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Choose Your Own Pokemon Adventure~ Unova


Extra large applause.

Break time!

Bianca comes up and says " Well done! You might have a shot at winning! But my oshawott is BEAUTIFUL!"

Break over!

Beat 2 Action 1

1) Twirl

2) Prop

3) Kick
I guess all three...

This count as a whole beat.

Such magnificent grace! The Audience is standing up cheering. They love it! extra extra extra extra extra large applause.

Beat 3

1) Prop

2) Twirl

3) Kick
The Audiece wasnt really fond of the last move, so lets see if you win!

The narrator of the musical announces the winner. "The winner is....Bianca and Oshawott! Congrats!"

You feel sad, but you give bianca a handshake.

You go out, and a storm is breaking out. Bianca comes out telling you to get back in the musical building. but in the storm, you only see two Pokemon; a white Dragon...and...an ice coloured dragon. Suddenly, flaming hail goes through the sky, which makes it real real hot water. What to do?

1) Go in the musical

2) Stay and get burnt

3) Follow the city elder inside to get info about this
You get burned! and you send out your event suicune (Wuuh?) to cool you down, and then it goes back in your pokeball. You then follow the city elder for answers.

Elder: "Ah yes, the Yin and Yang Pokemon. The ones you saw in the storm were Reshiram and Kyurem. However, Kyurem is not yin nor yang, as i will explain that later. Now, Reshiram is the White Yin Pokemon, who holds truth. The other one, Zekrom, is the Black Yang Pokemon, who holds Ideals. I have no Idea what happened to Zekrom. Wait, i do have an Idea! I over heard some misfits talking about using Zekrom's for Team Bolts benefit. They must of had something to do with it. Now, Kyurem, was believed to be the third part of the yin and yang duo, but as a separate part. Kyurem appearing here must have something to do with Zekrom vanishing. Kyurem was thought to show itself directly to the hero. Possibly you? Maybe someone else? Who knows....now get the fuck out of my house"

You leave, and the storm is over. Bianca comes out.

Bianca:"Cheren just called me on his Xtranciever. He said he's in trouble on Route 5, C'mon! It's in the west direction, over yonder. We have to help him! HURRY!"


1) Help him!

2) Help him!
You tell Bianca "I dont know..."

She gets mad and says "Get out in route five now! He's our friend!" And then she pulls you by the arm.

You are surprised to see route five. There's a fire cause by the flaming hail. Some trees have fallen to the ground. Cheren was right under a burning tree! You sstart to see smoke and you start coughing. You bring out suicune to get rid of the fire. You then Send out Snivy, Ritsu, Gavin, Jupiter, Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Victini, and Celebi to all pick up the tree to get Cheren out. He is knocked out, and Bianca brings him to the People Center. (The one near the invisible Pokemart.)

You then realize the smoke is still there. You send you Pokemon back, but you are about to collapse and faint. Right before you do, two unidentified men put a blindfold on. Then you faint.

You wake up a while later, but it seems you cant see, and you're tied up in a chair.

What do you do?

1) Try and get the blindfold off by using your tounge.

2) Try and wriggle out of the chair.
You try wriggling out. No good. you look at you bag. There's only one Pokeball. It's your Shiny Snivy (Try saying that 5 times fast), but none of your other pokemon are there. You wriggle one of your fingers and get Snivy our of the Pokeball.

Suddenly, two Escalviers come up and pick up Snivy. Snivy cant get out. You then see a Litwick in the corner. It looks as scared as you are. You then see a woman come into the room. You expect it to be Drake of team Bolt, but it's...someone else....You try to ask who he is, but you got tape on your mouth.

She says "Welcome, I am Clair, the Dragon type Gym leader of Johto. As you can see, you are stuck in this room. You meddle too much. You shouldnt have talken to the man in Nimbasa. Alas, you must go now. For Team Bolt with take the Power of Zekrom, and then the world! Now, Hydreigon, Haxorus, take care of this girl."

You are being cornered by the dragon types. Clair then says "Hmm, let the shiny snivy come with us, we could use it."

You feel....you feel...what do you feel and what do you do?


1)Try and fight
2)Stay still
You feel five emotions at once. you look to your left on the floor. Your foot is slightly loose. Maybe....BAM! You kick the two Pokemon and they fly away. How weak! Clair is still there.

"Well done, but that was only a test." She says.

"Why are you doing this? Your supposed to be just a gym leader!" you say.

Clair walks around in a line. "A gym leader...JUST a gym leader... Well i intend to be more than that. For years, i have been in lances shadow. Well, no more! I intend to capture first Zekrom, then Kyurem, then every dragon types in every region. I could use your Snivy. Farewell!"

As she leaves, you think of a way to escape. where to escape to? (oh since your feet are loose in the rops, you cn walk, but you'll still be constricted by the chair)

1)The vent

2)The window

3)The door
I'm just gonna add on to this to see if someone will post.

The litwick you saw earlier comes up to you. it's flame burns the rope.

"thank you. do you have a trainer" you ask

the litwick shakes its head no. it climbs up to you. it wants to join you!

you put it in a pokeball. its yours now. you send it back out.

where to escape now?

1) the vent

2) the window

3) the door
Out of the chair now, you try the vent. It's too high, so you get the chair an- oh right, your Litwick burned the chair. =P

The vents no good, you cant reach it.

Ok, now what?


You se a low windowthat you can climb out of. You send the litwick in the Pokeball. As you are climbing through the window, you hear a voice.


You realize it's snivy, and the sounds coming from the door. you try opening it. Locked.
You go through the window and you see you are in a super lage building right behind the musical. How come no one's noticed that? You go around and you are at the entrance.

You look throuh the window on the door. You see Snivy in a barren room.

What now?

1) Get your freakin' Pokemon back and bust the door down- Like a boss!

2) Be a sissy prissy pussy and leave.

3) Be a sissy prissy pussy and just open the door.
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