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  • I wear glasses.

    Votes: 51 65.4%
  • I wear contacts

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • I have 20/20 vision, so I don't need any type of seeing aids. Ha.

    Votes: 15 19.2%
  • ...Glasses, hmm? The only ones I wear are sunglasses and thos weird party ones

    Votes: 4 5.1%

  • Total voters
Sadly, yes. I only use them for when I need to see far away. Though I actually should be wearing glasses all the time. My eyesight is horrible - if I lean back in my chair right now, I can't read a word I'm typing. Even the big "THE CAVE OF DRAGONFLIES" on top looks blurry. I got my glasses late fifth grade due to too much reading in the dark, and playing my DS. I want contacts, though. I'm just scared about forgetting to take them off or getting an infection is all.

Otherwise give me contacts I hate my glasses. I look horrible in them, anyway.
Even if you think you look horrible, not many people will recognie you if you take them off (believe me, Many people didn't know who I was whenever I had to take my glasses off.)
Made the switch from glasses to contacts a few months ago. I love 'em. Without them, I have to squint and can't read anything that isn't right in front of me.
I wear glasses. They're a pain to keep cleaned, but otherwise I wouldn't mind so much. Well, there's that, and the fact that I'm practically blind without 'em; that's a pain too.
Honestly, I used to like the way I look without my glasses more, but these days, I find that they draw attention away from the dark circles under my eyes— a definite plus.
I wear glasses, and have since... sometime toward the end of 8th grade. I needed them even before that, but it wasn't until I figured out that I couldn't read the chalkboard from 10 feet away that I actually started wearing the things.

Never even considered contact lenses, mainly because the idea of sticking something in my eye every day just freaks me out too much for me to ever even try it. Plus, having to constantly buy new ones (and new bottles of that contact-lens-washing solution stuff) would probably end up being more expensive than glasses anyway.

I personally think I look better in glasses

From what I've seen, pretty much everyone that needs glasses to see looks better with the glasses than they do without them. People who switch to contacts always end up looking strangely different (and not just the "huh, shouldn't there be glasses there?" effect... something about their eyes just doesn't look right, almost like they're worn out and half-asleep all the time even when they're wide awake.)
I got new glasses yesterday.

Are glasses supposed to be this clean? D:
From what I've seen, pretty much everyone that needs glasses to see looks better with the glasses than they do without them. People who switch to contacts always end up looking strangely different (and not just the "huh, shouldn't there be glasses there?" effect... something about their eyes just doesn't look right, almost like they're worn out and half-asleep all the time even when they're wide awake.)

I think this is because glasses are the defining feature on your face. When you wear them, your dark circles etc. are much harder to see since most people will just focus on 'oh, you're wearing glasses'. It's pretty cool! It means I can wear less concealer, too, which is pretty cost-effective. Hehehe.
I have found that now that I have glasses, people listen to me when I go on my random intelligent tangents. It's the glasses I swear.
I got new glasses yesterday.

Are glasses supposed to be this clean? D:

Augh jealous.

Mine actually have these little clusters of tiny scratches on them so there's these places in my vision that look permanently smudgy... ; ;

I'm thinking of getting contact lenses next time, but that might be too much trouble... I don't really remember when I got the glasses I have now, the minimum I have to have them is like a year or something. But then I have lenses that make my eyes look tiny and also these dark circles under my eyes that contacts would make a lot more apparent... hrml.
I use to want glasses so bad, but the doctors always said I had perfect vision. So I went out and tried to mess my eyes up so I would need glasses, yeah not the brightest idea I have ever had.

Now I think if I didn't wear my glasses, odd hair color aside, no one would recognize me.

Everyone that has seen me without glasses says I look better with them anyways.
Whoa, wait, over 75% of TCoD wears either glasses or contacts?

This place is slightly less nerdy than I thought.
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