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Collective Consciousness Mafia [N4]

Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [N3]

I know exactly who to lynch. Ole-Schooler, you're dead.

See, I'm the DETECTION UNIT, apart of the innocents. Basically, I'm the inspector. I inspected Ole-Schooler last night phase, and he turned up Resistance, which is the Mafia faction.

Oh god, I hope this doesn't turn out to be a Miller thing...
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Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [N3]

Dammit ole_schooler broke my epic-ness.


Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [N3]

Well, I was effectively a Miller the first time. It's not unreasonable to assume I could revert back to a previous nature. And no, I did not expect to die; I had a one-off bulletproofing. Since Phantom wants to die so much, why not give her what she wants?
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [N3]

clearly he's trying to be bad at alien! or something like that.

Don't satisfy him. My god, Ole_schooler, you're so lynch happy it's almost not helpful.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [N3]

Er yeah I'll throw my lot in with everyone else. See you, ole_schooler.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [N3]

Well, I was effectively a Miller the first time. It's not unreasonable to assume I could revert back to a previous nature. And no, I did not expect to die; I had a one-off bulletproofing. Since Phantom wants to die so much, why not give her what she wants?

Even if you were Miller once, it's extremely unlikely that you'd be it again. Of course, there still is a chance, but with you going all lynch happy, I think it's safe to lynch you.

And where did Phantom say she wanted to die? She seems to be annoyed at you "Breaking her epicness", not wanting to be lynched.

If you say so, Legendaryseeker99.

Seriously, that has got to be the dumbest move in all mafia games. He's softclaiming as alien. Of course, no one would be dumb enough to come right out and say they're resistance, unless they wanted to be lynched.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [N3]

...Seriously, that has got to be the dumbest move in all mafia games. He's softclaiming as alien. Of course, no one would be dumb enough to come right out and say they're resistance, unless they wanted to be lynched.

Exactly; no one should be dumb enough to claim Resistance. Meaning if someone claims resistance, someone who's played the game before, it probably means they're betting you would think no one would be so dumb as to claim Resistance, particularly if they were. Don't you see? LS is betting that we will think he's alien, or wants to be lynched, and is thus safe from lynching. He's being that stupid because no one would be that stupid. The only way to beat him is to take him at his word, and lynch him. Instead of me.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [N3]

Well, while that theory may be true, we could just lynch him tommorrow. Or if he is alien, better for the vig to kill him at night.

And, if he says he's mafia, people would suspect him to be alien, but since he blurted it out without so much as hiding it with flavor text, people would think of him to be mafia. But, he could just be alien trying to get people to believe he's a mafia by doing what he did so if they lynch him, he'd win. (Of course, everyone would live I believe, but he'd still win)

I explain things very confusingly, so I hope people understand what I was saying in the above paragraph.

Ole-Schooler, your arguement could be valid if not for one thing; I inspected you and you showed up Resistance. Even if you are a Miller, which would be a very small chance of being, you're very lynch happy and it would be sensible to believe your mafia.

If LS99 IS an alien by what I confusingly explained, it would be better for a vig to kill him at night. (Hey, healer, if you're out there, please heal me. Unless the mafia are complete idiots, they'll be after me, so I'd appreciate it for a healer to heal me.)
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [N3]

Maybe his role sucks so much he wants to be lynched and get a new one. Or is Resistance and is feigning obvious alien.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [N3]

Or maybe I'm Resistance and I want to spend more time as an Innocent and want to be ultimately Town-aligned so that when the Town wins I do as well :l
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [N3]

Still, you could try to get lynched more.. subtly.
Re: Collective Consciousness Mafia [N3]

Ole-Schooler, your arguement could be valid if not for one thing; I inspected you and you showed up Resistance. Even if you are a Miller, which would be a very small chance of being, you're very lynch happy and it would be sensible to believe your mafia.

For the record, I'm always lynch-happy. The few times I haven't been have been when I'm Mafia/Resistance/whatever is the group killing people. Being fair, since I know that tell about myself I would probably try to be lynch-happy all the time, but it's a rather poor indicator about my honesty.

Or maybe I'm Resistance and I want to spend more time as an Innocent and want to be ultimately Town-aligned so that when the Town wins I do as well :l

Aaaand keeping my vote for you. You want it, you got it; I'm all about helping the town.
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