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Eye Color

Blue. With an apparent ring of gray around my pupils o.o

My lunch table once spent about five mintues discussing my eye color. It was kinda funny
Brown with rings of hazel and green around the outside 0w0 I love my eyes. They and my freckles are pretty much the only parts of my body that I actually like.
Mine are pretty much the same color as everyone else in my family. Mostly blue... maybe a little bit blue-gray-ish sometimes?

Either way, I don't really have much of an opinion about them.

Really hate my eyelashes, though (not because of what they look like, but because whenever one decides to fall out, it always ends up getting in my eyes... ow.)
Hazel. But they like to change. Sometimes they could be more brown or more green, it just really depends. Then I have this really cool ring of red around them and a bit of orange in there. It's really cool actually. :D

I've had my eyes remind someone of a burning forest and then they scolded me for burning down all the squirrels' homes and called me a squirrel killer -.-
Brown. But I looked closely in the mirror one time, and there are some wisps of olive and orange-ish, though they're probably not noticeable to anyone besides me -__-'

I wish I had gray-green eyes. Or color changing eyes. Mine are too dark >.>
Dark brown...? I don't spend a lot of time looking in a mirror :x And I'm honestly surprised it's not the majority in this thread, I know it's the majority around here.
Over 50% of my maths class in second year had blue eyes! Mind you this is because it's Scotland.
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