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Café of Doom

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Re: Café of Doom

Zapi, do you wanna take the mock challenge?

(or do you want me to call you windswept questant?)
Re: Café of Doom

Wait, Zapi is Windswept Questant? Now everything makes sense!
Re: Café of Doom

Zapi, do you wanna take the mock challenge?

(or do you want me to call you windswept questant?)
Then who will 'ref' it? :o

I don't really care what people call me, so whatever's easier for you xD
Re: Café of Doom

(everglider, if you put the mouse on windswept's user name, it'll say "Previous username; Zapi")

Zapi is much easier to type, XD

Maybe someone who wants to practice reffing could ref.

(i am not kidding, but when i came back here from a small hiatus and saw Zapi changed his username, i was like, "where's Zapi", then i found out a little later he was zapi, XD)
Re: Café of Doom

IT DOESN'T WORK FOR ME! And so I usually hate namechanges :(
Re: Café of Doom

No, I can't see the person's previous usernames.
Re: Café of Doom

Oh '.' Your browser, maybe? It works in Firefox '.' I dunno what other browsers it works for. And it doesn't work on profiles, only on posts by the person '.'
Re: Café of Doom

O.o, f*** popcorn, you had alot of usernames! XD

Wait, zapi's a girl? I always thought she was a boy!


COKKIE FIGHT! (throws cookies at everyone)
Re: Café of Doom

Hi, White Queen!

Yeah, if you mouseover the person's username for a few seconds their previous usernames will appear.

And may I say while I'm here that Cloudy's avatar is adorable. Again.
Re: Café of Doom

...you know I remember that there used to be a dinosaur that followed Cloudy around that was invisible what was his name again

my god I feel old
Re: Café of Doom

Invisichomp? It wasn't mine, athough it stalked followed me around for a bit. I had to worry about Bob, the cookie-munching snorlax. >.>
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