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Completely Ridiculous Pokemon Matchups


Warning: May contain nuts
From this website.

I just got Arceus and Krabby. Why of course I clicked Krabby, you silly <3

Not to mention Wormadam and Dialga. W. T. F.

EDIT: And now Tyranitar vs. Budew D:

Jesus Christ what next
I doubt that, seeing as Arceus still hasn't been officially released.

Look at #2 (Well, right now it's #2), and you'll see...


Funny, since it was above 10 yesterday, and it's 2 today.

Anyway Mewtwo vs. Horsea. I guess the only ridiculous ones are the ones that have a legendary in them.
It's not an official site. =P It's from a magazine, which is why they have Arceus up there, because EVERYONE knows about Arceus except the official staff who are denying its existence. xD
Snorlax vs. Burmy

*Snorlax used Body Slam!*
*Burmy is squashed into a pancake so thin you can see through it*

That doesn't have a legendary in it :P

And Rayquaza vs. Exeggcute

Plus Lugia vs. Yanmega. Anything with Lugia in it is completely unbalanced because Lugia owns everything <3
Lugia Vs. Elekid
Mesprit Vs. Volbeat
Magikarp Vs. Chimecho

Heck, Magikarp Vs. ANYTHING

Also, XD Infernape is the best special sweeper ever! Its stats on that website:

HP 76
SP ATK 10471

10,471 Special Attack? Hell, I don't think ANYTHING could survive that

EDIT: Yanma Vs. Articuno
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