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[DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

Re: The Battle against Torn World

Smeargle came up behind the Heracross and prodded him forward.
"Let's go..."
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Yes, of course!"
They continued out into the woods. After a few hundred yards[meters], they reached a big empty clearing, with a treetop canopy as a ceiling.
"Everyone? It's Shade!"
The clearing was suddenly filled with movement. "Shade? Oh, we saw all of them and thought they were intruders!", a Persian yelled out, "Come over here! We need to talk about something!"
Shade turned to everyone. "You guys just make yourself at home, I need to talk to our leader. Walk around and meet some Pokemon."
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Rosie cried out, startled by all of the new Pokemon. She began to shy away, dashing behind a patch of bracken. The Purugly looked around for prey to hunt, or the like. Berries would do also, but prey was tastier.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

An Umbreon appeared at the campsite. Regigigas looked at it. It said, "Follow me." Regigigas got up and followed the Umbreon until they reached a stone slab with a drawing: it showed two things standing on two legs with Pokemon battling each other. "What are those things?" asked the Umbreon. "They are the humans of the past," Regigigas answered sadly.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

((Well.. since pikachu isn't going to be on that much anymore, I guess I will lead, because I do like this RP :3))

"..human?" The umbreon's ears twitched at the strange word. "Is that a sort of foreign pokémon?"

"No," answered Heatran, who'd followed them to see the rock. "They weren't really pokémon. They had their own funny language and they would catch pokémon like us in little orbs called Pokéballs-" he drew a 2-D Pokéball in the dirt, "-and then they'd use us to compete."

"That's.. that's cruel!" the umbreon exclaimed. "So they used us to fight for them? Why couldn't they-"

"There were many bonds forged between them, though," Heatran explained. "Some grew to the point that pokémon and trainers could not live without the other. Humans and pokémon coexisted with each other back then."

The umbreon pondered over his words, then stared at the rock. They were all quiet for a while.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Rosie flicked her ears at the sound. "That's fascinating. But if they were on this, doesn't that mean it was sort of like a grave? Doesn't that mean that it was a good thing?"
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Suddenly, Shade burst into the clearing. "Guys! Persian said that he saw a Gengar and a bunch of evil-looking Pokemon pass by a few hours ago! Do you know anything about this?"
Then he looked at the situation. "Oh... I see you've met Umbreon. And seen the slab."
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"We have to go and fight them again," Rosie hissed. She then growled, "I have to get my revenge on Gengar...."
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Smeargle heard voices and wandered into the clearing.
"Can't we... avoid conflict and... just... find Cresellia...?
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Oh.. we met up with those asses a few hours ago.." Heatran grit his teeth at the thought of their defeat.

"But next time they come, we're beat them, right guys?" Regigigas raised his fist, but his words didn't exactly lift their spirits, especially Heatran's.

Suddenly, there was a scream followed by cackling at the clearing. They all rushed over, and there was Gengar and his minions terrorizing the hidden base.

"Let's go guys," Regigigas shouted, "let's get them and make them pay!"
Re: The Battle against Torn World

((Haven't posted in a while again!What's going on?Anything happen to me yet?))
Re: The Battle against Torn World

((Read the other posts))

"Yeah!" Tiny replied. He didn't feel like he'd had his fair share of fighting.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Does anyone know a move like Block or Mean Look?" asked Constriction before stepping up next to Rosie. "Use Faint Attack on Gengar immediately," he whispered to her. "Make no noise."

"I know Block!" He quickly used Block to prevent the enemy from fleeing until they were defeated.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Rosie nodded, disappearing into the darkness. Unless Gengar used a Dark or Ghost move and also phased out, then she couldn't be seen. Slowly she crept up on her enemy with an evil sneer on her face. Finally, she hit him, phasing out just as her claws touched his wispy body.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Gengar looked straight at Regigigas. He then used Shadow Sneak. Gengar disappeared and attacked Regigigas.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

((Again, you ignored Rosie's attack. She's right in front of him, and since she finished her attack, she's not phased out anymore.))
Re: The Battle against Torn World

((Sorry but I'm confused. Crowned Clown made them appear out of nowhere. Everyone pretend that Gengar never appeared since I never wanted it to happen. Back to the Slab.))

"What happened to the humans!?" Umbreon asked. "Eventually, a human was able to enter the Torn World and captured Giratina," Regigigas said. "Furious, Darkrai then ordered the immediate wipeout of all the human race. The war raged: Humans vs. Darkrai's colossal army. Every human was killed."
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"That's an interesting story." Rosie shivered. "I wouldn't like to be caught like those humans were."
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Yeah... Those Humans look a bit like me, standing on two legs. Its strange, but for some reason I feel like I must avenge them. It feels so weird,"
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