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Doctor Who Mafia [FAMILY OF BLOOD WIN]


Uh, I didn't do it.
Sorry had issues with the old thread. For some reason the list isn't displaying, nor can I change the phase. So it's Day 1.

All the night actions are in, so we might as well start a few hours early.

When the Family of Blood landed on Earth they weren't completely unnoticed. In fact when they arrived every alarm in Torchwood seemed to go off. As soon as they landed they stole bodies to inhabit, which is the problem. Earth's defenders can't really go around killing innocents looking for aliens like some messed up game of mafia. ((;P)) They needed leads to whom the aliens were wearing. While the defenders of Earth hunted for leads the aliens were looking for something... or someone. The worlds greatest scavenger hunt was being waged, right under the noses of Earth's citizens, and all ready the first murders were becoming public.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

John Smith stretched, it had been a long night, once again he'd been having dreams. Strange dreams. It was that blue box again, he dreamt of it almost every night. He shook his head to clear it, he needed to get ready, kids wouldn't teach themselves physics now would they? (Though sometimes he was starting to wish they would) John quickly got himself together, he was a little early, he figured he could afford to read the paper for a few minutes. He stepped out to get it, he read the headline, which was something about the upcoming election. John had no care for politics, he read on and found something interesting;

Mysterious Murder in London, Cont'd on page 12

John turned to page 12, "-was found in their own home early this morning, apparently strangled. According to police. We interviewed the neighbor shortly after the body had been found, Ms. Bixby had this to say, "'It's the strangest thing, the police say they have no idea who did this, and the only evidence was straw! Yes! Straw. Apparently it was all over the room, I think a medal should go to whoever figures that one out.'" She gave a dark laugh and continued, "'I tell you next thing we'll find some estranged serial killer who dresses up as a scarecrow. Kids these days. It looks like she put up a good fight though.'"

Scarecrow serial killer? John Smith thought, now that's a new one, and he went off to work, it was one thing if a student was tardy, but Mr. Smith could hardly get away with it if he were late.

InvaderSyl is dead. She was not mafia.
48 hours for discussion, or until majority is decided.


All innocents are dead.
All innocents and Jack and Donna are dead.
Only Mafia and Jack are alive.
Only Mafia and Jack and Donna are alive.

(since Donna can't be killed by mafia, and Jack is unkillable...)


All mafia are dead.
Jack is the last man standing. (Mafia dead)



By the way I was going to vote on which Doctor this was, but I decided upon 10 (David Tennant) because most people know him nowadays. If I make another game I will put it up as an option.
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Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

Looks like another case of Day 1. And they killed Syl >:o
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

Darnit, I like when Syl pops in randomly with random stuff to say.

Let's see... Well, it's time to wait till later!
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

Well, I think you guys are the only two who enjoy their rambling. :|

Anyhow... I've got nothing.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

I'da do want to accuse Cirrus, I do.

Let's just call it a lucky guess.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

Right then. I'm popping in to say hi, I'm here, and I'd like to see what Cirrus has to say.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

I'da do want to accuse Cirrus, I do.

Let's just call it a lucky guess.

Uh... any particular reason? You're going to 'accuse' someone very specifically on the first day, when we have no leads at all?

I guess the flavour text points towards a standard mafia death. Has anyone got any actual information?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

How do we know your not lying? You were pretty quick to accuse Cirrus with no convincing evidence other then, "I saw it with my own eyes." How do we even know you saw it? What proof do you even have?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

You've got nothing to lose.

If I'm lying, you'll lynch Cirrus this turn, someone'll die at night, and then you'll lynch me, who I guess will have to be mafia (or stupid). - 2 innocent, 1 mafia

If I'm telling the truth, you'll lynch Cirrus this turn, she'll be mafia, then I'll die at the night phase. By then you'll probably have a lead. - 1 mafia, 1 innocent

If you don't lynch Cirrus, then no one'll die until night phase, which will be me, then you'll have leads. - 1 mafia or 1 innocent

This is a lead, and you might as well take it. The gains if I'm right are larger than the losses if I'm wrong.

And the gains from lynching her are worth the gamble as opposed to not lynching her, as if you don't lynch, you'll still lose someone at night. If you do lynch, then one of either me or Cirrus must be mafia. You'll get one mafia at the cost of one innocent, either way.

Plus, I'm not sure if I can post the pm I may have gotten from Phantom.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

Hmm. I'm not keen to jump right on Cirrus. Can you defend yourself Cirrus?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

I'm not about to roleclaim this early, thank you. This is a superb way for the mafia to find out who the important players are - accuse someone, be very ambiguous about why, forcing the accusee to identify themselves. The mafia have then lost nothing but have stirred up suspicion and gotten an innocent's role.

I'll be highly surprised if Hoity Toity is innocent-aligned at this point, but this could be any sort of a trap.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

It's pretty much a given that either Cirrus or I is in the mafia.

I am going to die.

If Cirrus is mafia, I'm killed tonight. If Cirrus is innocent (meaning I'm the mafia) I get lynched the day after anyway.

I have nothing to lose, and neither do you.

You lynch her, she's innocent, you know I'm the mafia and can lynch me the next day.

You lynch her and she's mafia, then I'm innocent and will be killed in the night anyway.

Either way, you find a mafia role.
This is actually a really good lead, and there is no reason for me to lie about this at all, seeing as I will die regardless of the outcome.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

This is ridiculous. For a start, if I were mafia, why would I kill you tonight? This would just heap suspicion on me. If you showed up innocent, people would trust your information and lynch me right away.

If I get lynched and show up as innocent, it doesn't necessarily mean you're mafia... after all, this is the perfect strategy for a good alien player. The mafia will know you aren't mafia, will believe you're Sarah Jane, and will attempt to kill you - then the next day you are alive, and the rest of us, believing you to be mafia, lynch you.

With all this talk of "I will die tonight!" this only seems more plausible because everyone would be very suspicious when you survived. Regardless of whether we all lynch me (I would very much suggest not doing this; perhaps I have an important role!), I really would suggest not lynching Hoity Toity if there's a night with no deaths.

If nobody has any other information, I vote to lynch Hoity Toity, our potential unactivated alien. But I'm very willing to retract this if we get anything better to go on.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

I will retract my vote, and allow myself to be lynched on the condition that Cirrus is next to be lynched.

This isn't about me.

This is about ~*~survival~*~.

Survival of the innocents, that is.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

... I'm gonna go with Cirrus here and vote Hoity Toity. Sorry, but your 'suspicions' are groundless if you aren't willing to share them, and you've just made yourself out to be really, really suspicious yourself, and rather annoying too.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

I've got two votes for Hoity Toity and one abstain, unless I get more votes wishing otherwise Hoity Toity will be lynched tomorrow.

Everyone has about 15 hours to make their votes before the deadline.
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