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[DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

Re: The Battle against Torn World

"If you wa...wa...want me to...to see your fu...fu...future, I can," Xatu trembled. Dialga looked at Xatu.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Why don't you then?" Dialga said. Xatu looked at the towering Pokemon and his eyes began to glow. Xatu began to shake even more.
"A large tomb...a despicable evil...when the moon turns blue...the end is near..." Xatu trembled, his eyes still glowing. Then Xatu collapsed. Dialga looked at the Xatu.
"That's Diagla's future?" Regigigas said, confused.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"Or it might be all of ours," said Heatran, doing his best to knock down trees without noise [which in reality is pretty hard]. He picked up the Natu and threw it into Tiny's arms. "Here, hold the Natu. He might be useful later." Then he continued on deeper into the forest, but not quite as loudly.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

(Isn't it a Xatu?)
Tiny caught the Xatu, but still staggered around a bit. He felt sorry for the poor thing, but tried not to let it show. He mouther sorry at it.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

(Natu they mean Natu.)
"Blue...moon? What's a blue moon?" asked Flare as she flew next to Tiny almost stepping on it. "Uh...sorry." said Flare.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

((oh. oops. If it was a Natu then.. well.))

Heatran laughed at the sight of the tiny riolu struggling to hold the much larger xatu. "Wow, I didn't think you'd be able to hold that, but then, you were chosen by Arceus to come with us. Here.." He gingerly lifted the xatu from Tiny's arms and set him on Dialga's back, as he was nearest. "That should lighten your load, and it should be no problem fer you, right Dialga?" He didn't wait for an answer and started off again.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Smeargle ran through the wreckage, hearing Heatran's booming voice up ahead. He couldn't tell how far behind he had gotten, but he knew he would be there soon.
He heard crashing of trees falling, and realized that they were moving, and suddenly realized that he would have to move faster to catch up.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Then a dark vapor began to seep from the ground and surrounded the Xatu. Dialga dropped the Pokemon to the floor. Xatu's body began to wither away. Then a deep hissing voice said, "HER SOUL BELONGS TO ME!! DARKRAI, SEIZE THEM!!" Then Darkrai came out of the darkness.
"My pleasure..." Darkrai said. "Minions, get them!" Houndooms, Mightyenas, and other Dark Pokemon attacked.
"C'mon team, fight!" Palkia roared.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"What?! Where'd they come from-" Heatran shouted, but was ambushed by houndoom and mightyenas and other devious pokémon. He felt his rage flare up, and many of the more sensitive-pawed pokémon leapt off his body in surprise as his skin became hotter and hotter. Suddenly, he erupted in a huge Heat Wave [as he was saving his strongest moves for last], but still many of the dark pokémon on him were burned into oblivion along with all of the surrounding trees. Then, the earth split open in an Earthquake attack, and most of the remaining pokémon were swallowed by the gaping splits in the earth.

Right now, he didn't care if he hurt his teammates- all he wanted to do was defeat Darkrai. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Darkrai laughing, and his anger and rage soared. He roared out a Fire Blast at the darkrai, setting quite a number of trees on fire.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Constriction was about to offer holding Xatu, but minions leaped up. He cried out as he wrapped his arms (which are made of vines, so you know) around it, pulling it close. He began to poke it gently. He was using Tickle. The Mightyena laughed, and Constriction took his chance to aim a Wring Out. He slapped his enemy across the face, and then gave it a hard shove, placing his hand on it and moving it in a circle. Then, he began a Constrict, squeezing the wolf for a split second. It collapsed on the ground.

A large bird swooped down. Constriction looked up at the Honchkrow. He stretched and arm and slapped it down, whirling around and striking it with the other arm. It was Power Whip. The Tangrowth then used AncientPower, knocking the Honchkrow out fo the sky.

Constriction looked back at Darkrai, and aimed a Vine Whip.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Rosie arched her back and hissed at the approaching enemies. A Nuzleaf began to use Razor Leaf on her. Rosie attempted to dodge them, but two still sliced her sides. Yowling in pain, she used Body Slam, barreling into the Nuzleaf and knocking it down. Her foe struggled, but Hardened her body and used Razor Wind. This cut Rosie on the face, and, enraged, the Purugly finished her enemy off with Slash.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"NO!!" Darkrai screamed. Darkrai then used Dark Void. The Elite Team fell asleep.

(Everyone wakes up and the Dark Pokemon are gone.)
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Heatran was one of the first to wake, his remaining anger fueling his body for more action. Seeing nobody, he bellowed "WHERE DID THAT DARKRAI GO?!?!" and didn't care if he woke any of the others. He was enraged that they had all escaped, but he knew he couldn't go without the rest of Arceus's team.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Rosie shook her head. Standing up, she looked at her wounds. Not good. They were still bleeding, but not as much. She began to lick them, her face stinging because of the wound on her cheek.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

Constriction awoke. He stood up, brushing himself off with his extendable arms. He looked at Rosie. "You alright there?" he asked, gently placing a hand on her back. He plucked an Oran berry off a nearby bush and used Natural Gift to partly heal Rosie's wounds.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

(wow I missed a lot)
Tiny pulled himself up. When Darkrai attacked the Dark Pokémon were having trouble beating him, as he fighting type. Just as he was drifting off, he remembered there was a ring of Pokémon on the floor around him. Now there was nothing. He sat back down in frustration of falling asleep. His father had told him if you ever fall asleep in a battle, it shows your weakness in yourself.
Re: The Battle against Torn World

"C'mon let's keep moving!" Dialga roared, as he started to walk again. Regigigas was thinking about what Xatu said. A large tomb? For who? he thought.
"Stop daydreaming and get a move on, Regi!" Palkia said. Regigigas snapped out of it and began walking.
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