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Calling all spriters!

Do you know that on the new site, most of the sprites have been shrunk and/or blurred. Just wanted to point that if you didn't notice.

Also, Spintrodon's type is Dragon/Ground.
I've got Leaflare, Leaferno and their back sprites.





I especially like Leaferno.
Here's Sleak's Evo, Aquatter. It took much longer than I thought it would because I made the sprite, tried to resize it and it looked really bad. So I had to make an entirely new scratch. =/ Just my luck. Anyway, here's Aquatter.


EDIT: Also, I think you should use PichuK's fire starters, Furilaze will look terrible if I try to resize it.
Tropiking = Aquatter looks awesome and the backsprite for sotter is great. I'm going to put it ingame and post some screenshots but I was wondering if you want to do the shiny versions of your pokemon and if not I'll do them but is there anything pecific you'd want. Okay I'll use PichuK's fire starters, do you still want yours to be ingame? And also about my new website, those pics are only temporary as eventually I'm going to make a new page for each pokemon with pics, stats and evos. Also I'll change Spintrodon's type to Dragon/Ground.

Cryptica = They look great and thanks for also doing the backsprites with the front sprites, it makes it alot easier for me.

Terry .T = Sorry but I can't add new types of pokeballs with new capture rates bacause I'm hacking a game and so I have to work inside the parameters of the original game, like I can't add new pokemon, I can only replace old ones.
The centipede (not millepede) thing is Bug/Dark, and it needs a name... Anyone think of one for an evil centipede? It needs to have 'cent' in it, because the prevo is a millepede.

The shiny looks ok.
Sure, either one sounds good.

But, if you are making a visualboy advance version, do you really have to use the gameboy parameters?
Is there anyway to post sprites without a Photobucket acount. Thanks. If there is, I'll start making a ballon/pig pokemon.
Hey, since this is really popular, can I make some sprites? I have an idea of making an evo of chatot, if it's not already taken. :3
Oh, okay, it's good for a first scratch, it's much better than the first sprite I tried to scratch. Could I have a go at the shading and stuff, I wouldn't do it right away as I'm currently working on revamping my Havelock map.
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