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Ever meet someone famous?


The fastest girl in town
I really haven't met anyne famous, sadly.

Although, I did sorta meet Aaron Carter. He was at a opening of some girl makeup place. This was when I was in 4th grade. -_-

So, tell us your experiences.
No one too big, really. Roland Smith, author of Cryptid Hunters and Zach's Lie, was a guest at our school a few years ago.

My friend says she caught Avril Lavigne at a convenient store, though. I can only imagine how that ended... :sweatdrop:
Justin Hawkins, formerly of the Darkness, currently of Hot Legs. Met him in a pub in Christchurch, England. Apparently his mother and my cousins live in the same area.
I have meet Parker Bohn one time when he was visiting a local bowling alley(I'm a part of the youth league there). Other than that I don't think I have, unless you count all of the dressed up people at Universal Studios(the theme park) that are Shrek and Spiderman and such. I also have a funny story about the Incredible Hulk there, but I don't feel like typing it out.
I was in a writing club with Jordan McCoy in high school. She almost got the part for Hannah Montana, to put this in perspective. However, I'm really glad she didn't. She's amazingly talented and intelligent, and hopefully she'll be able to move on and get the freedom to do her own styles of music (which is much closer to Classic Rock, like The Doors and The Beatles and such than the pop-bile spewed by the Disney Channel...)
Dunno if he's famous, since I bet not many people have heard of him, but author Eric Walters visited my school last year. His book Shattered's pretty good, if a bit depressing.
Let's see. Ben Stiller, and the big museum in NY(forgot what it was called, lol), SAW Kareem Abdul Jabbar.
Amanda Palmer.

Plus a whole bunch of politicians and people who are famous in their field of work (mostly philosophers).
Erm... Let's see, some Olympic athlete person, completely forgotten his name, visited my middle school... Prince Charles and Camilla came to my current school recently to unveil a plaque for the new library and sports hall... my uncle, although not particularly famous, is a comic artist for DC... and that's about it.
I got to meet the grandson of the person who invented basketball, i got a signed picture of him and Michial Jordan. that's probably the most famous person ive ever met in real life. I did send a letter to R.L. Stein in the fourth grade for a project we had to do, and he wrote back.
Well I met Jake Stone of Bluejuice once. He's a really nice guy.
Then there was TinPan Orange, who I met at the Fairbridge Festival last weekend... also really nice.

Not really anyone famous famous but I know a couple local bands.
Sadly, no I haven't. Not many famous people pass by the little county of Wiltshire. ;_:

I have, however, recieved a signed photo of Stephen Mulhern as part of winning a competiton when I was about 8 or 10.

EDIT: gah, I'm an idiot. I met David Bunting and Dan Ramsay (who both have worked with aardman studios) during an animation workshop over the easter holidays. Does that count?
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Michael Moore came to visit our grade last year. It was awesome.


I've hung out with some of the members of Muse, though I wasn't really aware of it at the time, they just happened to be at the same party as me.

I've met and spoken to a few authors; Beverly Naidoo, Michael Morpurgo, Jodi Picoult and Sarah Waters. They were all fantastic (Jodi Picoult liked my scarf and I think Sarah Waters thinks I'm a babbling, blushing moron because I was slightly fangirly over her).

I've seen a ton of famous UK people in London (Ian Hislop, Paul Merton, Greg Proops, Josi Lawrence, Jeremy Clarkson); my best friend lives there and we go to tapings and the Comedy Store and stuff, but I haven't spoken to any of them.
My cousin met Pinto da Costa, a famous Potuguese footballer, while she was selling Kirby vacuum cleaners.
And my mum met the Portuguese Prime Minister Socrates (yeah alright laugh) and she saw José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European comission since 2004.
I've never gotten the chance to talk to anyone special except a comic book artist who happened to be drawing in my local comic store. I didn't know who he was but I bought his comic so I could get a free picture :v

EDIT: oh wait, I once saw one of the less important members of the Dutch royalty on the train. We were in our little first-class compartment (because my stepdad's a train driver) and he had to go sit with the proles.
Said stepdad also actually talked to Michael Jackson a million years ago because he drove the train Jacko took to the place where his concert was held.
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