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[DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

Re: The Battle against Torn World

"No questions here," said Constriction. "Sorry for the misunderstanding." He looked into Palkia's eyes and then stared ahead at the forest.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Rosie stepped back a bit, fangs bared. She was shivering, however, which kind of destroyed the fearless look.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Tiny rubbed the back of his neck, where he had been picked up. He didn't really mind riding or walking, but that had hurt. He had lost his glittering, shiny fur by now. The rain and dampened it and it was going slightly darker. He shivered at the thought of going blue.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Flare saw Rosie shivering. "What're you afraid of Rosie?" said Flare almost hitting a tree.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Rosie just about flinched. "All this darkness... it could kill us if we're not careful." Her expression was grim.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Tiny suddenly felt horrible. He might die? He couldn't feel his hands, feet or nose either, which didn't help. He was going numb in the cold. He rubbed his hands together to try and warm them up, but to no avail. He closed his eyes and concentrated to start using moves on thin air, and he started to warm up. He opened his eyes. Everything was the same. He blinked. Everything was still black. He tried to block every thought of death by darkness. A white light shined in his vision.
'There is still hope' he thought, as his vision came back properly, everything to do with dark gone from his mind.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Not very good match-ups for me...though my fire abilities might have a better advantage of the ghosts. An thought to himself, most likely ignoring the others.

(Sorry for the late posts guys, soccer practice takes a lot of time out of my morning. x3x; )
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Heatran noticed the fear in the air around the smaller pokémon. "HEADS UP EVERYBODY!" he bellowed, even though the frightened pokémon were right next to him. "We aren't going to be killed by the darkness, and if you truly think so then I'll blast that forest off the ground! You hear me?!"
Heatran looked towards the forest. If you didn't look carefully it seemed like the shadows of the trees were growing, stretching toward them.. But still. He knew that the pokémon, all of them, had to be strong, because as they got closer and closer to the fight with Giratina, the darkness would become overwhelming..
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Alright then, lets start moving toward the forest!" Dialga roared and he began to walk toward the forest. The sun, covered by the clouds, was barely visible. "We need to make it there before sunset."
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Heatran's loud voice surprised Tiny. He jumped 5 feet in the air. He did not like the idea of the forest being blasted off the ground. He heard Dialga roar, and started walking.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Darkness is weak. That will mean Giratina will be weak." said Flare to give the others confidence which rarely happens.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Tiny nodded in agreement. He had an edge over dark type, but was totally ineffective against ghosts. So of course Darkness is weak.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

An shook his head at the younger one's words, they apparently had no idea what they were up against. He let out a telepathic sigh as they entered the forest. Another place he was slightly uncomfortable with.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

As Heatran crashed through the forest he left a trail of destruction behind him. The trail was littered with fallen trees- or what was left of them, as he occasionally resorted to burning down particularly tough trees. The fire was just enough to burn the tree into smouldering ashes, then die out without setting any other trees on fire. Even though the path he cleared was harder to navigate at least it let a little more sunlight into the forest.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

OOC: Sorry about my extreme late-ness, as I'll be really busy with back to school homeword until Thursday or Friday. After that I'll be more active.

Smeargle had fallen asleep while painting, and the fumes from the paint didn't help in letting him wake during Palkia's outburst.
He stumbled outside, and noticed a large path out of the camp made by Heatran and Regigigas. He began running down the path to catch up.
"Err... Why did I have to stay asleep so long... Now I'm stuck running to catch up with my group. And I even missed briefing! I'm a failure at life..."
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Heatran, walk more quietly or we'll be heard," Dialga said. Then there was ruffling of leaves as a frightened Xatu fell out of a tree.
"It's a Xatu," Regigigas said, "a Pokemon that has the power to see the past and the future." Xatu nodded.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Tiny looked at the Xatu. He wondered what it would be like to be able to see the past and the future. It looked scared, but it was surrounded by legendary Pokémon, so who wouldn't be?
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Constriction followed the group into the woods. He threw his arm around a tree and launched himself forward, catching up. He stopped himself in time to see a Xatu, at who he nodded.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Rosie took a deep breath and followed the others, slowly gaining confidence. She wouldn't be effective against ghosts, other than Faint Attack, which was super-effective to make up for it.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Flare didn't have to keep up with the group because she saw the path of destruction left by Heartran.
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