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Glee Mafia [ALIEN WIN]

Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

To be honest, I'm starting to suspect you a little bit. You're a little over-eager. Care to explain why we should trust you?
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

Well, no one's doing anything and the game is dying a bit. Others have said we should lynch, but everyone seems to be waiting for someone else to throw out a name, and lynching inactivity seems at least a bit better than randlynching.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

Whoops. I forgot to close up the day this morning when I was supposed to. Uh, just so I can say I've given fair warning, four more hours for discussion and then I'll start the night.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

oh, well, retracting then! :x
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Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

All right, I guess you want me to roleclaim then. I'm a healer. Mike Chang, to be specific.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

Just saying, I do still think that we need to lynch. I guess we've got no more time today, though.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

Errr, we really do need to lynch someone. Randomizer says Blazie but since there's no time today for them to really 'defend' themselves I don't know if we should do it today, maybe wait till after night actions, which sort of sucks but uhg. Randomizing lynches sucks anyhow. :\
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

I'm kind of nervous about the fact that Flora has viewed the thread at least twice since I nominated her and hasn't said a thing...just in case the alien does happen to be activated and one vote can count as a majority, I'll withdraw.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

(Well, actually, for very real effect because everybody else withdrew their votes.)

"Attention, students. As a result of Noah Puckerman's recent run-in with the law regarding his theft of a local convenience store's ATM, I have chosen to expel him, even in spite of the fact that the incident occurred off school property and therefore outside my jurisdiction. Legal proceedings will commence next week and I am confident that you may or may not be seeing him again."

Pentimento has been expelled. He was Noah Puckerman.

48 hours for night actions. Please send 'em in, people!
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

(Well, actually, for very real effect because everybody else withdrew their votes.)

"Attention, students. As a result of Noah Puckerman's recent run-in with the law regarding his theft of a local convenience store's ATM, I have chosen to expel him, even in spite of the fact that the incident occurred off school property and therefore outside my jurisdiction. Legal proceedings will commence next week and I am confident that you may or may not be seeing him again."

Pentimento has been expelled. He was Noah Puckerman.

48 hours for night actions. Please send 'em in, people!

...and who was his lover? They should have been expelled, too.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

puck is lover, not reverse-lover. so now we have all the one who can die from someone else dying dead.

withdrawing ninjas and editors dammit

on the plus side it is kind of a useless role, just... not the right one.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

...meaning? Every other game I've played, if lover or the "loved" dies, both die.
Re: Glee Mafia [Day 3]

...meaning? Every other game I've played, if lover or the "loved" dies, both die.

No, with a careful reading of the roles:
Puck is killed -> Only Puck dies
Puck's lover is killed -> Puck and lover die

By contrast, with April:
April is killed -> April and lover die
April's lover is killed -> Only lover dies

They're inverse of each other, for no other reason than I felt like making it different. It made sense as I was writing the descriptions of the roles in the signup thread, but I'm sorry if it wasn't plain to read from other people's POV.
Re: Glee Mafia [Night 4]

You guys suck at sending in your night actions. I'm talking to you, Mafia.

24 more hours for night actions, and if you still don't get them in, no Mafia kill tonight. I've already told you I won't randomize it.
Re: Glee Mafia [Night 4]

"Attention, students. I have heard rumors about certain McKinley High students slashing the tires of the cars of students from rival schools. Fortunately for them, said rival school's principal has contacted me and persuaded me, despite Sue Sylvester's better judgment, to give our students the benefit of the doubt. On a related note, I would advise students not to approach Coach Sylvester today, as she has spent the last thirty minutes in my office raving about Abraham Lincoln and a dairy cow."

No one was expelled. 48 hours for discussion.
Re: Glee Mafia [Night 4]

Hm. I guess we can conclude that the Mafia is made up of inactive players, then, unless they're actually active players giving up kills to look inactive? But lynching someone who hasn't been talking or reading the topic seems like a good idea to me...
Re: Glee Mafia [Night 4]

It does seem like the inactive people would be the ones we ought to lynch, not only because of the posibility of hitting a mafia, but also because they wouldn't be of any use to us alive.
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