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DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY TWO]

Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Oh shit guys, i just realized, we only have 10 more hours until night comes.

I'm still confused, are we gonna lynch someone suspicious, inactive lynch, Abstain, or just randylynch?

Edit:Damn, ninja's again. Well, what are we gonna do? We know a handful of people are innocent, though
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Squirrel already said that she didn't do anything to MF, so unless she's lying...yeah.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

A confirmed innocent! :D It's really awesome when my plans work~

And we get a day extension too! But on voting... remember this, guys?

Remember - everything is not always what it appears to be at first glance.

He never mentioned anything about flavor text being relevant. And being the GM and all, he could just say that Seritinajii looked like he was trampled by elephants. It's flavor text, after all!

Personally, I like the idea of abstaining. At the very least, we confirmed someone as innocent today.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Whoa, I only noticed the bit about the crushed skull now.

Also, I can reveal this much (only found out a while ago), so, the Milotic drawing is unrelated to any night actions that have nothing to do with me. Henceforth, unless you're seriously suggesting Feebas can crush skulls, the pawprint and the murder are unrelated.

That's not to say Squirrel is necessarily innocent; it's just to say the pawprint is a red herring in what regards investigating the murder.

This sounds to me like something a Kingler or a Drapion would be far more capable of pulling off, though. Wailord also sounds like a possibility (and there would be a wealth of scenarios that could explain skull-only crushing).
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I'm a bodyguard. this wasnt my first choice, but i got bodyguard.If you think a wailord can only crush a skull, then your wrong. The fattest pokemon ever would crush the whole body, not just the skull. I am a bodyguard.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I think the skull crushing could be meaning that the Pokemon is strong. It doesn't say a Pokemon use claws to crush the skull. There are many ways a skull can be crush after all.

Edit (again): Do we know if Squrriel is innocent for sure?
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Bodyguard does make sense, but I definitely agree with MF in that a wailord could crush just a skull.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

i'm a lil supicious or Glace.

1.Her pokemon can destroy a skull

2. All in the timing.

Yes, it may seem i'm jumping to person to person just by a few statements
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Personally, I like the idea of abstaining. At the very least, we confirmed someone as innocent today.
Yeah, and we got six or seven pages worth of guessing/planning. I'm good with abstaining as well, however boring it might be.

Also, Rizadon -- I highly doubt it's Glace, simply because all dark- or ghost-type mafia was the theme last time. But you never know.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

it's not just that...It's the timing...

Anyway, i'm ok with abstaining if you are
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Edit: I never thought Squirrel as a framer. Hmm. I would think Squrriel attacking Metallica Fanboy last night and we got an active alien.

I think you may have misunderstood- we're saying it's possible that Squirrel was framed.

As for wailord just crushing a skull- it would definitely be rare, but possible. Imagine he was just rollin' along on land and accidentally ran over a random person who happens to be lying down's skull. Hey. It could happen. Mind you, however, I am not saying you did it. I am just suggesting you think about things before ruling them absolutely impossible.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

That would be rare...and a funny sight.

^^^I'm rolling! Oh fuck! i crushed a skull....

Edit: Ok RK-9
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I think you may have misunderstood- we're saying it's possible that Squirrel was framed.

As for wailord just crushing a skull- it would definitely be rare, but possible. Imagine he was just rollin' along on land and accidentally ran over a random person who happens to be lying down's skull. Hey. It could happen. Mind you, however, I am not saying you did it. I am just suggesting you think about things before ruling them absolutely impossible.

Oh. Sorry I got mixed up. Well anyway now we know we can confirm that some people are innocent for sure, I vote for abstain.

Edit: Lol at the Wailord, Rizadon.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I'm still iffy, we know alot of people are innocent...so it'll be easier targeting a mafia

Edit:Damn, you people post fast
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]


Definitely possible. However, I do find it funny that you're apparently a meat shield...

But what do you mean by timing? Also, who did you protect last night?
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

No one. I didnt want to protect a mafia.

Timing....is timing...nothing more to it
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Timing for what?

Also, it's much better to bodyguard rather than not bodyguard. Who would kill them? A vigilante? Honestly, vig-killing on night one is pretty stupid.
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