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I'll be picking up ultraviolet vs. Vipera Magnifica and Stryke123 vs. Shadow11615. Threads for the battles should be up soon, although I might run into a slight delay.
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Ref test battle for B41LL3B055; needs one advanced/elite ref to be the mentor, and one other battler:
2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: None
Terrain: ASB Central Stadium
Although designed to be a state-of-the-art battling facility and located at the very heart of ASB Central's battle district, ASB Central Stadium actually sees very little use. Most battlers prefer the infinite variety of the holodrome's simulated arenas to the basic, if impressive, stadium field, and official tournaments tend to feature tours of other regions rather than a homefield brawl. There is one advantage to the stadium, though--its proximity to the holodrome grants it access to a full range of simulation options, allowing trainers to trick out their team to whatever extent they like before battling.
There's nothing much to say about the battlefield: it's a large, rectangular arena covered in astroturf. A circular pool will open in its center if a Pokémon requiring water to move around in is sent out. In this arena, Pokémon can summon absolutely anything they need for their attacks: tidal waves, boulders, and so on are in ready supply.
Other: This battle takes place between a referee and one other member. The referee will use their own team of Pokémon, but the other battler may choose either to use their own team OR choose any six nonlegendary Pokémon with any items and abilities to use for this fight. In the former case, their Pokémon gain experience as normal. In the latter case, they may choose to apply the experience earned by their rental Pokémon, minus one point, to their team in any manner that they choose.
The prizes for this battle are $20 to the winner, $10 to the loser, and $15 to the referee. This battle does not fill a battle slot for the mentoring referee.
I'll go ahead and mentor it.Ref test battle for B41LL3B055; needs one advanced/elite ref to be the mentor, and one other battler:
2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: None
Terrain: ASB Central Stadium
Although designed to be a state-of-the-art battling facility and located at the very heart of ASB Central's battle district, ASB Central Stadium actually sees very little use. Most battlers prefer the infinite variety of the holodrome's simulated arenas to the basic, if impressive, stadium field, and official tournaments tend to feature tours of other regions rather than a homefield brawl. There is one advantage to the stadium, though--its proximity to the holodrome grants it access to a full range of simulation options, allowing trainers to trick out their team to whatever extent they like before battling.
There's nothing much to say about the battlefield: it's a large, rectangular arena covered in astroturf. A circular pool will open in its center if a Pokémon requiring water to move around in is sent out. In this arena, Pokémon can summon absolutely anything they need for their attacks: tidal waves, boulders, and so on are in ready supply.
Other: This battle takes place between a referee and one other member. The referee will use their own team of Pokémon, but the other battler may choose either to use their own team OR choose any six nonlegendary Pokémon with any items and abilities to use for this fight. In the former case, their Pokémon gain experience as normal. In the latter case, they may choose to apply the experience earned by their rental Pokémon, minus one point, to their team in any manner that they choose.
The prizes for this battle are $20 to the winner, $10 to the loser, and $15 to the referee. This battle does not fill a battle slot for the mentoring referee.
Ref test battle for B41LL3B055; needs one advanced/elite ref to be the mentor, and one other battler:
2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: None
Terrain: ASB Central Stadium
Although designed to be a state-of-the-art battling facility and located at the very heart of ASB Central's battle district, ASB Central Stadium actually sees very little use. Most battlers prefer the infinite variety of the holodrome's simulated arenas to the basic, if impressive, stadium field, and official tournaments tend to feature tours of other regions rather than a homefield brawl. There is one advantage to the stadium, though--its proximity to the holodrome grants it access to a full range of simulation options, allowing trainers to trick out their team to whatever extent they like before battling.
There's nothing much to say about the battlefield: it's a large, rectangular arena covered in astroturf. A circular pool will open in its center if a Pokémon requiring water to move around in is sent out. In this arena, Pokémon can summon absolutely anything they need for their attacks: tidal waves, boulders, and so on are in ready supply.
Other: This battle takes place between a referee and one other member. The referee will use their own team of Pokémon, but the other battler may choose either to use their own team OR choose any six nonlegendary Pokémon with any items and abilities to use for this fight. In the former case, their Pokémon gain experience as normal. In the latter case, they may choose to apply the experience earned by their rental Pokémon, minus one point, to their team in any manner that they choose.
The prizes for this battle are $20 to the winner, $10 to the loser, and $15 to the referee. This battle does not fill a battle slot for the mentoring referee.
Okay so i haven't been on in awhile but I've got a pretty good challenge...
Format: 6 vs 6, single
Style: Switch
DQ: Two weeks
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs, Psychic Moves
Arena Description: Haunted Mansion
Even the toughest of Pokemon couldn't stand a few hours in the haunted mansion. So unless they're ghosts themselves, they suffer from a perish song like affliction, fainting after 3 turns. Psychic Pokemon are so shaken up they don't last longer than 1 turn before they turn tail and leave the house for the entire battle. Ghosts on the other hand are so at home they become ecstatic getting +1 priority on all their moves.
Additional Rules: Digging will drop the players into the basement causing 2% damage. Flying/ Levitating (unless in the basement) causes the Pokemon to hit their heads on the ceiling causing confusion and 2% damage and effectively grounding them. Dark and Ghost moves have double base power.
Format:1v1 single
DQ:1 week
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned/Restricted Moves: idk let the ref choose
Arena Description:A large crater in the desert that is very very deep, so there is no where to fight but in the crater
Additional Rules:n/a
Challenge accepted.Format: 4 v 4
Style: Set
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned/Restricted Moves: None
Arena Description: On a hill with rough grass and heather. Fairly strong wind but clear skies.
Additional Rules: All Pokémon must have under 3 experience points.
I'll take this, my squads all babies and 1st stages atmLooking for my first battle.
Format: 3 vs 3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: Two weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO, Perish Song, Destiny Bond
Arena Description: Pokémon Center Battlefield
One of the most basic battlefields is existence. About the size of a tennis court, but there is a space of several feet around the lines marking the official battlefield. The wind is strong, due to the Pokémon Center building deflecting it back onto the field.
Additional Rules: Basic-stage Pokémon only (unevolved/baby Pokémon). Due to the wind, special attacks are 95% of their normal accuracy.
Format: 2 vs 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: Two weeks
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned/Restricted Moves: Moves that require the user to jump or fly are restricted to 2.5 uses.
Now hold on, I know what you’re thinking.
Well, TJ “Henry” Eifie, hear me out. In ASB, posting a command actually has three parts to it – when the “Post Reply” button is pressed, when the “Post Reply” button is held, and when the “Post Reply” button is released. Together, this forms one button press. Now, usually, it’s the pressing that’s useful, because that’s the only part that makes your Pokémon jump. However, sometimes it’s sufficient to just use the holding part. So, what happens if you start the battle while holding the “Post Reply” button? This is what we call half a button press. So, in conclusion, if you start the battle holding the “Post Reply” button and then use two more complete presses, then your Pokémon only used 2.5 jumping moves.
Arena Name: Watch for Rolling Rocks
Arena Description: This stage takes place in an arena identical to the Hazy Maze Cave level of Super Mario 64. Every round, there is a 20% chance that a large boulder will roll over one of the battlers, dealing 5% Rock-type damage. The arena is also full of Ledyba that will lunge at Pokémon who get too close to them. Each action, there is a 10% one of these Ledyba will deal 3% Bug-type damage to either Pokémon. It may be possible to use these Ledbya to one's advantage, however, since the bugs follow a predictable pattern and can easily be manipulated... That is up to the creativity of the battlers.
Additional Rules: Either player may command their Pokémon to use the move Hyper Speed Walking. The Pokémon will spend an action and 12% energy to build up speed and launch themselves four parallel universes away (1 QPU distance) from their current location. While in a parallel universe, a Pokémon’s actual position and the position used for floor detection separate, and so the Pokémon can continue the battle as if it was on the main battlefield despite being located in a parallel universe. While in a PU, the Pokémon has the effects of both Reflect and Light Screen applied to it for six actions, after which the battlefield will reset the Pokémon’s positon to the original universe. Each use of Hyper Speed Walking will also raise the user's Speed by two stages.
And your logic is just plain wrong! Here on tcodf, it's the releasing of the "Post Reply" button that matters. If you just press and hold the button, you'll never get to post a reply! You could try dragging it to your address bar, but you still need to release the mouse button for it to go through! So I submit that it's impossible to have only half a jump!