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DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY TWO]

Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Inactive lynches rarely catch the mafia, but I wouldn't really have a problem going for Legend today if he's not going to contribute anyway.

Okay, I'll do legend.

What Squirrel's saying is not to go for Legend. I agree; it's better to inspect someone who's contributing rather than someone who's not, who wouldn't be a loss for us to lynch anyway.

I know I already responded to this, but I just thought of something. What if Riza is mafia? Then this plan would be completely counter-productive.

Yeah, I thought of that as well; she could kill one of you and say that she bodyguarded the other. Maybe she could be a good target for RK-9 to inspect tonight.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Okay then, I'll do... Zackrai? Sounds good to everyone? Edit: Or Riza, whynot
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

well if we're going to inspect the most active player, that's Zapi. I think Zapi has around fifteen posts while I have ten or eleven, now.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I swear to you on my life that i'm body guard. And that plan where RK-9, Zapi, and I live has only one flaw.

Body guard absorbs the action of a night action. Therefore, taking the blow means getting killed. However, I am apart of the innocents and the healer and inspecter are much more important than bodyguard.

Sure, inspect me tonight. I will be innocent. But if you guys dont trust me right now, i
get it. It's my second mafia game here. So people probably wont trust a rookie like me.

Zapi, you heal RK-9 so he can inspect, RK-9 inspect me, and I'll BG Zapi. Clear?

Edit:Damn, in only 12 hours, there were 3 more pages. WTF!
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I swear to you on my life that i'm body guard. And that plan where RK-9, Zapi, and I live has only one flaw.

Body guard absorbs the action of a night action. Therefore, taking the blow means getting killed. However, I am apart of the innocents and the healer and inspecter are much more important than bodyguard.

Sure, inspect me tonight. I will be innocent. But if you guys dont trust me right now, i
get it. It's my second mafia game here. So people probably wont trust a rookie like me.

Unless zeKieranator GMs it differently, if a bodyguard's target is attacked, the bodyguard has a 50% chance of striking back and killing the attacker and a 50% chance of dying in eir target's place. The mafia probably won't want to take that risk (and if you're getting healed, there's no point going for your bodyguarded target at all). Or did your role PM say something different?

(Also, experience doesn't have that much to do with how much people trust you! I'm personally inclined to believe you, but we're looking at all the possibilities here and it's good to be sure.)
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I swear to you on my life that i'm body guard. And that plan where RK-9, Zapi, and I live has only one flaw.

Body guard absorbs the action of a night action. Therefore, taking the blow means getting killed. However, I am apart of the innocents and the healer and inspecter are much more important than bodyguard.

Sure, inspect me tonight. I will be innocent. But if you guys dont trust me right now, i
get it. It's my second mafia game here. So people probably wont trust a rookie like me.

Zapi, you heal RK-9 so he can inspect, RK-9 inspect me, and I'll BG Zapi. Clear?

Edit:Damn, in only 12 hours, there were 3 more pages. WTF!

Alright if everyone follow this plan, we can be sure that our inspector is protected from getting killed and we can verify that everyone's role is true. If there are no deaths the next day, then we are good and RK can find out if he finds any mafia.

Edit: After reading Eifie's post, do bodyguards have a 50% percent chance of protecting the target? In some mafia games, bodyguard always take the hit and die for their target.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

the GM never said anything about BG's having a 50% chance of failing! O.o
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

hi LS. Now can the GM tell me if the BG only has a 50% of protecting or 100%?
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Apparently.....i'm not sure....we dont want the mafia to know the strategy.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

In theory, that makes sense. But if the strategy involves multiple players, can it really be left that open?
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Chief Zackrai - Ariados
Mawile - Rotom
Squirrel - Mienshao
Superbird - Arceus (Double Voter?)
RK-9 - Braviary (Inspector?)
Eifie - Furret
Rizadon - Wailord (Bodyguard?)
Mai - Accelgor
Legendaryseeker99 - Eelektross
Glace - Drapion or Scrafty
Kirby-Chan - Kingler
Metallica Fanboy - Feebas
ole_schooler - Mightyena
Zapi - Pikachu (Healer?)
Seritinajii - Delibird
Ya ok - Darumaka
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

i dont know, if we tell the strategy, then the mafia will go for someone else, and we might lose another innocent.

I think we should lynch someone sort of active because they targeted a innocent last night. We should lynch someone sorta active...then again..the kill could be from a vigelente...

Edit:since when was there a double voter role?
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

In theory, that makes sense. But if the strategy involves multiple players, can it really be left that open?

It can to some extent; that's why I suggested the bodyguard guarding one of two players and not telling us who.

Chief Zackrai - Ariados
Mawile - Rotom
Squirrel - Mienshao
Superbird - Arceus (Double Voter?)
RK-9 - Braviary (Inspector?)
Eifie - Furret
Rizadon - Wailord (Bodyguard?)
Mai - Accelgor
Legendaryseeker99 - Eelektross
Glace - Drapion or Scrafty
Kirby-Chan - Kingler
Metallica Fanboy - Feebas
ole_schooler - Mightyena
Zapi - Pikachu (Healer?)
Seritinajii - Delibird
Ya ok - Darumaka

Glace is Drapion.

EDIT: Glace is also another person who hasn't posted! We could keep her in mind, I guess.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Riza- We already decided on the 'test Superbird's claim' strategy for lynching, Riza. Considering how often you've posted and kept up with the thread, you're starting to look suspicious to me.

Eifie- Ooooh. Good point.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I was skimming through the pages so i didnt even see superbirds claim.

And i love mafia games, so i post alot. Doesnt mean anthing.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Change of plans. Due to a drapion's shady nature and the fact glace hasn't posted, I'm inspectan her.
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