lose the link is
img ]


I'm working on Fluffy's now, then I'll get on the splices and candy bars.

the stripes suck, know...

All the adoptables are finished now, I think...
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