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Glee Mafia [ALIEN WIN]

Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

I wouldn't be opposed to lynching an inactive player if they're not going to be of any use to the innocents to begin with. They may turn out positive to boot.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

Let's just hope they aren't important roles not posting to avoid suspiscion.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

Executive interference, here. [O] isn't playing this game. (You can look at the list up at the top of the thread to see who is playing.)
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

We have something like seven hours left, right? So I vote Saith who hasn't posted.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

sreservoir, on the last page I posted saying that [O] hadn't even viewed the thread recently (under the delusion that he was in this game. ^^;) It wasn't random; I was trying to get the ball rolling and vote for someone who wasn't contributing, as Emerald_Espeon is doing now.

I think I'll join in. Saith.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

I'm iffy on voting for anyone at the moment. Just because Saith is inactive doesn't necessarily mean that he isn't the alien. I just don't feel like taking some sort of risk at the moment.

I'm choosing to abstain.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

I don't really see why the Mafia would have targeted Saith, though, thereby activating him if he was an alien. Since he hasn't posted, I doubt he would have drawn their attention at all.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

I guess Saith.

I never really like lynching inactivity. Too much of a chance.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

How is it a chance, really? If they're not contributing, they're just deadweight.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

Attention, students. I have taken the liberty to expel Kurt Hummel, whose locker was found inexplicably filled with bourbon, Playgirl magazines, and over one hundred and eighty stage lights. Despite the fact that we have a known alcoholic attending McKinley High this week, I am declining to expel Ms. Rhodes until further notice.

Saith has been expelled. He was Kurt Hummel.

48 hours for night actions, or until all of them are in.
Re: Glee Mafia [Night 3]

"Attention, students. It has come to my attention that our school's attendance rate is abysmal. If you don't come to school, how am I supposed to get funding for Coach Sylvester's Cheerio cannon?

In any case, Coach Sylvester has delivered to me a series of very pornographic and quite possibly Photoshopped images of Rachel Berry and Jesse St. James after hours in the choir room. This school does not permit or condone underage sex in public, so I have expelled both parties. I have no comment on the conspicuous lack of prosecution against Coach Sylvester for ownership of child pornography."

Blaziking was expelled. He was Rachel Berry.
Hidan (Brock) was expelled. He was Jesse St. James.

Lots of people aren't sending their night action in. I randomized the revenge kill because somebody has to be killed (that's how the role works) but all other night actions not sent in are considered to be a "I'm not going to use my night action kthxbai".

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

Okay, so...now we have no chance of further leads, I guess. :/ Not good. Should we randlynch, then?
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

Fortunately for us, the mafia appeared to have taken out one of their unwary comrades :v Now that the terrorist is gone, we're a little freer to flap our gums.

... on the other hand, we lost our inspector. Which really sucks. Guh. Kind of didn't help that he didn't inform us of anything.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

Woo, goodbye terrorist~ On the other hand, crap there goes Rachel. =/

Uh, obligatory reaction to deaths out of the way, I agree that lynching is good. Choosing who is the problem, as always. Looking at Blaziking's last post, I think he knew that Saith was innocent, but that doesn't really help us. =/

Also Jack can I just say that you writing Figgins is amazing and it never ceases to amuse me. ^^
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

So um, let's do something, yes? Due to lack of leads I vote to lynch Flora who has made a grand total of two posts, neither of which really said much. Unless someone else wants to say something...
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