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Do you think the Anime sucks now?

1) the Voice actors

2) needs more creative jokes

3) Cilan doesnt seem to have any faults

4) there is no physical harm to the main characters

5) the clothing on ash.

I can name many more, but i think this many will prove my point.
Clothing, seriously, shitty argument there.
Cilantro does have a fault, he's too enthusiastic
If you have a problem with voice acting, watch the Japanese w/English subtitles, geez
*shrug* ash looked much better in his kanto clothes. (there was even a bit of history in his kanto hat)

The original VA's were much better.

and enthusiasum isnt really a fault.

4kids IS much better!
*shrug* ash looked much better in his kanto clothes. (there was even a bit of history in his kanto hat)

The original VA's were much better.

and enthusiasum isnt really a fault.

4kids IS much better!

YGOA watch it, and you realise that what you just said is stupid.
Hell, watch the first movie in both English and Japanese and see if you can still say 4kids is better.

You didn't have to live with Arbok evolves into Seviper or paint editing away nonsense writing or paint editing rice balls into subs that roll down hills just like rice balls and don't fall apart. You know who did? Me.
1) the Voice actors

2) needs more creative jokes

3) Cilan doesnt seem to have any faults

4) there is no physical harm to the main characters

5) the clothing on ash.

I can name many more, but i think this many will prove my point.

But you still haven't explained why they are worse. You've only listed the things you think are worse. Why do you not like the new VAs? Can you give any examples of how the old series have more creative jokes? Proof that all the other old characters have some sort of fault (enthusiasm is a fault, in Cilan's case). And why do you think Ash's new clothes look better?
Voice Actors~ The old voice actors didnt seem....scraggy (forgive me for the Pokemon pun) meowth's and Jame's VA sound like Old men, while ash's doesnt really sound like a noob anymore.

Creative jokes~ Here's an example. In the episode where Ash and richie were gonna battle in the indigo plateau, ash got tricked by team rocket and he had to hurry for the pokemon league. when ash was riding team rocket's stolen bike and they caught him using the balloon, ash said "Ok, you can have the bike back". This is definitely not the most creative, but it made me chuckle and its and example.

Cilan has no faults~ ok, you are right on that, but what other faults does he have? He knows alot about pokemon, can cook, and is a fishing conosour. Really? do you not see this?

Phisical harm~ In the aforementioned episode (with ash and richie in the PKMN league) Misty thought that richie did something with ash and she started stomping his foot and pummeling him. This brings laughs to viewers, does it not?

Ash's new clothing sucks~ It doesnt seem.....right for ash. Seeing as his Kanto hat has some history (he won it in a contest by entering like a million entrys) but his others hats.....they dont work....ok, his newest hat has the same colors, but it doesnt work unless theres that green symbol on it. His clothing.....why is he always wearing a jacket in Unova. It's gotta be 100 degrees at one point.
Is talking about hats, but if he kept the same one the whole time peoplenwould find it boring over time. Its likely sitting nicely on a shelf in his room. Coat-wise? Have you been to Unova? No, of course you haven't, and even if it's based on New York that doesn't mean he can't wear a coat. Look at Bianca's dad in the episode where Bianca battles Elesa, an entire outfit under a suit, he'd overheat more than ash. It's well enough to believe that Unova has a tolerable climate. (Plus Black wears a near identical coat ingame, in the same region)
Voice Actors~ The old voice actors didnt seem....scraggy (forgive me for the Pokemon pun) meowth's and Jame's VA sound like Old men, while ash's doesnt really sound like a noob anymore.

...You're the first person I've ever met who supports Ash being a newbie. Most people complain that he act too much like a newbie...

We can't really do anything about Meowth's VA because the original one is dead.
Creative jokes~ Here's an example. In the episode where Ash and richie were gonna battle in the indigo plateau, ash got tricked by team rocket and he had to hurry for the pokemon league. when ash was riding team rocket's stolen bike and they caught him using the balloon, ash said "Ok, you can have the bike back". This is definitely not the most creative, but it made me chuckle and its and example.

Not sure if your example fits under "creative jokes" instead of, say, "Ash is not as snarky." I agree that Ash could be snarkier because I like snark, but the general "creativeness" of the jokes are about the same. In fact, I think the "creative"-level has gone up ever since they replaced Brock, since they're not relying on the formulaic "Brock hits on girl, gets hit by someone, dragged away" and actually have to come up with new jokes each time.

Cilan has no faults~ ok, you are right on that, but what other faults does he have? He knows alot about pokemon, can cook, and is a fishing conosour. Really? do you not see this?

Brock knows a lot about pokemon, can cook, and can do everything Cilan can do. His fault is hitting on every single woman he meets. Cilan's fault is being overly enthusiastic (see: the recent Battle Subway episode, where Cilan runs off to gather stamps while Ash and Iris ditch him). Both are played for laughs. At least Cilan's cooking skills is justified because his Gym is also a restaurant.

Phisical harm~ In the aforementioned episode (with ash and richie in the PKMN league) Misty thought that richie did something with ash and she started stomping his foot and pummeling him. This brings laughs to viewers, does it not?

Humour can be accomplished without any physical harm.

Ash's new clothing sucks~ It doesnt seem.....right for ash. Seeing as his Kanto hat has some history (he won it in a contest by entering like a million entrys) but his others hats.....they dont work....ok, his newest hat has the same colors, but it doesnt work unless theres that green symbol on it. His clothing.....why is he always wearing a jacket in Unova. It's gotta be 100 degrees at one point.

That's subjective. "Doesn't seem right" isn't really a good argument -- it doesn't prove that the new clothing sucks, it just proves that you don't like the new clothing. Ash's new outfit, like his old one, is based on the original character designs for the games -- Ash's old jacket is based on Red's jacket, and his new one is based on Black's. The anime never says anything about the temperature in Unova, and we can probably assume that, since Unova is based on New York, it's probably pretty cold most of the time.
It's difficult to start any kind of petition urging the show to "be better". That's the definition of subjectivity. If you could get thousands of people to agree on specific things that should be done to make the show better - and not less-vague-but-still-vague things like "the jokes should be more creative", that would be one thing, but what the hell do you expect the anime producers to do if they receive a petition about just making the show "better"? "Oh, people want the show to be good? Why didn't you say so? Here, it's good again. Problem solved!"?

Which, of course, isn't to say that petitions ever work (they don't) or that any more specific petition would seriously get enough signatures (it wouldn't, because everybody's complaints are completely different and there are plenty of people who love Unova so far).
Kanto: I drooled over Brock I was weird. I also enjoyed watching Ash and Misty's way of flirting. Orange Islands: Tracey and Team Rocket where funny but I wanted Brock back. Tracey wasn't bad but Brock was better. Jhoto: Had some good pokemon but I didn't like the fact they gave pickachu a pre evelution. I still drooled over Brock. Ash and Misty didn't squable as much. Hoenn: Contest were an intrest to my little sister. May was cute to watch with her little brother Max also around Drew. Sinnoh: Can I rip my hair out. A certain blue haired co-ordinator and blonde hair male trainer made me need a nap after watching them. I liked the buizel episode other then that nah. Unova: What the fudge I had done reasearch it said Ash was 14 in sinnoh now he's 10 again. That's just to start it. Cilain gives me creeps and I was only able to watch one episode. The new pokemon are weird.
Pichu has been around since before Johto, I thought?

I assume you dislike the B/W games. And I don't remember Ash /ever/ being fourteen what the heck

Anyway, I've always regarded the anime as something I'd watch in boredom, but... it's cheesy. Ew. I liked the original series, it seemed to me like they were trying so hard that they ruined it.

EDIT: what is that last sentence doing. That should be conveying "they're trying too hard since D/P"
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Oh, I knew that part. I assumed that the Animé wasn't in Johto at that early point?
Ash should be freaking 25 right now. But from what the anime shows, ash should be 11 at least.

'in one episode, a pikachu short, to be exact, Ash said "Dont you know what today is pikachu? It's been exactly one year since we met"

If ash got pikachu when he was 10, he's 11 now. And that line was stated in johto, so, yeah.

I tried watxhing the movie time zorua episode. I wanted to see if the zorua was the same from the movie, but i was very depressed when it wasnt.

Oh, and to add to the fact that Cilan's too perfect, he's also a movie conosour. -_-" REALLY?
I saw that Pikachu short.

It does not matter.




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