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Collective Consciousness Mafia [N4]

Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

There'd not been a nomination of a better person to lynch, and, predictably, there still isn't. My vote stands.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

ole_schooler, Wargle doesn't have the same role anymore. Why exactly are we lynching her?
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

I saw that MF said Phantom and Wargle's roles were "swapped". Ole Schooler probably thought that those two roles were the ones swapped, making Phantom innocent, and Wargle Mafia. But Ole schooler, if this is what you are thinking, then this is not that case. Their roles were merely swapped with OTHER roles, not their own.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

No, I don't have a better reason, but I am of the opinion a day without a lynch is a wasted day. If you disagree, by all means, abstain and outvote me.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

Don't abstain, lynch ole-schooler for trying to lynch someone for shits and giggles.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

I'm not going to abstain, but I'm not going to lynch OS. He was trying to lynch ou because he had misinterpretted what MF said. When MF said he "Swapped" your roles, he assumed it meant you and phantom's roles were switched, since Phantom was a mafia, swapping those two roles would mean Wargle was mafia. However, this was misinterpreted, as the roles were swapped with other roles. He only lynched you because of this reason, and i would have too if i had misinterpretted. But Os, you do realized there's usually no lynchings on day 1 because of no info? So I'm not abstaining or lynching him, i'm having no vote unless there is some info.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

Though, MF explained the concept of switching roles in the sign-up thread. It's supposed to be the point of the game. :V
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

Hmmm.... I'm stuck between continuing to Abstain or lynching Ole_Schooler :\
What does everyone else think?
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

I'd be wary to lynch Ole_Schooler at the moment. As Windyragon pointed out, it is kind of the point of the game. I wouldn't assume OS was just a bit careless. There are other third parties besides alien that want to be lynched. And he is doing something that is counter-norm around here by day-1 lynching. So I'm just a little skeptical about that. Of course, it's unlikely MF would put an instant win role like that in at the beginning of the game because that could derail the experiment early. Still.

That being said, I don't think it's a bad idea to lynch even without significant info especially in this game where we just come back to life.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

I think an Alien would just kill everyone once, and they would win the game at the end no matter what.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

That could happen, or they could just win and go on to get a new role without killing everyone. MF did say it is possible to win multiple times. There is a role called fool that wins if lynched but does not require activation.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

I honestly did not expect people to go with the Wargle lynch. I just like lynching people. And I don't care if I get lynched, I just want someone to die, and my role is the most useless thing right now, so I'm fine with playing roulette.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [D1]

I honestly did not expect people to go with the Wargle lynch. I just like lynching people. And I don't care if I get lynched, I just want someone to die, and my role is the most useless thing right now, so I'm fine with playing roulette.

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