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Glee Mafia [ALIEN WIN]

Re: Glee Mafia [Day 1]


All I asked was why you blurted out a vote for Jack with no reasoning, and now you want to lynch me??!!
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 1]

All I asked was why you blurted out a vote for Jack with no reasoning, and now you want to lynch me??!!

res was kidding; you seem to have forgotten that Jack is the GM.

a silly mistake on your part, but this doesn't necessarily make you Mafia. My abstain still stands.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 1]


"Attention, students. Please avoid traveling in the A hallway on your way to class, as I have it on good authority that Coach Sylvester is lying in wait there with a pack of angry Twilight fans on leashes, preparing to sic them on students who have achieved passing grades in Mr. Schuester's Spanish class. Unfortunately, my hands are tied on this issue. Thank you."

No lynch. 48 hours (or a hair less, since the day ran long) for night actions, or until all of them are in.
Re: Glee Mafia [Night 2]

“Attention, students. Under no circumstances will the wearing of animal ears, tails, or furry jackets be tolerated any longer. After last month’s scandal involving several vampiric Twilight fans and an attack on an anonymous student, I have been investigating other supernatural creatures, and will be actively seeking to rid the student population of not only vampires, but also werewolves, mummies, and elves. Per this policy, the restrooms will no longer be supplied with toilet paper and the Home Economics classes will be strictly banned from all baked goods. I have been advised to direct all complaints to Coach Sylvester.”

No one was expelled. 48 hours for discussion.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

My. My. Noone was expelled. Let's see...
It could've been the
a) bulletproof
b) role-blocker
c) healer
d) alien
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

Well, seems we still have very few leads. On the up side though, no innocent deaths, which is always a good thing. So... hrm. Here's hoping it wasn't Tina that got targeted and simply a wish-block. :\ Either way, I'm gonna wait till I suggest anyone, although I have to say Brock's stupidity the day before makes me want to nominate him.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

Argh it always seems like such a great thing when no one dies but then that leaves the possibility of the alien being activated...:/
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

So, then, do you plan to elaborate on that hypothesis?
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

no need. I have the structure in place already. let's just say it involves a roleblocker and a lover.

Meaning you know who the roleblocker/a lover is? ...Ugh, I forgot about out-of-thread communication. I guess you could easily know...
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

((hey about my stupidity that was a mistake I didn't pay attention and was thinking this was flora's game '.'))

Umm. Yeah. I suck at first few days. Don't we all though?
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 2]

We need to lynch asdfghjkl. Uh, let's see...all I've got is that [O] hasn't viewed the thread for over a week, and Saith hasn't posted.
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