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Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

I like Riolu/Lucario =D

Or Absol~

Cept Riolu/Lucario would probably be better 'cause then I could like raise it from a little Riolu into a Lucario and then we'd probably be even more attached.
Ohhh... ahm... hard question!!

I'd love a dratini. A chikorita would be cool too. But, knowing me, I would end up with a magicarp or something.
Wartortle, definitely. Honestly, I just want it because its the cutest Pokémon in my opinion. (Furry tail FTW :3) After a hard day, I'll come home to my Wartortle and play with him to relieve the stress. Blue is totally the most stress-relieving color, BTW.
If cuteness were the only criterion, then I would also like a Pikachu. (Who wouldn't?)
Runner up: Skorupi. It would be a great guard-dog Pokémon. One look at his three poisonous claws would (probably) send most burglars running. Plus he can survive a year without food, so I can forget to feed him every once in a while. Not that I won't feed him to save money or anything.

Even though I say Charizard I probably would pick a legendary because well, they're LEGENDARY. Mewtwo most likely.

I've wanted a Scyther ever since I read TQftL. Another way to threaten people >:D
I just want to remind people that the question is not asking what Pokemon you like the most, or think is cool... What could you actually see yourself taking care of? You need to take into account its needs, personality, discipline... This is a much more complex question than it seems to me some people are thinking it is.

That said, my previous answer to this topic still holds ;)
I would most likely end up with a random Pokemon I came across on some random adventure in my back yard. A pidgey or something.
Eevee. No surprise.

Otherwise, Growlithe, Buizel, Houndour/Houndoom, any of the Johto starters, Skitty, or Vulpix/Ninetales. Maybe a Dratini, too. I just like them all so much.
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