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Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD


Happy 15th, Pokemon!
If this is in the wrong spot, move it please. Basically if there are any memories that stick out that have come from here, tell them here.

For me, it's being virtually stalked (pun not intended) by....i believe the username was "diywid" here. It was around the time that I had a video game review website and this "diywid" was obsessing over my site, emailing me (lord knows how he/she/it got that), PM'img me, etc. to the point where may parents were like "stop going on for a little while and maybe he'll stop". Luckily they were right. I was like 12 or 13 then so I was like "COOL! Someone likes my site!" but looking back, it was rather creepy, especially since he seemed a lot older than me.

And I wasn't around for the forum crash, so that's just a history lesson to me.
Meeting most of my online bestos. :D Mostly I have #tcod memories, though... because my memory is very short...

But I liked the time when me and skoot were Jessie and James :D
I liked being James! :D Still feels weird logging in as surskitty rather than James. ... Possibly because I'm usually enekoiru or daikonpan or enekoromori in #tcod. Possibly just because I logged in as James a lot more than I did as surskitty (as surskitty, I didn't go on TCOD at school much, and I stay logged in on my boxes).

That time I broke the forum for half an hour by trying to delete US vs World
Taking over Safari Zone
Forgetting about Safari Zone
ASB!! I never really did ASB much.
THAT GIANT REALLY FUCKING AWFUL FF RP I lavasurfed and everything
... ... ...?
The Crushes thread, wherein people convinced me to work up the courage to spit it out to Shadey. :D

And, um. Creating it. Moving to Invisionfree. Moving to vBulletin. Trying to recover from the forum crash. When Furret, Freeziepop and... some guy decided to troll a bunch. When Nidokingu went absolutely ballistic because I called him a flufferskating cuddlewaffle. Too much to really count.
Heh, New Year's was pretty fun, and akward at the same time.

Can't really remember much from 2008, except I was very obnoxious back then...meh, at least I got over that ^^
Freaking out because I lost all the data on my mac, and then rejoicing because Following Footsteps was on here.

And freaking out again because I lost all my school stuff.
man i remember when the forums sank into the deep

We were all crammed into the guestbook and when the forums started up everyone was all 'let's post :D' and Butterfree was all 'no get out it's not done yet >:('. It was fun.

Also when the spambots invaded and someone (opaltiger?) stuck everyone in one thread and it felt like a war bunker.

Also when I freaked out the first time Butterfree posted in a thread I made. :(

I am totally scarier than Bachurururururu!! :C Why is nobody afraid of me?
Hari! I think. Hari Nezumi? I don't know, it was something like that...
and that was gonna be my thing
if I was to go find all that stuff now (if it's still there) I'd probably think it was hysterical

most of my best memories are from conforums and invisionfree I guess :B

and Turbo
I love Turbo
You're not the one who has the power to completely delete these forums at any given time.
No matter how stupid a thread you make, it will not make me so furious with its existence that I delete the whole forum in a huff. Probably.
when I first joined I was a complete idiot :D dude I even managed to piss butterfree off now that's a feat
You're not the one who has the power to completely delete these forums at any given time.

I think most of us think of Butterfree as a "god" or something.


I could pull a surskitty and shut it down for half an hour if you push me. >:(
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