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Closed Creeping Darkness

Tala looked up, a bit surprised that anyone had come after her. Most of the group had basically ignored her, which was good, but there had to be one perceptive person finding her when she wanted to be lone. Stroking her Eevee's soft fur with a finger, she tried to think of something to say. "Uh... I came late. To the lab, I mean. I'm a beginner like the rest of you, though."

Ra chose this awkward moment to prop his forelegs on her knees in order to get a better look at the kit. Tala, distracted by her new Pokemon suddenly yelping and shrinking away from the Kiddam, desperately tried to soothe her, and only caught the tail-end of what he said. Which was still enough to make her tense up - "...have a battle?".

There was nothing wrong with battles - she knew her Pokemon would get hurt, understood that and accepted it. She just didn't like the calmness that descended, the feeling that she was detached from the Pokemon she was commanding. Alas, there was no polite way to back out of it, no way to just refuse, because Ra was healthy and completely unharmed. "...I guess so. Sure."
"Um... hi," Kimori greeted the new trainer. "I'm Kimori. And this Kakuna is Apis. I also have a Polipent named Abun."

Huh, she thought, I really need something resistant to Fire and Rock types. Water...

Kimori began to think of Gyarados, but then realized that she couldn't catch one yet unless someone gave it to her or something. They'd never appear at the surface, and even if one did, by some chance, it would beat Apis and Abun to pancakes.

That brought her to another problem. Abun was fainted... she doubted she could do much with an immobile Kakuna that was half-exhausted.

I need to go to a Pokemon Center.

"Uh, I need to go, you know, heal my Pokemon. So... I'll be right back, I guess." Kimori raced out of the park, although she began walking once she got out.

Ow... My lungs...
"Uh, hey," Vai said, rather lamely. "I'm Vai, this is Hakoi," she motioned to the ever smiling Tsuki, "And this is Asaio." The Starly looked carefully at the.. Kiddam, before blinking and zoning out. "I caught that Serviper, but haven't named.. him yet. I remember something about having to get two Gym badges before a level twenty Pokemon will listen to me.. or something." She started to think out loud, before noticing and stopping.

"Uh," she breathed, and toyed with the Serviper's Pokeball. If she let him out, would he attack the other Pokemon, or her? Vai decided against it and thought about a name.
Ira smiled, deciding to chime in. "My name's Ira, and this Pyratiel is Flameheart..."

As if to strengthen his point, Flameheart gave a small squawk.

"And this..." Ira opened Mal's Poke'Ball, and in a stream of red energy she appeared on the ground-- "Is Mal. Short for Malfunction."

((This will not die! *flails frantically*))

Now flooded with introductions, Tala had no choice but to look away from the Eevee that she was still comforting, to answer with another of her own. "This is Ra." she said, pointing to the Kiddam who was now sulking at her feet.

"Why doesn't she like me?" the Fire-type whined, apparently hurt that the kit had tried to back away upon spotting Ra. "I'm nice!" She stroked his head with one hand, once again going back to her usual mode of ignoring nearly everyone around her.

"She's scared, Ra. You're big enough to hurt her, and she's younger than you. She'll calm down eventually." Other hand still petting the unnamed Eevee's fur, she forced herself to look back at the boy who had challenged her. A battle, a battle... Eugh. What could she do with the kit? Tala would hardly keep her near her when battling. And somehow, introducing the Pokeball to a panicky baby Pokemon did not seem like a good idea for someone as undiplomatic as her. Some fumbling and she brought out the Pokeball, putting down the Eevee so she could get a good look at it. "Um... This is a Pokeball. Pokemon go inside it when they need to rest, or be by themselves. Right now, I think it would be best if you go inside. I'll release you whenever you want me to, alright? In here, it's safe, so no one can hurt you." she said soothingly, feeling a bit like an idiot, but determined to calm the poor kit down. After a moment of looking nervously at her, the Eevee nodded. Tala tapped her with the ball, and watched with some anticipation as she was engulfed in red light. Putting the Pokeball on her belt, she awaited a cue for the sudden battle to start.
((Why do I always have to be gone? D: I don't understand what's going on right now... are we back at the lab or still in the park?))
((PAAARK YOU MISSED THE EPIC SHEIMIN (i like that spelling don't kill me)
On another topic, I also like Seimein. But that's totally different.

Oh, and if you didn't get that, we're at the park :_ ))
"We should leave." Silver said to no-one in particular (he was looking at the Eevee while he said it, but was louder than needed to address just the tiny creature.)

"The Pokemon Centre is right near here, and after that we can head to the dock for the boat to the next island - there's a gym there, we can test how strong we are when we get there."

He jiggled the little Eevee, smiling down at her, and she gave him a shy smile, placing a paw on his chest. Then he headed back toward the entrance.

"We should stick together if we have to find that thing that the guy asked us to. Who's with me?" He said, walking away.
"Me!" Ira called, jogging to catch up to Silver. When he was closer he slowed down to a walk, Flameheart busily flitting about and Mal occasionally stopping to inspect something. He had almost forgotten that he had been busy introducing himself, but he ignored that for now. He could make up for it later.
((Alright. I gave you all enough time to take the third Eevee from Torei, now the Eevee belongs to Torei.))

Torei looks down at the lone kit in her lap, stroking it's creamy coloured fur. She takes the kit lightly in her arms and kisses it's head, holding the timid pokemon close.

"Tiny Kit...you are so scared. But don't fret, I'll take care of you..."

Torei fishes for a pokeball and holds in front of the small pokemon, nuzzing the back of her neck sweetly. The small Eevee looks at the ball and slowly stretches out her paw to lightly bap the ball. After a few moments of playing, the Eevee looks up and Torei and lightly nips her nose, licking it playfully. Torei smiles down at the Eevee and lightly taps the fox with the ball.

Torei places the ball on her belt and holds out her arm for InkBlood to crawl on her shoulder. She then holds open her bag for Nibbles to crawl into her bag. After her pokemon where safely stored, she gets up from her sitting place and starts to run after Silver.
((@moon-panther: Y'know, I just realized that a Munchlax probably weighs about twice the average weight of our characters; exactly how is Torei able to carry Nibbles?))

Crapcrapcrapcrapcraaaaap. Ivan's mind was pacing furiously behind his bland, glazed-over stare. It wasn't like battling was a bad thing, nor was it something he was opposed to, but with Lumina trying to rest and the Pinsir in...well, the last time he was out he had been on fire, so hardly in a good condition, it wasn't like he was the most prepared for one at the moment. But there was a rule somewhere, an unspoken code of conduct stating that when two trainers agree to battle there is no backing out - especially if the retreating party is the one who made the challenge in the first place. There was no clause of this law, however, prohibiting the eventual clash from being delayed.

"Umm, well...at some point, I mean...would you like to have a battle at some point?" he stuttered, but tried to maintain his composure as best as possible, for the slightest flinch would make him a coward in the eyes of an unseen judge. It was fortunate for him that a quick glance to the side revealed the group beginning to leave, giving his train of thought the steam necessary to continue without stalling. "Ya see," he said to the girl, even though she was currently more focused on her newly acquired Eevee than him, "my pokemon are a little, um, out-of-sorts after a previous, er, encounter, so we're kind of at a disadvantage right now. Would you mind if we went to the Pokemon Center with the others to get them healed, and then battle?"
"A Gym..?" Vai grinned at her Pokemon. From what she remembered, first Gyms were usually Rock types.. Wait, that was bad. She had a Psychic type, a Flying type and an unobedient Poison type.. It would all be up to Hakoi, if the Gym was a Rock type. But more Pokemon might not be a good idea yet.. Great. She sighed, ad realized the others were starting to leave.

"Pay attention," Vai scolded herself, and jogged to catch up.
Tala blinked. At some point? Yes! Of course! If he couldn't battle now, there was no need to stress out. Inwardly cheering at her sudden change of luck, she managed to nod. "Um, sure. At least after your Pokemon are healed," she agreed. "That's only fair." That done, she struggled to keep from showing her relief on her face. Why had she agreed in the first place? She hadn't been thinking... Without waiting for him to say anything else, she started to run after the group, slowing down once she was at a safe distance - namely, she was close enough that it was evident she was part of the group, or at least following them, but not close enough to have others try and talk to her.

She had mastered the art of seeming to be a part of a group, but holding herself aloof, a long time ago. It was useful because people just got the idea that she didn't want to talk, and left her alone. Being left alone suited her, and Ra's presence at her heels was all the company she needed. She wasn't going to release the kit yet, because the journey from park to Pokemon Center could be too long for such a young Pokemon, especially one that was still trembling with fear.
Kimori suddenly came walking back.

"Hiya, guys," she said. "Thankfully, the Pokemon Center's just a short walk away from here. Hurray and all that."

She looked around. "Um, I think I should catch just one more Pokemon before we leave. For good measure, y'know."

"Whatever you want, you'd better find it fast," commented Abun, who was back around her neck.

"Yeah, I know."

She scuffled hurridly in the bushes.

What's that smell?

Urgh, something smells rotten.

There was nothing in this bush, so she moved on to the next one. The smell grew stronger as she approached it.

Well, what's in this one?

She almost screamed as she parted the branches and found a lump.

It was a very weird lump. She identified it as the source of the smell. It was blackish, with some red spots, and some white. Some of the white patches were wiggling oddly.

"What's that?" she muttered to herself.

She got closer, armed with a stick that she had picked up in case it was some kind of sleeping monster. It didn't respond, so she poked it in the black. It was soft, and covered in fine hair.

Can't be...

She poked a white spot. It was hard.


She poked one of the wiggling white patches, and felt a wave of dizziness come over her as several maggots burst underneath her stick. The awful smell intensified.

"It's a corpse," she mumbled.

She looked away. Dead things freaked her out real bad, especiallly if they were rotting. And this carcass was rotting bad.

She spotted something else, though. It was also black, but didn't look furry or rotting. It was very well concealed.

Kimori poked it with her stick, squinting her eyes in case anything happened. All that did happen, though, was that it shifted slightly, and fell out of the place it had been.

The object was in an elliptical shape. A three-dimensional oval, whatever you called that.

"I think it's an egg," whispered Abun in her ear.

"How do you know that?"

"Because I have a sudden desire to eat it."

Kimori shivered.

"I think that that corpse, whatever species it was, I can't tell because it's rotted too much, was its mother. Or caretaker, or whatever. It'll die if you don't take it."

Her hands reached out and closed around the egg. "It feels cold."

"Probably has been laying here for a while. Otherwise, that wouldn't have decomposed so much. I think it's still alive, though, but just barely. I can hear a heartbeat coming from it."

"How did it survive this long?"

"I dunno. Fire type, maybe?"

Kimori got a better grip and clutched it close to her chest. Even now, she could feel the egg warming up.

"Okay then. We'll take it."

She crept out of the bushes, still holding the egg, very careful not to drop it or otherwise smash it, and jogged the short distance back to the group.

((Hope this isn't breaking any rules or anything. Just tell me if it is.))
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Silver looked over his shoulder at the group following him, and offered his free hand, the one that wasn't supporting the kit, to Torei. The gates were coming up quickly, and that meant saying goodbye to this beautiful place... He smiled though, and held his head high. He was going to become an Ace Trainer, he decided, and would push himself to the limit to get there. He would need the help of his Pokemon and his new friends to get there.

"Boats leave every hour... So we have a half-hour to get to the dock, give or take." He said.

The Eevee in his arms cooed, now more comfortable with her new owner. He seemed nice, and she trusted him. She pawed his chest, chirping happily. He looked down at her and smiled.

"Oh yeah, you need a name still. How about... Ciel. That sound pretty, doesn't it?" Silver purred, bouncing her a bit. She giggled.
"Half an hour to go.. Anyone want a battle? I won't send out the Serviper," Vai asked hopefully. "If there's a Gym we should train." She looked up at Hakoi and grinned. "And maybe our Pokemon can evolve.."
Ira looked up at Vai. "I'd like a battle. Flameheart and Mal might be getting a bit bored." He tapped the air like it was a doorbell, except quicker. "And about our Pokemon evolving... I'd like that. Mal might do so a bit slower, since she evolves with happiness, but I can still try."
"I don't know when I should evolve my Caterpie..." Tamara said thoughtfully. "I'll just think about it for a while, I guess...." she shrugged. She looked at Vai, then asked, "Did we ever get underway with our battle?"
Torei catches up with Silver and takes his hand, leaning against him with a chipper smile.

"Ciel is a cute name. I like it....hmmm...I need to think of a name for mine. She's sleeping right now in her ball."

She looks out ahead at the gates, a soft look on her face. She didn't really want to leave this beautiful place, but it had to happen. She looks up at the sky and smiles at our nice the weather is.

"Before we catch the boat. We should get you better clothes, Silver. Before you drop dead from a heat stroke."
"Oh, right.. Maybe we could have a double battle, then?" Vai looked around at the others. "Anyone want to join us, or..?"
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