I must be misusing these words then-- in the context of the post I'm using them to mean being a man/woman.
I apologize for being so terrible with these terms!
How in the world is feminine/masculine equivalent to female/male? You are basically saying that women are always feminine and men are always masculine.
Hey, he's just asking a question; there's no need to be snooty about it. It's a good thing that he wants to try and understand this stuff, rather than sweeping it under the rug like so many other people do.
Look, I am not here to give out cookies to people for doing the basic minimum. If he wants to learn, he can a) read the thread, b) google, c) try wording his questions in a way that makes sense and is non-offensive.
Like I said, trying to go through the badly written thesis that is this thread is frustrating. He just wants to get to the point. Also you know what? You don't own this thread. There's also this little ignore function believe it or not that you can use. You don't HAVE to respond to people. You don't HAVE to have a say in everything that goes on. Maybe other people want to answer. It's nice to have someone truly interested instead of arguing and yet you seem to want to turn it into an argument by degrading people because they don't want to trudge through 8 pages of petty arguments, or angry rebuttles to try to find something that isn't one of the previous.
You don't want to write it again? Then don't! And don't assume that you speak for everyone here, because you do not. Maybe someone wanted to answer that question that you tag 'infuriatingly dull'.
Did you have to post that you were frustrated by it? Did the world need to know? Does it have anything, ANYTHING, to contribute to the topic? No. Yes. I can understand why you would be frustrated, but there are times when you act on frustration, and there are times where you just don't say anything because it is such a fucking petty thing that no one else willl care. You notice how no one else has said anything about it? It's because no one else gives a fuck.
Heaven forbid you quote or link to a previous post, that would be too much to ask, huh?
How would you like it if someone responded the same to you? Oh, let me guess, you wouldn't say anything like that because you are too amazing to ever have any flaws. I can't imagine.
If I can say you may have just ruined someone's impression of your side in this discussion because of your actions. It was a chance to inform someone and educate them and you failed. Congrats.
If I get infracted I take it with pride, that needed to be said.
Point by point.
One: I just reread the entire thread (which, by the way, is four pages, not gaspeightpagesomg). It is not that difficult.
No, I don't have to respond. I don't see your point. The fact that I don't have to respond does not eliminate my option of responding. I also do not see anyone else replying to him, and the fact that I answered does not prevent them from doing so, so that is a moot point. I also never mentioned speaking for everyone, ever, so again, moot point.
Again, no, I did not 'have' to say that I was infuriated, etc. I still don't see the logic in this reasoning; the fact that I didn't have to does not eliminate my desire to. Clearly, I wanted to vent that I was frustrated by his question. So I did. Clearly, I thought it contributed the fact that it was a petty question and he should have read through the thread. You're free to disagree, but it is a fact that that question was asked many times before, and answered many times before, so his question was redundant. (Also: do you
have to write any of
your posts? What does that mean, having to say something? You have to or you'll die...?)
Why should
I have to find posts/quotes/links when he couldn't be bothered to? Why is the burden on me?
I'm not sure what you mean, 'how would you like it if someone responded the same to you'. If I wrote that question? I would be deserving of such a response. In another scenario, if I got an annoyed response? That seems to be this scenario, in which case I am bemused by your response, because it seems ridiculous and completely miscalculated. If I felt any of your points were just, I might feel otherwise, but. I don't.
As for your last point; I think that is something that needs speaking about. It is not my place to
earn allies. If someone wants to, you know, be a good ally, good for them. But I don't have to act like a goodie-two-shoes, for lack of a better phrase, to earn it. They should be allies because, you know, it's the right thing. If they are dissuaded because someone is bitter? Then they were not allies to begin with.
So if Karkat decides he does not want to be an ally because he dislikes my attitude? I don't think that is a big loss.