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Eye Color

So, guys, want to post your eyes?

Here's a photo:


I like my eyebrows.
A really dark brown. A little bit darker than dark chocolate. D:

I wanted lavender. :C
My eyes are hazel (pretty common). People claim that there are flecks of orange in them, but I haven't seen this for myself. My ex-boyfriend told me my eyes get very brown when I'm turned on, which is true, I've found, and weird. D: Good thing only two people in the world (well, more now, but whatever) know this. XD
Hazel. Most of my iris is green-blue but I have a gold ring around my pupil. And they change colors depending on what I'm wearing.

They probably don't change colour, they just look different because of the clothes you're wearing. It's like how if you wear, say, brown eyeshadow and you have blue eyes, the colour is brighter. It's not your eyes changing, it's your vision tricking you! It's fun.
My eyes have a very bland color. It's a dull mix of blue, green and grey. I guess they look more or less blue depending on the lighting. Sometimes they can appear pretty :3
My eyes are hazel (pretty common). People claim that there are flecks of orange in them, but I haven't seen this for myself. My ex-boyfriend told me my eyes get very brown when I'm turned on, which is true, I've found, and weird. D: Good thing only two people in the world (well, more now, but whatever) know this. XD
Ditto,(well, except for the part about the ex-boyfriend) My eyes are hazel with brown in the middle, But they turn brown when I get emotional, or even completely at random.

Here's a picture:

My eyes look like they're black, but they're brown. That is, if you can even see them, which apparently others can't o_o
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blue-grey, with a slight hint of green. Some days my eyes are a bit more blue-green, but I think it depends on how much light is reflected or whatever.
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