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Fuck Palin

opaltiger said:
also everyone who is saying "I hate both candidates!" how much do you actually know about them and how much is you wanting to be cool end edgy?
I've been following the election closely for the past few years and know enough about Obama and McCain to say that, in my opinion, that I don't favor either of them.

Eevee said:
what the fuck is wrong with you
Many things. Many things.
Now I don't want McCain to win, but I also dont want Obama to win. Candidates for president always promise things that they probably aren't gonna do in office.

There is no one to trust!
re: no oil for you

How the hell are we going to get energy independence if we freaking rely on other countries? And also, it will only last a couple of decades, blah, we'll find alternative energy by then.
And no, I'm not saying to cut the supply from the Middle East indefinitely; I think it would be more beneficial to have oil from both sources.
re: no oil for you

How the hell are we going to get energy independence if we freaking rely on other countries? And also, it will only last a couple of decades, blah, we'll find alternative energy by then.
And no, I'm not saying to cut the supply from the Middle East indefinitely; I think it would be more beneficial to have oil from both sources.
Yeah, you get your petrol for a couple of years, have fun with the fucked beyond repair ecosystem.
re: no oil for you

How the hell are we going to get energy independence if we freaking rely on other countries? And also, it will only last a couple of decades, blah, we'll find alternative energy by then.
And no, I'm not saying to cut the supply from the Middle East indefinitely; I think it would be more beneficial to have oil from both sources.
I'm not suggesting that you should continue getting oil from anywhere. I'm suggesting that you should use the alternative energy now, rather than using up the last few drops of this fish-based environmental cyanide that you seem so keen on. Why don't you just smoke it or something?
I'm not suggesting that you should continue getting oil from anywhere. I'm suggesting that you should use the alternative energy now, rather than using up the last few drops of this fish-based environmental cyanide that you seem so keen on. Why don't you just smoke it or something?

I doubt we have enough alternative energy to power America without oil.
McCain is probably going to elected just because of this lady.
Are you sure? I kind of thought it was the other way around, that McCain is basically doomed now because of his terrible pick for VP. D:

And also, who cares what her daughter's called? What's wrong with Bristol? e_e
UM. It's a hideous name. And just... why would you name a kid Track? Does it mean something in some other language? And Trig? Honestly? Trig? Next we'll have Precalc Palin. Or something. I dunno.
UM. It's a hideous name. And just... why would you name a kid Track? Does it mean something in some other language? And Trig? Honestly? Trig? Next we'll have Precalc Palin. Or something. I dunno.
Conservatives just have a knack for shitty names.
See: Mitt Romney/Tagg Romney
if you name your son tagg you hate him.
Not going to bother quoting messages

opal, what knowledge I have comes from emails, TCoD, the occasional babble from the news, my conservative (I am pretty sure he is, anyways) father, and when I watch Glen Beck (That guy is a freaking genius, imho)

So it is not me being knowledgeable or edgy. It's me basing my opinion on limited information because I am too lazy to do research. Besides, even though this will affect Canada, well, there isn't much I can do about it since I live in, well, Canada. x.x

Also, from what I know, Polar Bears actually have had a huge comeback. I heard this from Glen Beck and my father, but even so, I find that more believable than, "They are starving because there is less ice"

Erm, if somebody can provide a better reason (honestly, if the polar bears cannot hunt properly because of there being LESS ICE, when, from my knowledge, they eat mostly seals and FISH, which would (in the fishes case) be EASIER to find and catch with less ice, then I say gogo natural selection), then I will reconsider my stance. I don't like off-shore drilling (besides, you have OUR oil :D >.> Come on, the amount of CO2 being put in the atmosphere shipping oil from the middle east is equal to the amount that comes from refining our oil and shipping it), but not because of Polar Bears (due to my current knowledge)

Anyways, even if Obama would drag the US Economy down, he IS still better than Pa-I mean, McCain (Having Palin as his vp instantly makes him a wolf hating son of a... Well, I can't say son of a bitch. That would be degrading to the male wolf population)

If anybody feels the urge to correct my opinions (and judging from the conservative hate in here plus the fact that one of the major influences on my political thinking is my dad, who seems to be conservative, (although I don't know for certain), well, I can guess there will be correcting), then please try to keep the information as untainted by opinion as possible
(psst hey polar bears can't exactly spend their entire lives swimming in the arctic)
Erm, if somebody can provide a better reason (honestly, if the polar bears cannot hunt properly because of there being LESS ICE, when, from my knowledge, they eat mostly seals and FISH, which would (in the fishes case) be EASIER to find and catch with less ice, then I say gogo natural selection), then I will reconsider my stance.
hurr they die because they can't find any ice to rest and drown, I thought this was basic knowledge.

Also Obama will give your economy a huge boost since he'll increase taxes where tax increase is due and with the retarded war in Iraq finally over you'll spare so much money being wasted on it.
Your defence budget is 548.9 billion dollars for Christ's sake, no wonder you're headed for a depression. Compare that with what even a huge country like Russia uses (40 billion dollars) and you can see it's ridiculous.
Are you sure? I kind of thought it was the other way around, that McCain is basically doomed now because of his terrible pick for VP. D:

her speech got more viewership than any other in history save Obama's. no telling what the viewers thought, but the media loved it.

I am sort of sitting here waiting for everyone to realise how utterly terrible she'd be as VP.

my conservative (I am pretty sure he is, anyways) father

sorry, but if you can't tell whether someone is conservative you really shouldn't be making political opinions

Now I don't want McCain to win, but I also dont want Obama to win. Candidates for president always promise things that they probably aren't gonna do in office.

and this attitude is precisely the reason Obama is going to lose. WHO CARES if he isn't going to usher in a golden age of prosperity and advancement, he is still infinitely better than McCain. "Oh, we can't have a perfect candidate, let's just not vote for anyone and let the Republicans win AGAIN"? I'm all for idealistic voting, but not when a good candidate actually has a CHANCE!
I really don't understand how some people can think that a woman who was mayor of a small-ass town and then governor of Alaska can qualify as VP.
That and she's a stupid cunt.
Hell, fuck experience, it's really just that's she's a fucking creepy bitch.


hmm yes those left-wing bastards, being against pre-marital sex
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