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  • I wear glasses.

    Votes: 51 65.4%
  • I wear contacts

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • I have 20/20 vision, so I don't need any type of seeing aids. Ha.

    Votes: 15 19.2%
  • ...Glasses, hmm? The only ones I wear are sunglasses and thos weird party ones

    Votes: 4 5.1%

  • Total voters
I've always wanted glasses! I have perfect vision, though. :|
ditto here. I dunno why, but glasses are hot.

and apparently when I take them off people think I look way different and it's like woah
there's a guy in my class who, at the best of times isn't much to look at, but when he takes his glasses off everyone is like "JESUS CHRIST YOU LOOK LIKE A GOBLIN, PUT THE DAMN GLASSES BACK ON NAO".
I wear them, yeah. Had 'em since I was 11. I used to hate the thought that I needed glasses when I first got them! Now I'm okay with it.

Technically, I can take them off and see without them all right... but I wear them all the time because without them, the quality of my vision decreases obviously. It doesn't decrease to the point where everything's blurry... more like... things from afar are fuzzier. So I just wear them because I like the improvement. I just got new ones only a few months ago and it made me realize how much crappier my vision has gotten in two years... but! I love my new ones. The frames are awesome and the lenses are anti-reflective which makes it five times easier to take pictures with them on and to use a computer too.

Nobody really says anything when I take them off or has a big reaction... I guess because occasionally, I'll have them off. People are used to me having them on and off. I don't have them on now, but that's because I need to clean them and I'm too lazy at the moment.

Would rather not get contacts; I don't like the thought of sticking things in my eyes.
I have perfect vision, so I voted for option three.

I do wear party glasses if they're around, though...
I wear them most of the time. Other times I'm bored and I throw them around the classroom.
I wear contacts, but I wore glasses for the longest time.

On a semi-related note, if a guy's wearing glasses in my mind he automatically become a billion times more adorable x3

Really? I never thought of them as that attractive.

I've been wearing glasses so long that nobody remembers me NOT having them

and apparently when I take them off people think I look way different and it's like woah

THANK YOU. My eyes are almond shaped but my glasses hide that, so when they're off everybody(even me) says I look asian.

On TCoD anyway x]

Is it bad that I pronounced this Teecoddians XD?

No. TCoD is pronounced normally as 'TeaCod'
I got my glasses this passed July. I was really excited about it, 'cause I like how people with glasses look:) I still haven't gotten completely used to them, though. Yesterday I discovered if I hold my hand over my nose and blow to warm it up, my glasses will fog up.
Got my glasses when I was about...7 or 8? It was third grade. Worn them since and I am half-blind without them.
The first day I got my glasses was fun. "HOMG MINKS YOU HAVE GLLASSES OH MY GOD IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD YOUUU." Overactive third graders go go go!

I think I'm around 375 degrees nearsighted in the left eye, 250 in the right.
Apparently I should wear glasses because I cannot read like size 6 font from a foot away, or that's what the little 'do you need glasses?' test at the chemist says. But I doubt I'll ever need to read font that small so I'm not going to buy a pair~

And with the whole glasses-makes-guys-cuter thing, I think it only does if the guy is attractive in the first place. Sadly, I know way too many unattractive guys who wear glasses D:
I don't wear glasses or contacts. Though my eyes have never actually been tested, so for all I know I could secretly be blind, but I can see things that're really far away and have never had any trouble reading things up close, so I assume it's all good for me in the optical department.

I do wear sunglasses in summer (when it's bright outside, which in England are not mutually inclusive things), because I haaaaate having the glarey sun in my eyes.
If you want to get technical, I have both glasses and contacts on me but wear the former almost exclusively. One of the lenses of these things has a screwhole too wide so screws keep falling out. >:c hrml

I generally like how I look with glasses and without them it is obvious I only get a few hours of sleep per night, but other than that I look exactly the same.

But I'm used to poking my eye with contacts, so if the former breaks I have other options!
Nope, I've never needed glasses. I can see just fine without them, and I personally wouldn't really want to wear them anyway. I also don't wear sunglasses or party glasses either, or any kind of glasses for that matter. :/

... but I would rather wear glasses than contacts, mainly because I couldn't stand the thought of having to put my finger up that close to my eyes to put them on D:
I wear glasses, and they are really annoying as they keep falling off my face whenever I look down.
I got glasses when I was in 4th grade (I was 10). Everyone thought I was a new kid or something. :D

And people think I look really weird without them, as well.
I've had my glasses for like two to three years, and my friends (who knew me before I got glasses) tell me that I look weird without them. Frankly, I think I look like ten to over nine-thousand times better. I do wear contacts, but only for under this pair of goggles I have. I love my glasses, because they look something like this:


Only, they have half-moon frames, and are gunmetal, and are a little more rectangular. They are also about the twice the size of an enter key. (yeah, that's right.)
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