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Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Snorunt. It'd have to live in the freezer though. I'd also like a Piplup, Mukip and Totodile. And Sentret.
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Ninetales, because it's fluffy, has nine tails, and is very cute, and can scare anyone I don't like by growling and burning them. x) Yeah.
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

An Umbreon or Shinx would be nice :3
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Waitwaitwait I have another idea for a pet Pokémon!

Wailmer and Hippowdon.

Why, you ask?

Because I get an instant, portable BEACH!

Plus a free surfboard ;3
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Pikachu. Well, that was a no-brainer.

Ooh! Ooh! And Mewtwo! Don't forget Mewtwo! :D Oh, and Houndoom, and Darkrai, and Mightyena...
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Hmmm, i think i have a death with because most of the pokemon i'd like to have as a pet(s) caould kill me very quickly, unless i'd had them since they were little.
1. Charizard
2. Flygon
3. Umbreon
4. Torterra
5. Arcinine
6. Absol
7. Blaziken
8. Quilava
9. Bayleef
10. Scyther
11. Swampert
12. Luxray
13. Espeon
14. Buizel
15. Crobat
16. Gligar
17. Girafarig

I'd also like to have MewTwo around, but never as a pet!
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Eevee, Skitty and everything pretty~
Fluffy and puffy and cute and cool, how about I have them all~
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Seviper :D!
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

arcanine, ninetales (the arcanine is male and the ninetales is female :))

darkrai, oddish, aipom, electabuzz
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Poochyena = Might poop inside the house
Darkrai = Might destroy the world. ^.^
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Hmm... lets use a visual Shinx adorable and Totodile Umbreon :3
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

A Zigzagoon would be nice. It's practical, since it's small and won't be able to burn up the house and whatnot. And Pick Up would be awesome. Although I'll probably need a whole room to fit my Zigzagoon's stuff.

So that won't work.

I want a Murkrow then. Murkrows are smart, so I can teach it to poop inside the toilet and flush it so I don't have to clean up after it, and it can fly. And talk. And it has awesome red eyes. And they're not that big, so I can keep it inside the house.

Murkrow it is.
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

[conceit] Mewtwo as well. It'd be nice to have an intellectual equal for a change...[/conceit]
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Any water or fire starter besides Totodile and Chimchar, since I wouldn't be able to own a Kyogre due to it being well, legendary,
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Damn...well, I'll narrow it down to three:

Eevee- ...and spend all my time agonizing over what to evolve it into. Probably a Flareon or Leafeon. Or I could get two Eevees and have one of each.

Dragonite- It's all the awesomeness of a dragon in an adorable and friendly package. Also, I could fly around on his back.

Shaymin- It's a hedgehog, and hedgehogs are awesome. Also, it could turn into Skymin and I could watch it zoom around in the sky. :3
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

Staraptor or Ditto.

I can ride on Staraptor and Ditto can cover for me when I can't physically be in a place right now i.e. the Sixth Form Open Evening when I'm doing coursework.
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?

salamence or pidgeot or staraptor You get the idea. Bird Pokemon, but first of all, salamence Four sprites, the most I've used in any post... so far. =D
Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet?


He kicks ass, looks cool and...what else can I say? The only problem is...is Mew supposed to be a ferret, or a rat? I can't tell >.<
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