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[DEAD] PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop


I have to leave in a hurry and I won't be able to do your request today. However, since you did request today, I'll give you credit for one day so your PokeNett'll hatch on 9-01-08.
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

Name: Houdja Duthatt
Nettball: Chocolate
Owner: Kuripuchika
BB Code or HTML: BB Code.


...How do you make adoptables, anyway? O.o
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

It's pretty simple. Just upload the adoptable's image and then upload it again when the adoptable has grown a little, etc.. The image will refresh, but you must keep the URL the same.

Oh, and doing...
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

Name: (I will add this when my PokeNett hatches.)
Nettball: Fiber
Owner: Darksong
BB Code or HTML: BB Code.
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

It's pretty simple. Just upload the adoptable's image and then upload it again when the adoptable has grown a little, etc.. The image will refresh, but you must keep the URL the same.

I use Photobucket, and the image stays the same.

Unless I have to use Pictures and Albums on this server?

But this isn't really the place to talk about it, now is it? :3
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

Cryptica, you have to delete the older image and upload the new one immediately after to make the URL stay the same.

Thanks for the adoptable, Shiny =3
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

Name: Pudding
Nettball: Chocolate!
Owner: Silver
BB Code or HTML: Whichever one is better
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

Cryptica, you have to delete the older image and upload the new one immediately after to make the URL stay the same.

On Photobucket? The image stays exactly the same if I try that. But I'll try it in my albums and see if it works! :grin:
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop


Uhh... there is no 'better' code. One is used for websites (HTML) and the other is for forums (BB Code). On TCoD you can have a signature that uses HTML as well, which is my main reason for making both available.

Either way, your PokeNett is ready. I'll send you both codes.
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

Oh hey Shiny, i love adoptables,and i have to have one!

Name: ChocMan(such an unoriginal name!)
Nettball: Chocolate Nettball
Owner: therocketman11
BB Code or HTML: BBCode
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

On Photobucket? The image stays exactly the same if I try that. But I'll try it in my albums and see if it works! :grin:

It will do to begin with, but if you refresh it you'll see the change.
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

Thankies for the Pokenett.

EDIT: How many Pokenetts can you have at one time?
Last edited:
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

The PokeNetts Exchange is up. Go check it out.

Oh, and you can have an unlimited amount, but only one from each set.
Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

May I please have a cute little PokeNett!!!
Here's the form...

Name: Eevee
Nettball: Fibre
Owner: Me...etc Eeveeskitty
BB Code or HTML: BB Code please


From EeveeSkitty
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