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Closed Creeping Darkness

Silver continued on his way to the massive tree, eyes locked on the cloaked figure. He recognized the figure now... From his dream. The one he'd had the night before. HE was walking as if under a spell now, not really noticing his surroundings.

The figure looked up when it heard him, and the purple eyes that were visible gleamed. It stood, cradling the sick Shaymin in it's arms.

>Welcome, Silver. I can see the others I called are here now as well, or will be. I have something to ask of you.< A psychic voice echoed.

"Uh. Who are you..." Silver mumbled, trailing off.
Torei grins down at the Munchlax, lifting it up in her arms and hugs it tightly. She then picks up the pokeball and bops the pokemon's head lightly with the ball. The ball opens, enveloping the creature in a red glow before sucking the Munchlax into the ball. The pokeball wiggles in Torei's hands for what seemed to be hours but was in reality only a few seconds. She bit her lower lip, hoping that the ball wouldn't break on her first capture.

Then the ball stopped moving, letting off a pleasant 'ding' sound.

Torei stares that the ball in wonder, then grins, hugging the ball to her chest. She quickly lets the pokemon out and picks it up.

"You are too cute, my dear...dear...hmm...what gender are you?"

'Well...you could always look, you know'

Torei let's out a yelp, realizing that InkBlood was still attached to her shoulder. She lets out a nervous laugh, sliding the Munchlax in her messenger bag to carry with her.

"I guess you're right...but I think I should follow Silver so he doesn't get into any trouble"

Torei then notices that Silver was going toward a tree at the end of the path. She taps InkBlood, warning her that Torei was about to make a run toward the tree. InkBlood lets out a sigh, and clings to her shirt. Torei pushes the Munchlax into her bag so it won't fall out and starts to make a mad dash toward the tree and Sliver.


After running the distance of the entrance and the end of the path, she skids to a stops and lands next to Silver with a dust cloud following her. She coughs on the dust, then gives him a winning grin, flashing a peace sign up at him.

"Yo! What are you - Who is that? They look familiar"
After a moment, the name finally came to Kimori.

"Oh yeah, Murkrow. And those are Starly."

They weren't Wingull, but for some reason, she wanted atleast one badly. They looked a lot better than they had in textbooks, and even then they looked cool. But they were too high up, and Abun couldn't fly.

We'll have to settle for the Pokemon on the ground, then.

She looked back at the trees. Treecko were generally good. Even though most people thought Sceptile were ugly, she had never noticed that its tail looked like a Christmas tree until someone had pointed it out to her, and she had never really thought of it that way. She thought Sceptile were pretty badass, actually. But she already had a good Grass type. And what was really the point of getting a Pokemon you don't necessarily need just because it looks good?

She tore her gaze away from the Treecko. Most of the other Pokemon were Grass types or bugs that she didn't really like. She wouldn't have caught a Weedle if they were the only Pokemon in existence; she had an overwhelming fear of Beedrill. She didn't much like Dustox either, but she would be okay if she wound up with one. She would like a Beautifly though, but she didn't want to take her chances with getting a Dustox.

Butterfree weren't all that bad, though.

"Abun," she murmurred, "do you have an aversion to Caterpie or their evolution forms at all?"

He shook his head. "No, not really. I'd be really freaked out if they started spitting goo on me, but otherwise... they're kind of cute, actually."

"Then use a... um... Wrap on one of them, I don't particularly care which."

The Polipent slithered off her neck to the ground, and got to one of the Caterpie on the lower branches. He wrapped his slender body around it, being careful not to squeeze it too hard. He remembered from one incident with a slug that bugs were rather frail and had a rather nasty tendency to explode.

The Caterpie squeaked in pain, and he quickly let it go. It wasn't fainted quite yet, and Abun felt proud of himself for controlling his muscles so well.

Kimori fumbled in her bag for a Poke Ball until she managed to find one of the little spheres. She maximized it, and, in her excitement, clumsily threw it. Her aim had never been any good anyway, so why even try to?

So the Poke Ball soared right over the Caterpie's head onto another branch, startling a sleeping Weedle that woke up just as it was sucked in.

Oh God oh God oh God. Kimori could only hope it broke out. After all, it was at full health, right?

Not that that did any good. The ball pinged, a sign that the Weedle inside was caught.

She paid no attention to the Caterpie as it turned its indignant gaze on her, grumpy at having been hurt for absolutely no reason, or to Abun, who slithered back, saying, "This is probably going to be a problem in most captures, huh?" She just stared blankly at the ball, containing what would evolve into one of her greatest fears.

She could've always released it and just thrown another Poke Ball at the Caterpie. But Kimori had always scorned releasing Pokemon. It was wasting a perfectly good Poke Ball, and the trainer had caught it on purpose. It just didn't seem right or ethical to her.

She was stuck with it.

((I'll post the other part that's happening now later, since this post is long already and I have to get off the computer :X))
[[moon-panther: You may Add one male Level 9 Munchlax with Pickup to your profile and subtract 1 Pokeball

shadow_lugia: You may Add one female Level 6 Weedle to your profile and subtract 1 Pokeball]]

The figure's gaze locked on Torei next, purple eyes showing very little emotion. It spoke again.

>It doesn't matter who I am right now. We have to wait for the rest of the chosen to come, so I may impart to you what must be done. This is possibly the most important thing you will ever do in your life.<

Silver continued to stare, turning his head ever so slightly in Torei's direction, but his eyes were still locked on the figure.

"That guy... Was in a dream I had." He whispered.
Torei looks at the cloaked figure infront of her, squinting her eyes at him. She could have sworn she's seen those purple eyes before...as if in a..

Then her concentration was broken when Silver spoke. She looks at him, then back at the figure before snapping her fingers.

"That's where I've seen him before!...wait.."

She turns to Silver, poking his side hard.

"You had the same dream I did! How cool is that!"
Mark clipped the Pokéball back to his belt, smiling and rubbing Gush's head.

"That was good, Gush. You're a good shot!" said Mark, continuing to pet the Bettaqua.

Hmm, I should go tell Silver and Torei that I caught a Pokémon...

Lifting Gush up and standing, Mark placed the Pokémon in the collar of his shirt. Gush happily curled up, making a cheerful gurgling sound, almost like a Glameow's purr. Shielding his nearsighted eyes from the sun, Mark glanced around, almost instantly spotting Silver and his childhood friend.

Mark dashed towards them, legs pumping, and soon reached the pair, who seemed to be staring at something by the gigantic tree a little bit away. A questioning look on his face, Mark turned...

And saw a man cloaked in dusk, apparently staring at... him!

"Hey, who're yo–... Wait! Your... your..."
Vai nodded to the woman at the gate, and stepped into the Park. Maybe she'd be able to get a Starly anyways..

She turned to look at Tamara. "I'll see you in a little while, okay?" Without waiting for an answer, Vai ran off to (hopefully) go find that Starly.

There were three others standing a while off.. from the lab! There was that boy with the Bettaqua, and a girl with an Enculli.. she waved to them absentmindedly, and kept jogging past.

"Hey, Hakoi, if you see a Starly, can you go use Confusion on it?" The Tsuki nodded, and went a short way off to a tree, before turning around quickly, a GIRATINA Murkrow on his heels, or.. tail. Hakoi sprang to the side, and used Confusion on it, doing nothing but causing the Murkrow to blink.

"Uh, Hakoi, come back to me!" Hakoi wouldn't do any damage, or barely anything, to the Dark type, if she remembered correctly from school.. Hakoi swung around her head, and the Murkrow nearly flew into her face. It cawed almost angrily, and pulled up to join the group chased by the Starly.

"That was close.." Hakoi looked up at the black birds, and nodded, before speeding off again. "Wait, Hakoi!" Vai ran after him, and watched from about five meters away as he attacked a sleeping Starly. "Uh, that was fast.. Use Confusion again!" The somewhat sleepy Starly blinked, and started to thrash around as Hakoi attacked its mind.

"Okay, come back again-" Hakoi was ahead of her this time, and Vai took one of the empty Pokeballs off her belt. With a slight spin, she threw the ball, which sucked the Starly inside as red light. The ball wobbled twice, three times.. and pinged. Vai grinned as she went to pick up the Pokeball.

"Great job, Hakoi! We're going to do well together, I think." Hakoi grinned, and looked over at the three over near a big-ish tree.

"Maybe we could go see what they're doing, right now?" He suggested shyly, and floated back to his place above Vai's shoulder. She put the Pokeball onto her belt, and nodded.

"Well, why not? Okay, let's go see."
"Kimori?" said Abun, waking Kimori from her trance. "What's wrong with you? Are you one of those trainers that gets all emotional every freaking time they get a Pokemon or something?"

"...No... I..."

The Polipent cocked his head, his large black eyes waiting for her answer.

"I'm so afraid... Of Beedrill, I mean... Dammit, why do I have to be so clumsy..."

"So you have a phobia of Beedrill? That's it? Oh God, I thought you were going to start yelling and embarrassing us in front of the whole park..."

"What can I do with it, Abun? Releasing has always just seemed so... wrong... to me. And I can't shove it off onto someone else, because Weedle are so common, they'd prefer to catch their own..."

"It looks like you have no option but to keep it."

She sighed. "I was afraid of that."

"If you are going to keep it, why not get accquainted with it? That might calm you down a bit..."

Kimori wordlessly let out the Weedle that she had never wanted, that she hadn't even aimed for.

It looked up at her. She was a giant in its eyes. Of course, it could've always stung her and ran away, but Weedle poison wasn't lethal to humans, and the last time it had stung a human... Oh yes, the last time, the commotion had been unbelievable.

"What do you want?" the Weedle asked rudely.

"I... caught you..."

"By mistake," Abun added helpfully.

The Weedle glared. "I don't want... I've never wanted a trainer." The voice was deep and hoarse, but feminine, the opposite of Abun's.

"D'you have a name?" Kimori sputtered so fast that it was almost incomprehensible to the Weedle.

"Yes... Everyone calls me... Apis..."

"What has your life been-"

"Look, I really don't want to talk right now, okay? I now belong to some clumsy trainer that can't even throw a damn Poke Ball at a Caterpie, so I have to reconcile myself to the fact that I now 'belong' to someone who shouldn't even have noticed me in the first place. Not to mention the fact that you just so happened to wake me up in the middle of a much-needed nap, so if you'll excuse me." She recalled herself.

There was silence, until Abun broke it. "Courageous little bug. Think I could get to like her, if she cools down that temper a bit."

"C'mon Abun, let's go look somewhere else," Kimori said with a gloomy air. Abun seemed to sense how pointless it would be to argue and crawled up around her neck as Kimori walked in a random direction.

Of course, she stopped dead when she saw who was sitting under the tree she had headed for.

What the heck...

Is it deja vu?

No, the scenery isn't right...

He looks like he has a bundle of flowers in his lap...

Could be waiting for a date...

Could be a coincidence...

But those flowers are actually a sick Shaymin...

She came just in time to hear a few of his telepathic words.

>most important thing you will ever do in your life.<

The most important thing.

The most important thing.

If the strange figure's words were true, then surely she could do this? She wanted to be important, to stand out.

Could she be...

a hero?

The answer was clear to her.


Yes I could be.

Apis didn't matter anymore. Who cared if some insignificant Weedle hated her?

Kimori had better things to worry about.
[[Dragon: You may add one level 8 male Starly to your profile and Subtract 1 Pokeball]]

The figure stroked the small bundle gently, eying them all in turn. He seemed on edge, his eyes full of worry. He took a step - no, not a step, more like he was gliding forward over nothing - forward, and held the Shaymin in his outstretched arms.

>You have to help her, all of you. I called you here with a vision to preform a difficult and dangerous task... Some of you may not return, but it is of vital importance that you accomplish what I have sent you to do. As you may or may not know, Shaymin are servants of Nature Herself, and the little one I hold now is their queen. She is Nature, and she is sick. You have to track down a beast that goes by the name of Tenebritate, and return him to the place he was sealed long ago by Those Who Form Words. I am counting on you; Arceus himself chose you for this task. Do not disappoint me, or him.<

Silver stared. He had heard of some of the things this person spoke of from Torei's grandmother when he was taken to visit by his parents. Shaymin were legendary Pokemon, representing the beauty and purity of nature... Arceus, the Creator... And Those Who Form Words... he had heard that name, but never learned what it meant. This was all so new to him, and his brain felt like so much information was being crammed into it at once. He placed a hand on his forehead.
((The "tenebr-" in Tenebritate comes from "tenebrous", right?))

Ira looked at Flameheart.

"Still nothing?"

The Pyratiel shook his head, flying slowly. The orange feathers gleamed in the sunlight like fiery mirrors.

"Well... stay close."

This is rather unfortunate, thought Ira as Flameheart perched on his shoulder, the talons hung loosely about the curve. He raised his outward wing towards the park, signaling that his trainer was getting close to the gate.

"This is it," said Ira, as he stepped through the gate. Going through the usual procedure with the one who stood there.
Torei falls silent as the cloaked figure spoke, telling them what was in store for them on their journey. She remains silent when he finished, a rare event for Torei.

"...Those Who Form Words...are the Unown. My Granny told me all the stories about the legends of this place...and of other places. She told me about Shaymin...and about Arceus...and...about the one that protects the Shaymin..."

'This man...he's not a man...I sense great power...'

Torei shushes InkBlood, looking down at the sick Shaymin. She firms her mouth and looks up at the man with her clear sky blue eyes, her grandmother's determination shining behind them.

"I'll help you. It's what my Granny would want me to do."
..is Nature, and she is sick. You have to track down a beast that goes by the name of Tenebritate, and return him to the place he was sealed long ago by Those Who Form Words. I am counting on you; Arceus himself chose you for this task. Do not disappoint me, or him.

Vai approached the three, and saw they were gathered around a cloaked man, holding a bundle in his arms. The girl with the Enculli said something, but Vai wasn't listening now, only looking at the man.

"I remember you," she started, thinking. "You're.. from that dream." She finished, and looked over her shoulder at Hakoi, who had paused a bit back, and was hovering blankly there. He blinked and shook his head, or his body, really, and drifted over to her shoulder again.
Ira instantly heard a familiar voice. It was recently that he had heard it... but from where?

As he walked towards it, he recognized the figure. It was that thing from his dream! However, Vai had already spoken for him, and he just stood there with the othesr.
On a sunny, cloudless day in the summer on a tropical island, it is guaranteed to be hot outside. Inside the park, however, where the thick canopy of trees trapped in all the heat, it went beyond hot - it was absolutely stifling. For all of his fiery attire, Ivan wasn't faring any better in the heat after running himself to exhaustion on the way here, and it was only Lumina's occasional chirp of encouragement that kept him from collapsing. This must be what hell is like.

In the back of his mind, Ivan remembered what he had come here for - to find the other trainers and have a battle or two. And, as long as he was here, he'd might as well try to catch something; after all, if what the security guard had told him was true, that the park was only open like this for one day each year, it would be imprudent to miss out on this rare opportunity. For the moment, however, he was content to stumble along the path as his guide flitted back and forth between the trees. I wonder... he speculated, so tired that even his thoughts had to be paused between breaths, if...Lumina is... worried about...the wild pokemon...attacking us...while we're off-guard...like this.

If by some miraculous luck - or perhaps lack thereof - there was nothing nearby, lurking in the underbrush, flying overhead, or waiting to be stepped on - it was like Ivan had stumbled onto some forbidden ground, which the pokemon, being more in tune with nature and all that spiritual jazz, could detect, and he couldn't. He did, however, hear something, a noise floating amidst the trees; it sounded like talking, but even at this distance there was something about it that was off, something unnatural. Lumina squawked at him as he clumsily veered from her trail, towards the echoing voice; "Pyr!" she said, distressed and shaking her grey head, "Pyr-iel!" But he ignored her protests, and trudged on through the thicket.

And finally, with one final fern pulled out of the way, Ivan saw the source of the voice, but before that he saw, surprisingly enough, the other trainers (well, most of them), of all people! They had gathered here, around a mysterious cloaked figure holding...was that a Shaymin? He recognized the shape of the small hedgehog-like pokemon from studies he had made of the various legendary pokemon - spurred on by his discovery of Moltres - although it didn't appear to be looking particularly healthy.

This is possibly the most important thing you will ever do in your life, he heard the figure say - well, he hadn't spoken, per se, but Ivan could only assume that the resonating echo of a voice was his. Throughout the rest of the explanation, all he could think was "Huh?" The queen of Shaymin...Tenebritate, a monster...Those Who Form Words...Arceus himself chose you...some may not return...what is all this? Ivan's head hurt from the rush of knowledge, and Lumina perched on his shoulder and turned to look in his squinting eyes worriedly. He was starting to remember now, the dream he had last night, the sickly Shaymin and its "father" - it had been no dream; it was a vision...just like that one time...

He opened his eyes, but, for one brief moment, he didn't see the forest; he saw the night sky, set over a tropical island, volcanic mountain and all, and a bright, almost bird-shaped light in the distance, flying away. He blinked, and he was back in his body again, Lumina nudging the side of his head gently and cawing quietly. What does it all mean?
An icy feeling spread through Mark's body at the words of the cloaked figure. Looking sadly at the sickly little hedgehog in the figure's arms, Mark whispered quietly to the Bettaqua on his shoulder.

"Gush, do you think we should do it?" Mark mumbled to his companion, now looking at his eyes.

In a quiet but gurgling whisper, the Bettaqua answered, "Well, I don't see how we can't! This is the Queen of Shaymin we're talking about."

"Okay, I agree with you. Why Arceus would choose us is beyond me, but..." Mark whispered. Raising his voice, the trainer adressed the cloaked figure and Shaymin. "Okay, I'm in."

Gush interjected, "And so am I!"
"I'll play." Silver said softly to the figure. His face now held an expression of fierce determination, and he squeezed the Pokeball that held Speckle tightly in his fist. "This is gunna be easy, isn't it? Just like in the games that we used to play when we were kids... So we should be able to do this, Torei."

The figure smiled at the group from under his cloak, drawing the Shaymin closer to his chest. She squeaked and pressed her face to his chest, eyes clenched shut.

>I do hope that you all will succeed. But let me leave you with these parting words: This is no game. You all will be in real danger, and you would all be careful. When you have done what I have told you to do, return to this spot. I will see you then.<

With that, there was a flash of purple, and the only thing remaining for the figure was a black cloak crumpled on the ground.

Silver bit his lip. Not a game... So he'd have to become strong to not die. It would be hard, but he could do it. He would conquer the gyms to become strong, then do what was to be done.

No problem.
"We can do this Silver"

She reaches out her hand and and takes his, squeezing it lightly. She watches at the figure disappears, his cloak hitting the ground. She leans on Silver, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Silver...we can do this...as long as we stick together...all of us...we can save her."

Torei then looks up at him, smiling her sweet Torei smile. She tugs on his hand, letting out a soft laugh.

"Now. Let's find you a new pokemon! I'm going to help you~"
"I'll join you guys, if you'll have me.." Vai looked at the cloak on the ground, before looking at Hakoi. "We all had the same dream, then. That's.. kinda cool.. Oh, and by the way, my name's Vai." Hakoi moved to float over her shoulder. "And this is Hakoi," she added.
((Darn it, um, what just happened...? Are we leaving the park yet, and if not, do I get to say what I run into? If so, I'll need a list of what Pokemon we can encounter....

Sorry for being gone so long ><))
((no, we're not leaving yet. C: And you can encounter pretty much anything (within reason!) that'd appear from headbutt trees/honey trees/tall grass/etc. Think of it as... a safari zone of sorts.))

Silver squeezed Torei's hand back, smiling a little bit at her. She could always cheer him up, it seemed. As she tugged at his hand, he laughed a bit.

"Calm down, Torei..." He said, smiling.

Then someone approached them - a girl with a Tsuki. Silver waved a bit at her after she intoduced herself.

"Hey Vai. I'm Silver, and this is Torei..." He started to respond, when something caught his eye.

A small round bird was pecking at some seeds a few yards off, fluttering it's tiny yellow, black, and red wings every so often as it hopped. Silver opened his Pokedex yet again and pointed it at the bird.

"Natu, the Tiny Bird Pokemon. It's wings are not yet fully developed, but it can still leap up to branches taller that an adult human to peck for shoots. It always seems to be staring." The Pokedex droned, showing a picture of a Natu on the screen.

Silver grinned, putting away the device and stepping forward quietly. He had to be careful, since Natu startled easily, in approaching it. He raised the Pokeball containing Speckle slightly, releasing the Betta Fish Pokemon a few feet ahead of where he stood. Speckle blinked at Silver for a moment, then looked at the Natu, who still hadn't noticed them.

"Water Gun." Silver Commanded, and Speckle responded by launching a thin stream of water towards the bird. It hit it's mark, bowling over the tiny bird, who chirped loudly in annoyance. It got to it's feet and shot Speckle a nasty look, and the fish Pokemon winced back. It's stare was eerie...

But Silver wasn't scared. He pulled an empty Pokeball from his bag and threw it deftly. It made impact with the Natu and sucked it it with a blinding red light, clattering to the ground a moment after.

The ball shook gently, once, twice... Silver bit his lip. And then...


[[I can add a level 9 female Natu with Synchronize to my party :D]]
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