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Glee Mafia [ALIEN WIN]

Re: Glee Mafia [Night 4]

Yeah, it looks like the mafia probably didn't send anything in. It's possible that Jack's post jolted them and their kill was just blocked, but if they had so long to submit in the first place but didn't, you wouldn't think that a day would make a difference, really.

Inactive lynch sounds good, but I do recommend waiting a few hours until those at school/university/etc have time to come on, considering that I'm only on because I'm bad and doing this before homework. =P
Re: Glee Mafia [Night 4]

Danni hasn't said anything like all thread. When she failed to post the first Pokémafia, she turned out to be a Team Rocket. Suspecting Danni for now.
Re: Glee Mafia [Night 4]

If Barubu has talked at all, I haven't noticed it and normally he's pretty active in other Mafia games. I suspect him as well.
Re: Glee Mafia [Night 4]

Vixie said:
Danni hasn't said anything like all thread. When she failed to post the first Pokémafia, she turned out to be a Team Rocket. Suspecting Danni for now.

I wholeheartedly agree; considering she was inactive in the first Pokemafia where she ended up being mafia (team rocket), and given the somewhat... inactivity of this game's mafia, I think it's pretty safe to say that Dannichu could be mafia. If she's not, then I guess, less dead weight. :/ It's a shame we don't have much more to go on than this. Unless she has something to say for herself?
Re: Glee Mafia [Night 4]

If Barubu has talked at all, I haven't noticed it and normally he's pretty active in other Mafia games. I suspect him as well.

Sorry for not posting, but I've been given two different projects that take up most of my computer time. I do think that there could be a connection between Dannichu's inactivity in the other mafia game and her inactivity in this one, though.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 4]

Regarding Dannichu's inactivity: Dannichu has been inactive in the Ace Attorney mafia thread too, and I'm pretty sure that somewhere in the Ace Attorney mafia thread, someone mentioned that Dannichu is inactive in another mafia thread.

Not really trying to save Dannichu's butt. just trying to offer some food for thought
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 4]

"Hey, misfits and dweebs. This is renowned cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester speaking. I've commandeered ole Figgins' office here so I can give the Singing Family Von Schuester here a message-"

"This is a violation of at least three school ordinances, Coach Sylvester! I cannot allow you-"

"Shut it, Figgins. Here's the sitch, New Directions. My Cheerios need a full orchestra playing the 1812 Overture complete with cannon for their state competition next month as part of an Spanish Inquisition-themed performance starring a male Lady Gaga impersonator and the cast of
Grease, and the only way they're gonna get it is if I get your budget. So tell your greased-up hair monkey of a teacher to give it to me, or I will continue to expel you, one by one."

"I thought I was the one expe-"

"Shut up! As I was saying-"

Flap. Flap. Hissssssss.... static noise.

And that was the last anyone heard of Sue Sylvester, New Directions, or McKinley High School.

You lynched Tina after she got pissed off. Dannichu (Tina) wins, along with her lovers, ultraviolet (April) and Pentimento (Puck), the latter of whom she resurrected with the same vicious lady demon vampire powers she used to kill everyone else.

Transcript of night actions will come probably in like four or five hours, 'cause I gotta go to class now.
Holy what.


I don't think there's much more to be said. Totally overlooked the possibility of Tina. Congrats guys!

X indicates I didn't receive a night action.

Randomly assigned roles:

puck = Pentimento
brittany = Flora and Ashes
matt = Vixie
mike = Emerald Espeon
mercedes = werefish5
april = ultraviolet
tina = Dannichu
finn = Skylark
rachel = Blaziking
jesse = Brock/Hidan
artie = sreservoir
santana = Blazie
kurt = Saith
quinn = Barubu
jacob = Teh Ebil Snorlax


Night One’s Actions:

Quinn/Barubu = kill TehEbilSnorlax
Rachel/Blaziking = inspect sreservoir (result: not a conspirator)
Mercedes/werefish5 = revenge X
Kurt/Saith = revenge Barubu
Artie/sreservoir = block Vixie
Mike/Emerald Espeon = heal Blaziking
Matt/Vixie = heal Pentimento (blocked)
(Puck/Pentimento = choose Dannichu)
(April/ultraviolet = seduce Dannichu)

Results: TehEbilSnorlax expelled
Blaziking informed that sreservoir is not a conspirator
Dannichu informed that both Pentimento & ultraviolet are her lovers


Day One

Following discussion, nobody was lynched.


Night Two’s Actions:

Quinn/Barubu = kill X
Rachel/Blaziking = inspect Brock (result: not a conspirator)
Mercedes/werefish5 = revenge X
Kurt/Saith = revenge Barubu
Artie/sreservoir = block Pentimento
Mike/Emerald Espeon = heal sreservoir
Matt/Vixie = heal Dannichu

Results: no expulsion
Blaziking informed that Brock is not a conspirator
I reminded Blazie and Flora via PM that the Mafia goons could make the kill, if Quinn neglects to kill.


Day Two

Following discussion, Saith (Kurt) was lynched.


Night Three’s Actions:

Quinn/Barubu = kill X
(Santana/Blazie = kill Hidan/Brock)
(Brittany/Flora = kill X)
Rachel/Blaziking = inspect Blazie (result: conspirator)
Mercedes/werefish5 = revenge RANDOM Blaziking
Artie/sreservoir = block Pentimento
Mike/Emerald Espeon = heal Blazie
Matt/Vixie = heal X

Results: Hidan expelled
Blaziking informed that Blazie is a conspirator
Blaziking expelled


Day Three

Following discussion, Pentimento (Puck) was lynched.


Night Four’s Actions

Quinn/Barubu = kill X
(Santana/Blazie = kill Dannichu)
(Brittany/Flora = kill X)
Artie/sreservoir = block Dannichu
Mike/Emerald Espeon = heal Vixie
Matt/Vixie = heal Emerald Espeon

Results: Dannichu (Tina) activated/pissed


Day Four

Following discussion, Dannichu (Tina, pissed) was lynched.
Dannichu (Tina, pissed) wins with her lovers (Pentimento, ultraviolet)
ohwaitwhat I tried to kill Dannichu the night before? I completely forgotttttt. I'm sorry guys for not stopping you somehow, haha. Goes to show how great I am at remembering this stuff. =/
it was complete dumb luck that both Pentimento and I chose Dannichu to be our lover. Tina's a bit of a slut in this game. xD

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