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[DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Maybe," Rosie whispered, just loud enough so that the others could hear, "But she doesn't look harmful."
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Whoever she is let's just bring her along. If she's a spy or something then we'll beat information outta the little vulpix, how 'bout that?" Heatran scooped up the little vulpix and deposited her in the midst of Arceus' team. "Come on, let's get a move on. We don't know when Giratina's group is gonna attack us next."
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Okay let's get out of here before it turns dark," Regigigas said. Dialga nodded and began to move forward with Palkia behind him.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Just like we need another fire type.." Flare muttered to her self.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Why don't we just camp here?" Palkia said. "There's nothing there and Regigigas and Heatran will keep lookout!" Dialga thought about it. "Good idea!" Dialga roared. "Everybody, make yourself at home! We're camping here!"
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Camping?" Constriction sat down. "I'm in here," he said, pointing to his face. "I am camping."
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"We've barely even started walking. And besides I can't risk everyone getting burned to a pile of ash because of my tail." Flare said swishing out her tail. Hmm. Mabye burning them to ash isn't such a bad idea. Flare thought. Nah! I'll just see what happens to them on the way. But Tiny isn't such a bad kid he might just live up to it.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Camping huh? It seemed an odd place to camp, especially straight after a battle.
'What do I know about this anyway?' he asked himself in his head.
'And we've only just started walking, so I'm not tired,'
"I'm here," he announced, sitting down.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

((click my eggs pwease!))
"Why do we need to camp here anyway? Its still damp out and theres no place to sleep!" said Flare angerly.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"No reason to camp... but..." Smeargle yawned.
"Will we stay...?"
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Heatran was just beginning to lay down, hearing the word 'camp', when he then heard '..Heatran will keep lookout!'

"WHAT?!" he roared, shaking the trees around them. "Come on, a guy has to have his rest every now and then, especially after tough battles like ones against subordinates of Giratina! It should be you guys, Dialga and Palkia, who should be on lookout. Seriously, what were you guys doing during those two battles?" Heatran's angry outburst got him all pumped up, but he stormed off to keep watch. A heatran is a heatran, and Heatran was one of those funny pokémon.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Forum Name: Lucas755
- Pokemon: Heracross
- Pokemon's Name: Shade
- Gender: Male
- Age: 205
- Group: Regigigas
- Appearance:
A darker than normal Heracross. Always wears a petrified Micle Berry strung through a chain as a necklace.
- Personality: Despite his name, Shade is actually happy most of the time, unless upset by something. He refuses to eat anything except berries. He loves to collect berries, and takes every opportunity to do so. He keeps his berries inside a knapsack to be eaten later.
- History: Since a very young age, Shade has been able to sense where berries are. He once sensed a berry deep underground with this power. Intrigued, he tried to find ways to dig underground to get it. Eventually, he taught himself to use Megahorn, and drilled down to a petrified Micle Berry. He once befriended a Raticate that saved his life when Shade was attacked by a flock of Pidgeot.
- Other: Shade is very acrobatic and can do flips and spins both on the ground or in the air, much like a gymnast. Because of this, he can dodge attacks quite easily. But his weakness is the element of surprise. If startled, he will, more often than not, crash headfirst away from what he was doing.

There it was. The juiciest berry he'd seen in a long time, perched right up on a middle branch. Shade pushed off the ground, extended his wings, and buzzed upwards. "Al...most...there!"
Suddenly, a bellowing roar rose up from the treetop canopy: "WHAT!?" Shade jumped up (while still in the air) "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!"
In surprise, Shade's wings had failed and sent him tumbling to the leaf-ridden floor below. CRASH!! "Ooooooh, I feel dizzy... what was that?"
Shade zigzaggily walked towards where he'd heard the noise. He heard a muffled, yet distinctly angry, conversation "Come on... have his rest ... tough battles... Giratina! ...you... Dialga and Palkia...lookout."
He had heard these pokemon chatting before, but ignored it.Giratina? What do they know about Giratina? Wait a second... Dialga? Palkia? They must be the rumored Arceus Team!
Shade popped out of his hiding place. "Is it true? Are you Arceus's team?"
"Yes," someone piped in.
"Shush!" hissed Palkia, "What if he's a spy?"
"Oh, don't worry, you can trust me. I overheard you guys saying you need a place to sleep. I know of a place where you can go. It's called 'The Pokanopy.' It's under a thick canopy, so it's never wet there."
"Oooooh, that sounds nice!" said an obviously happy Charizard.
"Yes, but the real problem is figuring out who will keep guard," another one added.
"But I know a lot of noctournal Pokemon who would be happy to keep watch as they do their nightly things. It's only a couple hundred yards[meters] that way. So, do you guys want to go?"
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Re: The Battle against Torn World

((Mewtwo went Labor Day camping,and would like being caught up!))
Re: The Battle against Torn World

((Well, you're in the team, but nothing has happened to you yet. Now read posts 145-154.))
Re: The Battle against Torn World

((That's why i'm asking someone to catch me up,i don't feel like reading it!Besides,I have to leave soon to see my grandpa who had a major heart attack!))
Re: The Battle against Torn World

((Okay then, after that, everyone was deciding whether to camp in a particular spot, then I (A heracross) showed up and offered to bring everyone to a big clearing to sleep, with a bunch of Pokemon that could keep guard in case someone shows up, and a canopy to keep out rain (it's raining)))
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Shadowflare walked around in the wet rain.This did not work well for her,as it was raining.She found some Pokemon,including a Heracross, and the heracross was offering them shelter.She creeped closer to get the details.
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