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Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD

haha, that's the best response to anything. finding old embarrassing posts. FAVORITE PAST-TIME

He wasn't even responding to me. I was just like "lol what crack is this kid smoking" and then i went "hey this looks familiar" and then i went "oh shit i'm such a noob."
oh oh yeah why is altmer banned? this is quickly becoming "keep me up to date with the forums."

Uhm, I took a look a while back, and I think that... there was a thread about the rampant elitism on the forums, or whatever that was (it was a big issue) a year or two back, I think that Altmer massively flamed the thread or something and got banned for it. *shrug*

:3c if anyone remembers that! Funny the site's still up, but too bad only one or two of the flash files still work. Eep!

Yeah, I misbehaved, got banned, and rejoined when the forums changed host I think.
I remember adoptables. They were fun. Then, old forum went boom.

Also, I remember my long discussion in the lolcat bible thread. That discussion went on far longer than it needed too... I was such a n00b back then, too.
I remember the /me phase. Where a large number of the members were talking in the third person.. all the time.
Man, I remember that whole rep system. And the admirer system. Not a fan of the former, but the latter was just awesome. I grinned with glee every time I got an admirer match. Which wasn't very often but shut up.
didn't they get rid of the rep/admire system because of whiny babies who couldn't handle it? NOT POPULAR ON THE INTERNET WAAA
rep system existed as a way for me to collect all the shiny squares

there was no other point

merely for me to get shiny squares

also the secret admirer system kept being abused by people who wanted to know who their admirers were so they'd just +admire everyone
Am I genuinely the only one who misses having Celestial Blade and Terry.T around?

They were fuuuuuuun~
Lots of memories here, mostly from when I was retarded because a majority of my time here was when I was like ~12 and under. Anyway! I remember I got an infraction and it was the end of the world, rep (and the constant whining - pretty sure I bitched about it too, though, haha), hahaha oh god when I was a mod to have access to some forum to set some stupid thing up and I was all "LOOK AT ME I'D BE A GOOD MOD" ... oh, wow, I was really annoying.
Yeah, you were, but so were the rest of us. ... Except for opal. Goddammit opal.
opal is probably one of those brains you find floating in fluid in a scientist's office.
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