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Do you fear needles?

I don't particularly like them, but I don't fear them. Though I hate getting shots inside my mouth. >_< Mouth-related injuries, surgeries, etc. disturb me slightly.

This is incredibly ironic right now, because my friend just told me that she accidentally stabbed herself with a needle. xD
Yes I do. But I'm not like "cling to something to I don't have to go" or "If I smash my face with something I won't have to go" I just tense up and are butterfree stumoch*however you spell it*.
No. I used to when I was younger, and I had a pretty bad experience with getting a blood test, but not anymore.

I do absolutely loathe finger pricks, though. I'm not scared of them, I just don't appreciate being stabbed in a big ball of nerve endings is all.
I normally get nervous about them, but they always turn out to be fine. Until it aches the day after or whatever, that is.
I'm not particularly scared or afraid of needles.

In actual fact, the only time I really remember having a bad experience with a needle was when I had my tuberculosis jab somwhere on the underside of my upper left arm. Or maybe it was more to the side? Either way, it was painful. MMR jabs were fine and the 9 anaesthetic needles I had to the gums were fine too, having teeth removed. The worst part was actually the sound of one of my gums ripping as the tooth was pulled out. It wasn't at all bad as when one needle went in and was injected, it numbed the area the next needle went and therefore didn't hurt. You have to love anaelgesia. :3
Oh, and possibly my slight resistance to local anaesthetic. That was what caused me to need the extra injections. I only needed three on each side really but my mouth decided to need one extra on one side and two on the other.

Other memorable injections? Hmm, probably the flu jab and the meningitis jab in primary school! They gave us a free glass of orange juice and a biscuit for being brave young primary school children. :3!

Oh, actually, with the tuberculosis immunisation, they gave us a small little dose of the tuberculosis virus using this little dispenser. It was just gently pressed to the skin and then the health worker would push a button. Then six little sharp needles dug into for skin for a second or so. They were only about a millimetre long each. That wasn't bad either.

Yep, that's just about my full history with needles.
No. I used to when I was younger, and I had a pretty bad experience with getting a blood test, but not anymore.

I do absolutely loathe finger pricks, though. I'm not scared of them, I just don't appreciate being stabbed in a big ball of nerve endings is all.

Finger pricks are some of the worst to me >.> I remember the first time I got one, I thought it was the blood pressure thingy. So I stuck my finger in and was all relaxed...

And then all the sudden there's this pointy thing shooting into my appendage at the worst possible moment.

No, I don't have diabetes.
Yes. Just seeing someone being injected with a needle makes me feel sick. My last injection wasn't so bad, but I freaked out really badly before cuz I swore i could feel it inside me. ._.
I have no problem with needles themselves, but I really hate getting them stuck in my cubital fossa. It's just that particular place that bothers me. (And of course, a little while ago when I was having a blood test, they had to stab me about five times right there with the needle because they just couldn't get any blood out. And then they tried my wrist, which I didn't like much either.)

But I don't mind shots that just go in the arm. Actually, I think I mostly have a problem with needles near joints for some reason.
Cubtial fossa? That's the top of your elbow, right?
Sounds interesting. I've never had a needle put anywhere near my joints. Sometimes, to anaethatise a cow or bull, you stick a nice foot-long needle between its vertebrate bones and inject the anaesthetic there.

How's that for joint injections?
The concept of having an injection, blood test and so on terrifies me immensely and I will do everything in my power to avoid having one. Just thinking about them makes me feel sick. :|
Nope. I used to, but a friend of mine is type A diabetic and has to stab himself three times a day, which puts me having to have occasional shots into perspective.

I also love giving blood because not only do you get to spend the rest of the day feeling holier-than-thou, if you run up loads of stairs or do something that the guide tells you not to do, you get the biggest and most amazing headrush/high ever XD
I love needles =w=

I went to hospital for an overdose of iron once and I was totally fascinated by watching them take blood samples from my arm haha. Maybe because I was totally out of it but still. :v
If I were I'd die of flu every winter, probably. On the other hand, I do not relish the thought of watching them stab me in the arm. But looking away's not really fear of needles, it's more like squeamishness at looking at sharp things plunging into your skin.
when Me and my bro got shots

me:crap crap...CRAP...hey wait its over *sighs of relief*
Jack_the_white(he is my bro):curls up in corner and cries

I may be over exagerating thou...
Well, I'm not really afraid of them, but seeing it go in makes me sick. And I almost passed out the last time I had blood drawn...
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